River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 260 Strange things happen frequently

Chapter 260 Strange things happen frequently
After closing the door, Qingshuang was ashamed and unable to rely on herself, she just stood by the door, not daring to take a step.

Seeing her, Jiang Ling smiled lightly, picked her up and placed her on the bed.

At that time, Qingshuang's face was like clouds, burning like fire, even the snow-white neck was dyed pink, and the collarbone was deeply concave, swaying with breathing.

Her beautiful eyes were like water, she looked at Jiang Ling twice, and finally she was ashamed, and gradually closed herself.

Jiang Ling leaned down and asked in her ear: "Will you?"

Qingshuang knew what he wanted, and her nervous voice was like weeping and complaining: "Please take pity, my lord..."

Jiang Ling untied his wide skirt, and after a while, he saw a beautiful warm jade lying in his arms.

Qingshuang's long eyelashes fluttered slightly, and her voice was soft and charming: "My lord... can you close the curtain?"

Jiang Ling glanced at the bed curtain: "Why?"

Qingshuang: "It's not dark yet."

Jiang Ling chuckled, and pulled the curtain: "It's up to you."

Amidst a sound of pain, Qingshuang grabbed the brocade quilt, while Jiang Ling also hugged this skinny beauty that made people feel pitiful.

From then on.

"Why are you crying again?"

"I'm happy!"

"From now on, you are really mine."

"Being favored by Jiang Lang, Qingshuang is very happy."

"Then stop crying."

"Well, Jiang Lang, can I call you that?"

Jiang Ling suddenly joked, "Even if you call him Brother Qing, it doesn't matter."

Qingshuang closed her eyes in embarrassment: "My concubine's surname is Yan, and her real name is Yan Shuang'er. Jiang Lang can call Qingshuang by her real name in the future."

Jiang Ling: "It turns out that your name is Yan Shuang'er."

During the conversation, the bed swayed. (Omit [-] words, and put it in the extra chapter later)

The next day,

Sunny Frost woke up early,

When Jiangling got up, she came back with breakfast, and also brought a basin to wash with Jiangling.

Since what happened last night, her hair has been coiled up now.Compared with before, she was dressed as a wife, which was more mature and charming.

When Jiang Ling woke up, he lay on the bed and looked at her.

After watching for a long time, Qingshuang bit her lip and was ashamed: "Why is Jiang Lang looking at me like this?"

Jiang Ling: "Why do you get up so early, you should get more rest."

Qingshuang took care of herself, last night was the first time, so it was a little inconvenient to move.

"As a woman, you must serve your own men, and you must not be lazy. And Shuang'er doesn't want to be abandoned by Jiang Lang as useless."

Jiang Ling waved to her: "Come here."

Qingshuang moved forward step by step.

Suddenly held in Jiang Ling's arms, "The reason why I took you away is because I also like you. Now that you have become my woman, you will not be abandoned by me. Don't feel inferior in the future, the heart in my heart Qingshuang, you should be more confident and cheerful."

Listening to the sweet words, Qingshuang's heart was full of honey, and after responding softly, Fang felt that she was carried to the bed again.

She was ashamed and afraid, and hurriedly begged for mercy: "Jiang Lang..."

Jiang Ling didn't do anything else, he just held her in his arms: "Lie down with me for a while."


Only then did Qingshuang let go, clinging to her chest like a bird.

After a while, He Xiang knocked on the door.

Qingshuang hurriedly got up,

When the door was opened, He Xiang came into the room with two dark circles under her eyes: "Sir, shall we go out for a walk today?"

As he spoke, he yawned profusely.

Jiang Ling laughed at her: "Did you not sleep last night?"

He Xiang nervously denied: "No...no, I slept very well last night."

Seeing her like this, Qingshuang couldn't help laughing, she obviously didn't sleep, but she wanted to speak hard.

Jiang Ling: "You listened to the wall last night, but what did you hear?"

