Chapter 259

From north to south, more than thirty miles away, you can see two seasons.

The capital is still in the midst of spring, but outside the city, there is already a hint of summer.

Passing the mountains and rivers, the flowers are blooming like a brocade, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and the painting is full of meaning.

From Maoshi to Rizheng, Zhuojun is in front, and they can already look at each other.

He Xiang kept looking outside, at this time, he saw the twin towers, and couldn't help calling: "Look quickly, sir, there are two tall towers over there."

Jiang Ling lifted the curtain of the car, nodded and said, "Then he should have arrived in Zhuo County."

He Xiang: "How many days do you want to stay here?"

Jiang Ling: "It's all right."

When the carriage entered the city, the three of them left the team.

Along the way, because of the bodyguard guards, there was indeed a lot less trouble.

All the way to the southwest, there are also many refugees.

But on the way, Jiangling was not disturbed by it.On the contrary, Qingshuang squeezed her shoulders, and Hexiang beat her legs, so happy.

If you don't pay attention, you will arrive at Zhuojun.

Qingshuang has been cautious since getting off the car, following Jiang Ling's side, not daring to deviate an inch.

Jiang Ling knew that it was the first time for her to leave her hometown, and now her body and mind depended entirely on him, so it could be said that she felt a little bit of fear and uneasiness in her heart.

Immediately, he gently held her catkin and said softly: "It's almost noon, what do you want to eat?"

Qingshuang's hand was held, she felt a little relieved, and replied softly: "Young master, it's fine,'s fine."

Jiang Ling pushed back the hair around her ears, and said with a smile, "Come south with me, do you have any regrets?"

Qingshuang looked up at him, and quickly shook her head: "Qingshuang has no regrets."

Then he lowered his head again: "It's are so overbearing, you didn't give Qingshuang a chance to tidy up and salute."

Jiang Ling smiled and said: "What's the problem? If you don't have something, I will let He Xiang accompany you to buy it later. During the time in the capital, I didn't get anything else, but the money is almost inexhaustible."

As he spoke, he remembered something, pulled out from his sleeve, and took out a brocade box like a magic trick.

This brocade box contains a set of jewelry.

After Shanglin Tianyu gave Zhinu Yunshang a set, there are still five sets left.

Each of these sets has a different style.

"This is for you. He Xiang has a set, and you can't do without it."

Qingshuang opened the brocade box, and saw the exquisite and beautiful jewelry inside, she had indeed seen similar styles in the lotus fragrance room.

At that time, I was very envious, but also very inferior.Because all the jewelry in her home is added up, it is hard to compare.

Now, I have also obtained a set, and I am moved after being overjoyed.

"Thank you sir."

Jiang Ling: "If you wear it, it should be pretty, but don't be like that silly girl He Xiang, even if you give it to her, you won't be willing to wear it."

Qingshuang held the brocade box in her arms and giggled.

Such delicate and beautiful jewelry, not to mention Lotus, even she would be reluctant to wear it lightly.

At this time, people are coming and going on the street, which is considered lively.

There was an old man who was carrying two wooden boxes, knocking on iron blocks all the way.

They talked about repairing umbrellas and mending pots, and they also had slogans about selling knives and sharpening scissors.

When they passed each other, the old man stopped at Jiangling's five sense organs.

Suddenly he put down his burden and started talking: "Young Lord, did you just come from another place?"

Jiang Ling: "Exactly."

Old man: "Do you want to buy a knife?"

Looking at the kitchen knife hanging beside his wooden box, Jiang Ling didn't need it that much.

But thinking that life is not easy for the elderly, it is no harm to buy one.

Jiang Ling didn't ask the price, so he said to He Xiang, "He Xiang, give me the money."


As the husband's money bag, He Xiang immediately took out the small purse and asked the old man how much it was.

The old man smiled slightly, took a kitchen knife from the wooden box, handed it to He Xiang, but waved his hand to prevent her from taking money: "I don't accept money."

