River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 262 Qingshuang: During the day

Chapter 262 Qingshuang: During the day
Drink his water and get pregnant soon?
In the ears of the ancients, this is indeed a blessing.

But when Jiangling listened to it, it felt like a shock.

"Really, is it that effective?"

The man said: "That's right, the younger the woman, the more effective it is. Nowadays, people from all over the world know about this. Many people from the neighboring counties have come all the way here just for this."

After hearing this, Qingshuang touched her lower abdomen subconsciously, with a hint of sweetness in her shyness.

I thought in my heart, if Jiang Lang could give birth to a man and a half woman, that would be a good thing indeed.

He said a few more words casually, and when the waiters fetched water, they went their separate ways.

When Jiangling brought Qingshuang down the mountain, Qingshuang was still absent-minded.

"What do you think?"

Qingshuang smiled sweetly: "Shuang'er thought that if what the second brother said was true, it would be a good thing."

Jiang Ling: "Whether it's true or not, it's good to listen to such remarks in the future, and don't have to believe it. Don't trust others. Just now, the dumb man offered water. If you don't want to drink, you can completely refuse it."

Qingshuang bowed her head: "Jiang Lang doesn't like it?"

Knowing that she misunderstood, Jiang Ling took her by the wrist and explained: "When you go out, you must be on guard against others. Remember the sloppy Taoist in the capital?"

Qingshuang turned pale and nodded.

Since what happened last time, she has never dared to ask someone to do fortune-telling.

Jiang Ling: "However, it's okay when I'm by your side. If you're with He Xiang, then you have to be more cautious."

Qingshuang: "Yes."

Seeing that she was not very interested, Jiang Ling asked with a smile, "Shuang'er wants to conceive a child for me?"

Qingshuang's face was as red as blood, but she was also brave, and hummed softly again.

"Shuang'er heard from Yanyu Pavilion's mother and Aunt Sun that the biggest responsibility of a woman is to pass on incense to her man. So..."

Seeing her serious look, Jiang Ling smiled, and tapped her nose lightly: "You can't ask others for this kind of thing. If you really want a child, then you can work harder tonight."


Qingshuang remembered what happened last night and felt even more ashamed. Although she could walk today, it was a little inconvenient.

But if tonight is like last night...

Jiang Ling smiled and whispered in her ear: "Does it still hurt?"

Qingshuang's earlobes were hot, numb and itchy, she shook her head repeatedly, and then nodded unconsciously.

Jiang Ling took out a peach from the Longevity Realm and handed it to her: "This little peach, if you eat it, it won't hurt anymore."

Qingshuang looked at the little peach curiously, and giggled: "Now that the peach blossoms are just blooming, Jiang Lang picked the peaches from nowhere."

Put it in your mouth and chew it lightly. The peach is seedless. Although it is small in size, it is crunchy and sweet.

This peach can't be eaten for a while,

During this walk, the effect is immediate.

The tearing pain that remained from last night disappeared without a trace.

Qingshuang was so surprised that she tugged on Jiang Ling's sleeve: "Jiang Lang, Shuang'er...it really doesn't hurt anymore."

Jiang Ling: "Then can we continue tonight?"

Qingshuang was ashamed and unable to rely on herself: "I listen to Jiang Lang."

The two chatted and laughed,

But I didn't find that on the high cliff of the former site of Kaifu Temple, the four-foot mute was looking at Qingshuang from a distance at this time, the corners of his mouth were grinning, and saliva was dripping.

After going down the mountain, I went to other places, but I also saw that there was a lack of water everywhere.Many farmlands are slightly dry and cracked, with scattered rice, wheat and fruits.

Compared with one mu of farmland in later generations, it can produce nearly a thousand catties of rice.Today, one mu of land can produce more than one hundred catties of rice, which is considered a bumper harvest.

With such production, the weather is particularly important.

Back in the city, many officers and soldiers came here and arrested many old people, women and children from civilian households.

It is said that it is the family of the rebels, and the three families will not stay.

After the riots by the officers and soldiers, the people in Zhuojun were panicked, but all suspects were arrested for questioning.

