River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 266 The Blessing of Qi People

Chapter 266 The Blessing of Qi People
The hooves of the horse rose high, and a horse in the cavalry team, because it couldn't see the three of Jiang Ling and the others, rushed over and was about to bump into them.

But Jiang Ling couldn't follow what he said, and yelled to stop.

The lightning-fast galloping horse stopped in an instant, and Qiu Ba, who was riding on the horseback, couldn't stabilize his body, and was forcibly thrown off the horseback by the huge inertia.

Jiang Ling pulled the horse rope, and rode up with Qingshuang and He Xiang as if no one else was there.

Qingshuang sat in his arms, He Xiang hugged his waist from behind, just like that, the three of them rode together.

Because he performed the [Nightmare Prayer Technique], under the cover-up method, after the horse returned to him, it suddenly disappeared in the eyes of those cavalrymen.

That Qiu Ba who fell off the horse, saw that such a wicked thing happened in broad daylight.For a moment, his face turned pale with fright, and he hurriedly shouted that there was a ghost.

The rest of the people didn't notice him, and they chased and killed the fleeing civilians all over the mountains and plains with knives in hand.

Due to the large number of people, Jiang Ling couldn't care about the busyness. Before leaving, he only breathed on the ground.

Immediately, the wind and sand rolled up, stirring up the dust, which temporarily slowed down the speed of the cavalry.

This is the only thing he can do for these civilians.

In order to keep out of sight, he twisted the black ring on his hand as soon as the horse took a few steps.

After a while, his people and horses came out from the bamboo forest more than ten miles away.

The horse panicked for a while, landed on all fours, and galloped wildly.

Qingshuang and He Xiang were also inexplicably horrified, although they didn't know what happened, but they saw the transformation of the space environment with their own eyes, and they all saw it clearly.

"Jiang Lang..."

The one who reacted the most was Qingshuang.His heart was beating wildly, he leaned against Jiang Ling's arms, not daring to move.

After a short period of astonishment, He Xiang finally had the bottom line in her heart, and gradually understood.

Without waiting for Jiang Ling to speak, He Xiang suddenly took Qingshuang's little hand, and said proudly: "Sister Qingshuang, don't be afraid, our husband is a fairy-like figure."

A fairy-like character?

Qingshuang smelled the breath of the man who was close at hand, and her heart was shaken.

What He Xiang said, Jiang Ling didn't deny it, it was almost the same.

Jiang Ling suddenly hugged her tightly, and asked her softly, "Is Shuang'er afraid?"

Qingshuang shook her head: "Shuang'er is not afraid of being with Jiang Lang."

Jiang Ling: "It's normal to be afraid, but as long as I'm here, I won't be able to hurt you."

After hearing this, Qingshuang felt very at ease in her heart, but when she recalled the dead bodies at the gate of the city before, she still stammered: "Just now... a lot of people died..."

Jiang Ling said: "Everyone has their own destiny. If this world continues like this, there will be more people who will die in the future. What they see today may have already been their destiny, so there is no need to be emotional. Some people, alive It’s not necessarily good; it’s not necessarily bad to die.”

Although Qingshuang felt a little sympathetic, she didn't show her kindness indiscriminately.It's just that the cold world made her empathize a little bit, and she couldn't help sighing: "If Shuang'er hadn't met Jiang Lang, she would be like a mustard, I don't know what to do with it."

Jiang Ling smiled, but sighed inwardly.

If the two hadn't met in the capital, Qingshuang might not have withered.But if you want to live a happy life, it will be extremely difficult.

Most of the ending, or ending in depression.

Within five miles, it rained again.

Encountering an ancient temple on the way, Jiangling will stop.

Lead the horse into the yard and tie it to a stake.

He led the two girls into the temple and changed into their wet coats.

He Xiang squatted at the door, looking at the bead-like raindrops falling from the eaves: "Ah, it's raining heavily, and now it's raining, I can't go anymore."

Jiang Ling looked at the wilderness and the still rain, and felt a bit poetic: "If you can't go, then stay."

As he spoke, he took out the Qiankun bag and poured out a lot of things.

Tables, chairs, bed stools, everything.

There is also a big black umbrella, which is opened in the temple to isolate the rainwater leaking from the hole in the eaves.

He sat on the chair, handed the piano to Qingshuang, and Qingshuang took the piano with no worries, and began to play for him.

Seeing that they are so easygoing, He Xiang suddenly feels quite amused.

He set up a stove beside him to boil water,
"Sir, I'll make you a pot of tea and make some dessert."

"it is good."

If it is an ordinary family, there is a woman and a maid, and the blessings of Qi people are nothing more than this.

After an hour,

Outside the ancient temple, someone suddenly came.

Covered in mud and entangled with a lot of thorns, it was obvious that he was in a panic in the mountains and came here by mistake.

This person is not very old, looks like 24, and has a strong physique.

Holding a plain knife in his left hand, he walked to the gate of the temple, his body shook for a while, and suddenly fell to the ground.

Hexiang and Qingshuang hurriedly retreated to Jiangling's side,
But Jiangling watched the man, and saw that there was a knife wound not less than a foot on his back.

The skin and flesh are eversioned, and the bone can be seen deeply.

Wherever he walked, the blood flowed into a red line.

Taking a closer look at him, Jiang Ling suddenly recognized that this person was also one of the civilians who had escaped from the city of Zhuojun.

The injury on his back should be caused by the officers and soldiers.

Having suffered such a serious injury, he was able to grit his teeth and run away from the officers and soldiers. When he came here, he had to say that this person's life was indeed very hard.

Qingshuang and Hexiang both looked at Jiangling at this moment, as if they wanted to ask if they should help this person.

But Jiang Ling said: "No rush, it depends on whether he is worth saving or not, and we'll wait until he wakes up."

The two girls oh and sat beside him and waited.

After the man was in a coma for an hour, he really woke up.

At that time, the dessert of Hexiang was also ready.

All three are tasting.

Watching the man wake up, the two women hide behind a screen and do not meet face to face.

After the man regained consciousness, he saw that there were three people here, and he also mistook this place for someone else's private house, and said weakly: "Sorry, I took the liberty to disturb you, please don't take offense."

Seeing that he was quite polite, Jiang Ling brought him a bowl of dessert: "It is fate to meet you, so you don't have to be polite."

The man seemed to be really hungry too. When he saw the dessert being served, he took it directly and drank it all up in just three or two gulps.

Seeing him staring at the pot, Jiang Ling asked him, "Do you want more?"

The man nodded without making a gesture.

Jiang Ling scooped another bowl with him.

When the second bowl was served, the man ate it up in three or two bites.

Seeing that he was not yet full, Jiang Ling simply brought the pot to him.

The man moved his index finger, and without using a bowl, he directly held the pot and started drinking.

But because of too much movement, the wound on his back was shattered, and his expression was distorted in pain.

However, even under such pain, his arms still gripped the iron pot tightly and never put it down until he drank all the sweet porridge in the pot before letting it go.

He wiped his mouth with his sleeve and smiled honestly: "Thank you for your hospitality."

Jiang Ling only responded with a smile.

Just at this time, outside the ancient temple, there was a sound of hooves of horses running towards them, more than one rider.

Hearing the sound, everyone in the temple became wary.

Jiang Ling looked out, and in the rain, there were vaguely a few figures riding horses.

The injured man suddenly grabbed the simple knife and leaned against the door: "Master, don't be afraid, these people should be coming for me, I'm sorry, but because of me, they have brought you into trouble."

After all, he picked up the saber and rushed into the rain, preventing those riders from entering the temple.

(End of this chapter)

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