Chapter 261
Hehuan Hell, although there are many scenes of marriage between men and women, but in terms of perception, it is very scary.

The men in the painting are all yellow and thin, and their shapes are like dry wood.

As for the women, all of them are beautiful and coquettish, and they demand endlessly.The hell was full of screams, some men were bleeding from their crotches, and some men's eyes were terrified and widened.

Qingshuang just glanced at it, but couldn't bear to look at it.

But Jiang Ling watched carefully, from the beginning to the end, every detail was not overlooked.

Seeing that he was looking at him seriously, Qingshuang hesitated for a while, and asked him: "Jiang Lang, this painting is so strange, they are clearly...doing that kind of thing, why does every man look so scary?"

Jiang Ling said: "If you have sex with a woman in moderation, it will be endless aftertaste and beneficial to each other. But if there is no restraint, even an iron man will not be able to bear it. This Hell of Acacia, according to legend, is to punish those who specialize in coercion. In this picture, although there are thousands of beauties, in the eyes of these men, they are more terrifying than any ghosts."

Qingshuang blushed: " is restraint?"

Jiang Ling smiled and took her hand: "Like what we did last night, it's considered restraint."

After writing down the whole picture, the two went to the monastery wetland.

There used to be a well next to the wetland, which was harvested in the open air. The water in the pool kept warm in winter and cool in summer.

Later, the temple was demolished, and the well was blocked by falling rocks, and the well water overflowed, gradually turning the surrounding area into a wetland.

Right in the middle of the wetland, two huge horns grew out of the soil.

Also like Ganoderma lucidum, and like antlers.

Qingshuang looked at it strangely, and said in surprise, "Jiang Lang, there really are two horns."

Jiang Ling nodded: "It's really strange."

Throw a stone in the past and hit the horn, but it hits like a gold stone, extremely hard.

Looking at it with open eyes, you can see that the horns are condensed with water spirits, and there is an innate aura of its own.

From this point of view, it shouldn't be evil.

"You wait for me at the side."

Jiang Ling asked Qingshuang to wait for him on the dry steps,

He went down the stairs alone and walked towards the pair of horns.

When you get close, you reach out and touch it.

Qingshuang hurriedly shouted: "Jiang Lang, don't touch it lightly."

Everyone said that this horn is evil, anyone who touches it will be seriously ill.

"It's okay."

Jiang Ling was not afraid, and he had already put his hands on the horns while he was replying.

When I first touched it, I felt extremely cold.

It's like holding a century-old ice, frozen into the bone marrow.

'It's unbearable for ordinary people to be so cold, so it's no wonder that ordinary people will get seriously ill if they touch it. '

But to him, this extreme cold feels comfortable.

This feeling is like he and Nie Qian hugging each other to cultivate.

Suddenly, a sigh came out of nowhere.

Misty, vague, vague.

Just in a trance, a subtle word came to Jiang Ling's ears.

It seems that someone is calling for help.

Jiang Ling listened carefully, but nothing happened.

I had to grab two horns and pull them out with brute force.

Ordinary manpower can't pull it out at all.

After running the spiritual power in the Yuan pool, he just uprooted the two horns.

Once the horns are cut off, they look like water chestnuts, black on the outside and white on the inside.

There were some blood stains on the ground, but they disappeared completely in the blink of an eye.

Qingshuang looked at it in surprise, seeing that both horns could be pulled off, she couldn't help asking: "Jiang Lang, what are these horns?"

Jiang Ling looked at the aura flowing on the horn: "I don't know either."

Although he had some guesses in his heart, he didn't dare to make a conclusion easily.

I always feel that this horn, no matter how you look at it, looks a bit like a dragon horn.

At the beginning, the Chilian Huayou snake turned into a jiao and went east. After it became a jiao, what grew out of its head were similar horns.

At this time, suddenly a short man of four feet, carrying a wooden bucket, passed by.

