River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 268 Change of Fate

Chapter 268 Change of Fate
That night, there was no more movement.

After dawn, Jiangling continued south with his two daughters.Sure enough, the road was not very peaceful, not to mention the refugees everywhere, and many of them turned into bandits, burning, killing, prostitution and looting.

Because of Jiangling's ability to pray for nightmares, he went all the way without encountering any trouble.

The second daughter has seen a lot of his miraculous spells, which is convenient for him to practice Taoism, and she is also very yearning.

So Jiang Ling passed on to them the "Shangqing Yuling Jue", this method follows the path of combining yin and yang, Ying Ning has practiced it before, and it is more suitable for women.

The second daughter got it, as if she had found a treasure, she watched it every day, and asked him what she didn't understand.He also took the trouble to explain one by one.

However, if it is so, the two girls have no idea what to say at the beginning, and it is difficult to do whatever they want.

This is a matter of morality.

Back then in the Yaotai test, the nine major powers selected disciples, and they also selected those with good roots and good fortune.

If you don't have the foundation of the Tao, you probably won't be able to go on this journey of cultivation.

"Shangqing Yuling Jue" failed, Jiangling replaced it with "Qiankun Yiqigong", the result is the same.

Not having a relationship with the Tao means not having a relationship with the Tao, which cannot be forced by human beings.

At this point, the second daughter finally gave up.

Five days later, the three of them arrived in the territory of Namingyang.

This state is located between Qing and Xu, leaning southward.

It is also known as the Land of Wenxing because there are many aristocratic families throughout the history.

The turmoil in the northerly area did not spread to this side.

This place is as prosperous as the second capital city,
But in fact, Mingyang is an ancient name. Up to now, those literati families still like to say that they are from Mingyang.

But this place now belongs to Beiyang County, and only Mingyang City is left in Mingyang Prefecture.

There are three powerful families and seven families in this city.

It can be said that more than half of the civil and military officials in the entire Great Eternal Dynasty came from these ten families.

Today's world is the world of the royal family, or it can be said that it is the world of their ten families.

With such a background, almost all the people in this city walk with their eyes raised.

Even the waiter in the restaurant has a three-point advantage when meeting outsiders.Because maybe their ancestors were also separated from these ten families.

Among the ten families, three are the main ones, seven are supplemented, and their interests are integrated. For a hundred years, the ten families have been married to each other. There may be conflicts internally, but they are united externally.

The three main families have been officials for generations from ancient times to the present.

The other seven families were mainly engaged in business at the beginning. In the past ten years or so, the number of big shots from the seven families has gradually increased.

The three masters are [Zhao, Wu, Han].

The seven major assistants are [Wei, Ma, Song, Tang, Xue, Pei, Lin]

It is worth mentioning that the Lin family of the seventh assistant family is also the family behind Jiang Ling's nominal wife Lin Yuewei.

When she parted with Lin Yuewei, Lin Yuewei gave him a brass key.

He also told him that if he passes through Beiyang County in the future, if he has nowhere to go, he can find the Huangxi forest house to live in.

At that time, Jiang Ling was still smiling in his heart, so he might not come this way,
Who would have thought, but still came to this place after all.

"Mingyang City, I don't know if Yuewei is here? '

Before passing through Linzhou County, I heard from other people that the restaurant run by Lin Yuewei was too popular, and was eventually replaced by others from the Lin family.

And after she was dismissed, she said yes and left Linzhou County.

The three of Jiangling first searched for a restaurant to settle down,

After running around for several days, Qingshuang and Hexiang were very tired.

But after entering the restaurant, in the room, Qingshuang still picked up "Shangqing Yulingjue" and "Qiankun Yiqigong" to look through.

Jiang Ling persuaded: "If you can't do it, you don't have to force it."

Qingshuang smiled slightly: "Just take a look, satisfy your curiosity."

Seeing her insistence, follow her.

But when she practiced at night, Qingshuang suddenly told her happily that she felt the existence of "Qi".