Jiang Ling bypassed the officers and soldiers and returned to the inn, He Xiang was still asleep.

Because of the chaos outside, it is difficult to go out after arriving at the inn.

Returning to the room with Qingshuang, Jiang Ling picked up the beauty again, placed her on the bed, and took off the belt around her waist.

Qingshuang shyly said, "Jiang Lang...it's still daytime."

Jiang Ling leaned on her body: "Can't it be done during the day?"

How could Qingshuang say no?Lightly closing his eyes, his voice was like whispering: "Jiang Lang... the bed curtain."

The bed curtain was drawn and it shook.

When it was dark, He Xiang finally woke up.

Rubbing his eyes, he went to the next room, and saw Jiang Ling painting on the table, while Qingshuang was helping to study the ink.

She stood aside and woke up for a few seconds: "Sir, how long have I been asleep?"

Jiang Ling smiled and said, "I'm going to bed again later."

"Ah?" He Xiang scratched her head, "But I just woke up."

Jiang Ling: "If you can't sleep, you can continue to stay up tonight."

Qingshuang laughed at the side, and hurriedly asked the waiter to deliver the meals to the room.

He Xiang quickly shook her head: "I will never stay up late again."

He ran to the table, looked at Jiang Ling's paintings, and covered his eyes and exclaimed after only one glance.

But after exclaiming, he branched his fingers and revealed his eyes again, watching secretly.

I saw that on the painting, there were clearly men and women doing some shameful things.

She hurried away a few steps and stopped looking.

Qingshuang snickered, while He Xiang shaved her face with her fingers, as if to say that sister Qingshuang is not shy.

Qingshuang only smiled gently, and gave her a look back——what do you know, kid?

The lotus fragrance is not satisfied, I am not young!

When she was working as a maid in Duan's family, the old mother obviously taught them similar calligraphy and painting.

But when he thought that his age was indeed still young, he couldn't help pouting, feeling unhappy.

On Jiangling's side, he was painting while remembering, completely drawing out the murals he saw today.And some missing, also according to their own thinking, a little supplement.

As soon as the painting is completed, there is immediately a wave of magic flowing on it.

Jiang Ling ordered Qingshuang and Hexiang not to watch the ink, and he put it away when the ink was dry.

After that, the three ate in the room and chatted until Xu time.

He Xiang reluctantly went back to her room.

Jiang Ling carried Qingshuang to the bed again.

The two looked at each other very close, Jiang Ling felt that Qingshuang's breath was like blue, so he said to her: "Shuang'er, your breath is so fragrant."

Qingshuang's heart is like honey, and she kisses her lover for the first time.

But at this moment,

Both of them felt dazed for a while.

Jiang Ling's eyes were dizzy, as if falling into a bottomless abyss, and his consciousness drifted, as if drunk.

Qingshuang's body is hot and emotional, but her consciousness is blurred, and she seems to be gradually losing herself.

Jiang Ling sensed something was wrong, so he took another peach and put it in his mouth.

After taking a bite, God felt instantly awake.

However, at this time, a cloudy air suddenly hit the room.

Holding Qingshuang in his arms, he simply pretended to lie on the side.

After a while, the door was blown open by the wind, and a four-foot short man entered the room with a smile.

After gently closing the door, he went to the bed, saw a snow-white lotus root half exposed from the bed curtain, couldn't help but stroked it away with his fingers.

You have to follow this white arm all the way up to touch that graceful figure.

However, just when he touched the white arm, an orange light seemed to cover the white arm, and suddenly flicked his fingers away.

Jiang Ling squinted his eyes, and saw the amulet glowing faintly on Qingshuang's jade neck.

There is a forbidden law on this thing, once an evil spirit invades the body, it will protect itself.

So far, it seems that this thing is doing well.

The four-foot dwarf let out a small gasp, as if he was not reconciled, he suddenly stretched out his hand into the curtain, wanting to touch the woman directly.

Also at this moment, a strong and powerful hand inside the bed suddenly grabbed his wrist, as tight as an iron hoop, and held him tightly.

"So this is the so-called Sending Arhat?"

(End of this chapter)

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