River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 265 Chaos

Chapter 265 Chaos
Zhu Polong's body was shattered, and the sprayed blood was as hot as pulp, exuding bursts of heat.

'If it turns into a jellyfish, it will be a fire jellyfish. The flesh and blood are extremely hot, but it is also a great tonic for the weak. '

The ten-meter-long body, Jiang Ling didn't waste it, and took it in the Qiankun bag, and it disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Jiaolong who was hiding in the valley saw this scene and was terrified, he only nodded his head towards Jiangling from a distance, and flew away suddenly.

In the direction it flies, the phantom changes, and there seems to be mountains and marshes alternating in the nine heavens.

Jiang Ling knew that it was Tianmen Haishi, and once he passed through it, he would enter another world.

It's just the 33rd sky, and I don't know which one it flew to.

The torrential rain continued,

The blood on the ground was washed away in just a moment.

Jiang Ling returned to the inn, but it rained heavily for three consecutive days.

The originally dry river also began to flood.

The reason is that the main water vein here comes from a mountain range behind Kaifu Temple.

After Zhupolong occupied the dragon's nest, it ordered fire, which blocked the flow of water veins.As a result, the area around Zhuojun was dried up for three years.

Now that the Dragon's Nest is separated from the Zhu Polong, the water veins accumulated in the past can't be suppressed, and they rush out, bringing the entire Zhuo County back to its previous state.

During the heavy rain, I couldn't go out, so I had to stay in the inn.

There are two girls in Jiangling, so it's not lonely. When you are free, you can rub your shoulders with the fragrance of lotus, and play the piano in the clear frost, which is also a pleasure to enjoy.

another three days,
A group of Qiuba came from the south.

After losing the battle, he got very angry as soon as he entered the city.

Together with the local yamen, once again, we will carry out a nationwide sweep and arrest the rebel accomplices.

For a while, the city was in chaos again.

Many people were forcibly arrested.

The inn where Jiang Ling stayed was also searched three times.

Fortunately, the owner of the inn has some kindness. As long as the residents are willing to give some money, they will probably be able to avoid suspicion.

It's just that money is easy to come by, those Qiu Ba are addicted to it, and they came to search three times in three days, and each time they had to pay at least one tael of silver before giving up.

Those who failed to hand over the money were regarded as suspects and were forcibly taken away.

the fourth day,
The innkeeper couldn't see it either, so he privately informed the guests that if they could leave, they had better leave early.

Those Qiu Ba are so greedy, they will definitely not give up.

If some guests are familiar with local officials and Yachai, that's all.

People from other places like Jiangling, as well as some local people with no background, are the targets of their greed.

The rain stops today,

Thirteen people from the same inn decided to leave.

Jiangling, Qingshuang, and Hexiang are all listed here.

Due to the local turmoil, the investigation was strict, and the carriage and horse post house did not accept business.

If you want to leave Zhuojun, you can only go on foot.

Out of the street, there are scattered outside, and there are still many people who have to leave.

Some go to the capital,
Some went to Mingyang Prefecture in the southeast.

Naming Yang Prefecture is located between Qing and Xu, and is a place where aristocratic families gather. No matter what dynasty, this place is relatively peaceful.

Jiangling made a decision and wanted to go to Mingyang Prefecture.

Going to Mingyang this time, there are more than [-] people in a gang.

When they went out of the city gate in a group, the guards made things difficult again.

Block the door and not allow to go out,

Everyone who wants to leave must check their identity, and only if they are innocent can they leave.

Everyone knows that there is no such thing as innocence, it is nothing more than asking for money.

If you have money, you are innocent, if you have no money, you are innocent.

Most of the people are poor, how can they beg for money again and again?

Those who failed to pay were detained on the spot.

There was a brother and sister walking in front, but because they couldn't pay, the younger sister was detained and the older brother was sent away.

Brother and sister were forcibly separated, and his brother was furious, calling them servants like bandits?