Seeing Jiang Ling holding the pair of horns in his hand, he was startled and frightened, put down the wooden barrel quickly, and walked over, babbling and gesticulating with both hands.

It turned out to be a mute!

When he couldn't speak, he kept making gestures.

The general meaning is that the horn is an ominous thing, and I want Jiang Ling to throw it away, so don't hold it in my hand.

"It's okay." Jiang Ling wrapped it with a cloth and put it away.

Seeing that he didn't listen to kind words, the mute could only shake his head.

Then he went somewhere in the outer courtyard of the temple, lifted a wooden board, and drew water from it.

It turned out that there was a pool below that, and a lot of water was stored in it.

When the mute was fetching water, there were also villagers in twos and threes in front of the temple, all of whom came with wooden buckets, and it seemed that they also wanted to come here to fetch water.

Even more coincidentally, one of these people was the clerk of the inn where Jiang Ling lived.

He came over pushing a cart with two rather large buckets on it.

When Jiang Ling saw him, he greeted him.

The guy actually recognized him, because Jiang Ling was well dressed and brought two beautiful women with him, it was hard not to be impressed.

"Hey, why are you here, sir?"

"I heard that there are some strange things here, so come and have a look."

Hearing that he came here out of curiosity, the clerk quickly shook his head and persuaded: "Although there are some strange things here, but guest officer, listen to my advice, this ruined temple is evil, if you don't want to go to the backyard, try not to go."

Jiang Ling only smiled and asked him, "Why did the second brother travel so far to fetch water?"

The man saw many people queuing in front of him, so he simply stopped to rest: "Hey, isn't this a drought? Since two years ago, there has been little rain in Zhuo County. In the beginning, there was a river beside it. There is no water. But half a year ago, the river was dry. Now, there is only water in the former site of Kaifu Temple.

But this water is also stored. Just this pool, we have to grab water on time and at the same time every day. If it is slow, we still can't get water. "

Jiang Ling was very surprised, before he came to Zhuojun, he didn't realize that Zhuojun was so short of water.

The clerk seemed to see the doubts in his heart, and said: "Since the water shortage in Zhuo County, the government has also thought of some ways to transfer water from a distance. The water transferred from a distance is not a problem for ordinary use. But we Those who run inns and taverns naturally have to use some good water."

The mute picked up a bucket of water at this time, and when he reached Jiangling, he stopped deliberately, scooped up a bowl of water with a gourd ladle, and handed it to Qingshuang.

Qingshuang didn't accept it, and took two steps closer to Jiang Ling.

When the man saw him, he smiled and said: "Guest officer, don't be afraid, this dumb man has no malicious intentions, he just has a kind heart. He is not from this place in the first place. He must have fled here from somewhere. When he arrived in Zhuojun, he encountered a drought. He almost died of thirst on the road. It was a woman who poured him a bowl of water, and he thanked him for it. From then on, whenever he saw a woman, he would treat him like a living Bodhisattva, and would respect water and thank him. If you don't drink his water, he will be sad for days."

It turned out to be such a simple person.

After hearing this, Qingshuang couldn't bear to refuse the kindness of this simple villager, so she took the water and took a polite sip.

Only then did the mute cheer up, and after collecting the ladle, he left with a load of water.

The clerk blinked suddenly, and said to Jiang Ling: "Speaking of which, this dumb man lives on the mountain behind the temple. Perhaps because of his kindness, everyone even named him Songzi Luohan."

Jiang Ling: "Arhat who sent a child? Among the eighteen arhats, it seems that there has never been an Arhat who sent a child?"

The guy laughed: "Actually, it's because this dumb man has his own luck. Women who drink his water will get pregnant soon and have a high probability of giving birth to a son. So, women who can be given water by him are usually lucky. .If the guest officer brings his wife here to meet the mute a few more times in the future, maybe there will be a lot of children and grandchildren."

(End of this chapter)

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