He Xiang was taken aback, "No money?"
And such good things?

I just heard the old man look up to the sky, and said slowly: "The wind and cloud are unpredictable and the sky is changing, and the wind is blowing and the smoke is floating. The meeting is a fate, and this knife and silver are two or three. The old man does not take it today. We will collect money when we meet again."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for He Xiang to respond, he carried the burden and left again.

He Xiang froze on the spot holding the purse, this, really don't want money?
She couldn't help but look at Jiangling,

Jiang Ling looked at the back of the old man, and suddenly smiled: "Since you don't want money, then you can accept it, this knife should be a good knife."

Looking at the figure of the old man again with the eyes of Dharma, he saw that his figure was erratic, as if in a fog.

I thought this was probably the legendary credit knife man.

Find a nearby restaurant for dinner,

Afterwards, take a short stroll in the city.

He Xiang accompanied Qingshuang to buy daily necessities, while Jiang Ling walked around.

Suddenly I saw a galloping horse coming on the road, accompanied by a strong wind.

Pedestrians on the road turned a blind eye.

The galloping horse leaped towards him, but passed through the pedestrian's body.

Immediately, someone hurried across the street and went straight into an alley.

Jiang Ling was amazed.

Followed behind, walked about a hundred steps, only to see that the man and the horse had stopped in front of a residential house.

In the main room of the folk house, an old woman was washing clothes.

The man led the horse and shouted repeatedly outside the house.

But the old woman in the hall did not answer.

He hurriedly got up, tied the horse outside, and ran into the main room, but under the touch of his hand, his body also passed through the old woman.

At this point, he knew that he had become a foreign body, so he froze on the spot, wept for a while in the main room, then walked out of the main room, and was about to leave again on horseback.

Jiang Ling saw him in a hurry, and suddenly asked, "Where is the strong man going?"

The rider had just walked a few steps when he suddenly reined in the hemp rope: "Can you see me?"

Jiang Ling: "It's strange that a strong man can walk in the daylight even though he has become a femininity."

But the horseman got off his horse with a plop, knelt down on the ground, and bowed three times to Jiangling: "Since the young master can see me, please pass the message to my mother for me."

Jiang Ling: "In that room, is your mother?"

Rider: "Exactly."

Jiang Ling: "What message do you want to convey?"

Rider: "My elder brother has already staged a rebellion in Qingzhou. He is afraid that my mother will be kidnapped, so he asked me to go home and report the news to pick up my mother. On the way, I just felt a pain in my heart. I didn't want to, but it turned out like this."

As soon as these words were finished, the rider disappeared on the spot like light smoke.

Jiang Ling was amazed,

It is expected that he must have a deep obsession, and that's why he returned from the dead.As soon as the entrusted words were spoken, the obsession dissipated, and when it dissipated, Hun'er also dissipated.



Before going to the capital, Jiangling had heard of Qingzhou, Xuzhou and other places, where rebels appeared frequently this year.

Unexpectedly, even now, there are still people doing the opposite.

Being entrusted by others, Jiangling is also loyal to others. He went to the door, called the old woman, and told her the words.

As for whether to believe it or not, whether to go or not, it all depends on the old woman herself.

Going back to the street, Qingshuang and Hexiang have already bought and returned.

So I found an inn to live in, and asked for two rooms in the upper room.

There is one in Hexiang and one in Jiangling.

Qingshuang followed her upstairs with her things, so she got used to living with Hexiang.

However, when she was about to enter the lotus fragrance room, Jiang Ling held her by the hand: "Where do you sleep?"

Qingshuang's heart was pounding like a deer for a moment, her cheeks were hot, "I... can be with Hexiang."

He Xiang was sensible, and with a grin, she closed the door of her own room first.

Jiang Ling smiled: "What about now?"

Qingshuang bit her lip, looked at him shyly, and without waiting for an answer, she hummed and was forcibly pulled into the room by Jiang Ling.

(End of this chapter)

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