He Xiang spoke quickly: "I heard Mr. Qingshuang and sister Qingshuang..." After saying this, he quickly covered his mouth, shook his head and said, "He Xiang didn't hear anything."

Qingshuang was ashamed when she heard that, and hurriedly poked He Xiang's forehead.

He Xiang giggled, in embarrassment, but also extremely curious.

The old lady of the Duan family had also talked about the matter with the maids before, but it is one thing to say it, but another thing to experience it personally.

Last night, out of curiosity, He Xiang pressed her ear against the wall next door, and listened to the whole thing, not very clearly.

I only know that Sister Qingshuang is crying and laughing, laughing and crying again, which is really strange.

After breakfast, Jiang Ling asked He Xiang, a night owl, to catch up on sleep at the inn. He wanted Qingshuang to stay with him, but she insisted on going out with her.

So, Jiang Ling took her for a walk around the city.

Walk to the Twin Towers,
See the twin pagodas in Zhuojun, surrounded by green smoke.

Also early in the morning, there were many people here, competing to talk about it.

Some people say that green smoke from the tower is an ominous sign.

I'm afraid something big is going to happen in this world.

Some people also say that such a vision is the birth of a demon, which indicates that the world is not peaceful.

In short, unity is not a good thing.

Such a sight does not happen every day. The old man said that two Jiazi ago, the twin pagodas had such a vision.

And after that vision, the dynasties changed, and the king with a different surname beheaded the seven kings, established the country, and ordered the dynasty to last forever.

"I'm afraid this time..."

The old man dared not speak any more.

Those who are open-minded know that if the tower emits green smoke, maybe the Great Eternal Dynasty will also be replaced.

After talking about Qingyan, the surrounding commentators talked about the recent strange things in Zhuo County.

It is said that there is a family surnamed Liu who recently gave birth to a son.

That son can speak in three days and speak out.

He said that he had experienced three lifetimes,

In the first life, it was a pig, and it was raised by people. In July, when the owner married his daughter-in-law and served wine, it died under the knife of Zhang Butcher and made a banquet.

In the second life, he was a dog who was hit on the head with a hoe for catching a thief and died.

In the third life, when he returned to the underworld, the King of Hades said that his punishment was over, so he entered reincarnation and was reborn as a human.

When these words came out, his father was frightened to death that day.

His mother also suspected that he was a freak, and finally threw him into a well and drowned.

This is a true story, and everyone was surprised and surprised when they said it.

Later, it was said that there was a wetland in the former site of Kaifu Temple, and strange things happened frequently recently.

First, a beggar saw people singing and dancing there at night,

Later, someone saw soldiers fighting there.

After that, two horns grew out of the wet ground.

I don't know what it is, anyone who touches it will be seriously ill after returning.

Jiang Ling was amazed when he heard this, and asked, "The former site of Kaifu Temple, are there still those two horns?"

The old man said: "Hey, of course there are. Those two horns are very strange. Don't touch them lightly. Whoever touches them will get seriously ill."

Leaving here, with curiosity, Jiang Ling and Qingshuang searched for the former site of Kaifu Temple.

One year ago, the incense here was at its peak.

Later, because of the rebellion by the rebels, they hid here, and they were taken over by the officers and soldiers, and the temple was burned down.

Now there are only a few broken walls and tiles left, and some outlines of Buddhism can be vaguely seen.

In the past, this place is a place where beggars live together.

But since the frequent occurrence of strange things, not even beggars come here.

When Jiang Ling and Qingshuang arrived here, they suddenly saw a mural on a stone wall.

Seeing this surprised him.

Because the murals on the stone wall are [-]% similar to the [Sura Hell Map] that he saw in the ruins of the ancient village in the wilderness.

It's just that in this painting, it's not the Shura Hell, but a picture of men and women everywhere, having sex indiscriminately.

It's for [Acacia Hell Map]!
(End of this chapter)

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