As soon as this is said,
It can be said that one stone stirs up a thousand waves.

Completely ignited the guard's temper.

Someone pulled out a knife, rushed forward, and stabbed the elder brother in the stomach.

The guard shouted coldly: "I think he is an accomplice of the rebels, and he wants to report to the rebels. Such a thief should be killed without pardon."

His sister cried and cried, almost dying.He was forcibly taken down by the guards and imprisoned.

A disagreement can kill people and make people panic.

The timid ones who lined up behind had to pay the money obediently.

And this payment also varies from person to person.

Those who are well-dressed will pay more; those who look poor will pay less.Anyway, no matter rich or poor, left and right have to pay.

Those who really couldn't hand it over, but wanted to leave, were basically arrested and punished as an accomplice to a thief.

The people behind looked at the situation, and suddenly a few people whispered a few words, and then they quietly moved forward.

Jiang Ling saw them approaching the guards,
Just when the guard was unprepared to collect the money, he suddenly shot and knocked the guard down.

The leader shouted: "The thieves are greedy and want nothing. If they can't get the money, they will die. If they don't, they will die too. If this is the case, they will die first. Those who have eggs are men's. Don't look at them. These thieves are no different from bandits, so why not kill them?"

Shouting these words, it also aroused some brave people in the crowd.

There is the example of the brother and sister before, everyone knows that if you can't pay for it, you will not end well.Even those who could afford the money couldn't swallow this breath.

Immediately, they rushed forward, picked up stones on the ground without weapons, and threw them on the guard's head.

The strength of the crowd was great, and seven or eight guards were beaten to blood in an instant, and none of them survived.

The city gate was forcibly pushed open,

Those who took the lead shouted loudly, and went out of the city gate first, heading south.

Jiang Ling followed closely behind with his two daughters, and they also left the city gate together.

When such a situation happened, he seemed to be on the sidelines.But Qingshuang and Hexiang looked at it with horror.

They were already horrified when the officers and soldiers killed people before.

When these civilians stood up and fought back, they were even more dumbfounded.

Dare to kill officials and soldiers, how is this different from rebellion?

And this is still at the gate of the city, killing the guards, with only two legs, is it possible that they can really escape?

But the guards are all dead, even if they don't leave now, with those Qiu Ba's inferiority, they won't easily let anyone who was present just now be spared.

So right now, he can only walk, and he can walk as fast as he can.

The officers and soldiers in the city, if nothing unexpected happens, will come after them immediately.

Some of the people who left the city ran towards the capital.The other part fled in all directions, in a panic.

"Jiang Lang, where are we going?"

If you go to the capital, the journey of more than a hundred li is a bit far, but if you arrive at the capital, at the foot of the emperor, forgive these Qiuba and dare not make a mistake.

But if you go to the south, this road is not easy to walk.

Although it shows that Yangzhou is relatively stable, who knows if it will be peaceful on the way to Mingyangzhou?

Jiang Ling: "Since we have decided to go to Mingyang Prefecture, we should go south."

Qingshuang and Hexiang panicked, like children going out for the first time, they followed him, not daring to stay away.

Jiang Ling: "Don't be afraid. No matter how fierce the officers and soldiers are, we will be fine."

Just at the right time, the officers and soldiers in the city really chased them out.

First, the cavalry cleared the way, and the sound of angry hooves made the ground tremble slightly.

How can a man with two legs run faster than a beast with four legs?
As soon as the officers and soldiers chased them out, they followed the fleeing people outside and killed them one by one.

Qingshuang and He Xiang watched the human heads flying up one after another, screaming in fright.

Seeing that a group of cavalry was about to run towards them, Jiang Ling just chanted a mantra lightly, waved his sleeves, and swung in front of him.

Then the team of cavalry actually regarded them as transparent people, and walked away, turning a blind eye.

 Good morning too!
(End of this chapter)

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