Jiang Ling was a little startled, so he asked her to demonstrate.

Qingshuang sat in meditation on the bed, closed her eyes, and breathed out as described in the cheat book.Then there was really a puff of Qi, under the operation of her mind, flowing back and forth between the chest and abdomen along the meridians.

Jiang Ling was greatly surprised: "Shuang'er, there is really a burst of true energy in your body, how did you do it?"

Qingshuang was affirmed by him, and she was very happy: "I practiced on the road before, or I was too impatient, so I couldn't enter the law every time. Now I can settle down in the restaurant, and I don't find it difficult to practice again. gone."

Jiang Ling nodded: "Okay, if you can build a Yuanchi in the dantian in the future, you may become a Taoist fairy in the future."

Qingshuang was very beautiful in her heart, "If I become a Taoist fairy, will I be able to stay by Jiang Lang's side forever?"

Jiang Ling: "Of course."

The root of Qingshuang's obsessive motivation is actually the companionship of eternal life.

On the way before, Yin Hexiang asked, since the master is so powerful, will he live forever like a god?
How did Jiang Ling know about this?Just casually said something, maybe it is.

But I don't know, the speaker has no intention, but the listener has intention.

Qingshuang took these words seriously, and didn't want to live a few years, because Jiang Ling didn't like her because of her decrepit looks.

Now that there is an opportunity in front of him, he cannot give up at will.

Compared with her, He Xiang is not so persistent.

However, when she heard that Qingshuang felt the existence of "Qi", He Xiang couldn't sleep anymore.

Then he got up, and while asking about the skills, he also practiced.

Jiang Ling looked interesting, so he didn't disturb him.

In fact, as far as Gu Zhongming's character is concerned, he has sentenced both of them, neither of whom is born with a predestined relationship.

However, Qingshuang turned out to be an exception, clearing the barren road.

He suddenly said: "Shuang'er. Let me give you a name."

Qingshuang blinked at him, not knowing what he meant.

Jiang Ling recalled what he saw in Yaotai back then, and also imitated the technique of the old woman in Yunyan Pavilion, a spiritual force was ejected, forming a scale on the bed.

Follow his will,
Qingshuang was weighed by that scale.

After some comparison, the bone weighs sixty-two.

Such a result made Jiang Ling surprised: "Hey, how did her bone weight become [-]?" '

On the way here, he calculated based on Qingshuang's birth date that it should be five taels and nine cents. This fate is inferior and inferior.

But now she is called [Destiny Name], but it has become six two six.

This shows that the fate has been changed, and the trajectory of fate is no longer the same.

'Could it be that my appearance changed her fate? '

As soon as this thought came up, he shook his head again: "No, luck is luck, fate is fate, the two are different, fate is the blood itself, and it can be changed simply without my appearance." '

But if it's not because of him, then...

'Could it be that peach from the Longevity Realm? '

Speaking of which, Qingshuang was originally weak and often fell ill.But after getting to know Jiang Ling, she was given peaches from the Longevity Realm many times and the mysterious grass leaves from Shanglin Tianyu, which changed her physique.

I have followed here from the capital all the way, and I have eaten and slept in the open, and I have never been sick.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that the peach and the mysterious blade of grass are indeed quite suspicious.

Thinking of this, he wanted to do an experiment.

He took a few more peaches out of the Qiankun bag and handed them to Hexiang.

Before she eats, weigh her bones first, and you will get four taels of money.

This fate, for ordinary people, is not bad.Hard work in the early years, blessings in the old age.

Moreover, it seems to be extremely accurate.

After finishing the calculation, he let He Xiang eat the peaches, and took the last piece of mysterious grass for her to eat together.

He Xiang didn't know what it meant, she just thought it was delicious, so she finished it in two or three mouthfuls.

After an incense stick of time passed, Jiang Ling came to call her again.

But she found that at this time, her bone weight had changed from the bone weight of four taels of money to the bone weight of four taels of money.

(End of this chapter)

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