Chapter 269
'It turns out that this innate bone weight can really be changed. '

Generally speaking, it should be the mysterious blade of grass that is at work.Peaches have only some auxiliary effects.

If the peaches in the Longevity Realm could have the main effect, then that potbellied Taoist would not only pick the big ones in the Longevity Realm and look down on the smaller flat peaches.

'The blades of grass have been used up. If you have a chance, go to Shanglin Tianyu, or you can get some more. '

After He Xiang ate the two things, the change in bone weight continued. This was a process of digestion and evolution.

At least a few days, as many as ten days,

How much can be absorbed and how much can be changed also varies from person to person.

However, what is certain is that even if her bones are not good, after such improvement, she will be like a clear frost, and she will be able to enter the Tao sooner or later.

And this kind of result, before it gets dark, the result has already been seen-after He Xiang breathed out seriously, for several hours in a row, he finally felt the existence of Qi like a clear frost.

So far, she is also very happy.

The two girls encouraged each other with great interest, even when the night fell, they were still full of enthusiasm and never retreated.

Seeing this, Jiang Ling had no choice but to sleep alone in the empty room.

The next day, another strange thing happened—just after Chen in the morning, the sun was just right, but suddenly, the sky became dark.

The dazzling sun, from left to right, gradually decreases.

There are old people on the street who call it, the dog eats the sun.

Jiangling opened the window and looked up to the sky, it was indeed a heavenly dog ​​eclipsing the sun, a rare phenomenon.

Only ten or so breaths passed before the sun came back.

The world has come to light again.

However, in the sky that brightened again, Jiang Ling faintly saw a clock hanging under the sun.

A three-legged bird is flying around the ancient clock.

Qingshuang and Hexiang also leaned together to the window to watch the eclipse.

At this time, Jiang Ling asked them if they could see the ancient clock hanging under the sun?


The two girls are confused, where is the ancient clock under the sun?
Qingshuang: "Qingshuang never saw it."

He Xiang blinked and blinked: "Sir, the sun is too glaring, you will be blinded by just looking at it, there is no clock at all."

Neither of them could see,

But Jiang Ling looked again, the clock was still there, and even the three-legged bird was still flying.

Another moment passed, and the sun moved westward.

But the clock didn't move, it just hung above the nine heavens, like an illusion.

After a while, the bell rang suddenly, not by human beings, but by the three-legged bird, which pecked the ancient clock with its beak.

The sound of the ancient bell is clear,

As soon as there was a sound, a golden post seemed to fall from the nine heavens and flew to a certain place in Shenzhou.

'what is that? '

Jiang Ling felt very suspicious, not only had he never seen such a scene, he had never heard of it before.

Letting the second daughter stay at the inn, he went to the local Town God's Secretary.

Unless it was the first and fifteenth day of the lunar new year, there were not many contacts in the Town God's Temple.

Jiang Ling only bowed outside the temple and said, begging to see the City God.

In a short while, there was a man in a red robe walking through the smoke.

After stepping out of the city god's gate, the man in red also returned his salute to Jiangling.

Today's Jiangling is very different from a few months ago.

When he was in Linzhou County, his realm had just opened, but it was just the beginning of a yuan.

Up to now, he has completed the confluence of the two yin, and is about to enter the state where the three flowers gather at the top.

Even in Yuanchi today, only the seeds have germinated and the roots have grown, but the flowers have not yet bloomed.But this kind of Dao rhyme has been able to circulate in him, and it is beginning to show.

A person with a fairy position like the city god has the ability to look at the spirit with ghost eyes.

From this look, he knew that Jiangling was not waiting for nothing.

So I didn't dare to make a big deal, and bowed back to each other.

"I don't know if the fairy elder summoned me, what advice do you have?"

"It's not about advice, it's just that I don't know something, and I don't know who to ask, so I took the liberty to find it. Don't blame me."

Chenghuang chuckled: "You don't have to be polite, the head of the fairy, if you don't understand, let's just say it."

Jiang Ling pointed to the bell in the sky: "Lord City God, can you see what's there?"

Cheng Huang followed his finger to look: "A gust of wind, a cloud, a piece of sky."

Hearing his answer, Jiang Ling was a little disappointed, didn't he even see the City God?

Just having this doubt, the City God laughed: "There is also a bell and a bird. I don't know which one the Immortal Chief wants to ask?"

Jiang Ling: "What is the origin of that bell?"

Chenghuang was curious: "Speaking of the bell, the immortal head is a member of the Taoist sect, and he should know it better than the lower officials."

Jiang Ling: "I'm ashamed to say it, but I don't know, that's why I came here to ask."

The City God saw that he was sincere and did not seem to be fake, so he explained: "The bell is called the [Sacred Bell]. When the divine bell rings, the world will be in turmoil. I am afraid that this eternal dynasty will not last."

Jiang Ling: "There is such a saying?"

The City God nodded: "Every time the dynasty changes, this clock will appear. At the same time, there will also be the scriptures of the gods. Those who get the scriptures will follow the heavens. body."

"The Fatie of the Gods? Could it be the thing that flew out of the ancient clock before?"

City God: "Exactly. This object is quite similar to the ancient mythology. The god should know which object it is similar to?"

Jiang Ling thought for a while: "Could it be the list of gods?"

The City God laughed lightly: "That's right, this is the list of gods. There are so many monks in the world. Those who can achieve the true fruit are rarely seen in a thousand years. And with the list of gods, one hundred and eight gods can be produced in one year. Those who are gods can get rid of samsara, get titles, break through the sky, and enjoy the freedom. This is a great thing for ascetics."

Jiang Ling: "From this point of view, this Great Yongchao is really hopeless."

As a local official in the underworld, Chenghuang has a much deeper understanding of the general situation of the world than he does. At this time, he said: "The Yong Dynasty lasted for three hundred and three years. Since ancient times, three hundred is a catastrophe. He neglected the government, turned a blind eye to all the wounds in the world, and turned a deaf ear to the people's livelihood. Recently, he even asked for peace from the northern kingdom. This was his last breath of luck. There is no reason why such a weak court should not collapse."

Jiang Ling smiled: "Lord City God, you don't seem to be angry at all?"

Chenghuang also laughed and said: "I am a person from the former dynasty, and Yu Yongchao has no empathy."

It turned out to be the case.

The City God said again: "Besides, I am not from the Yang, so I have no control over the affairs of the Yang world. Up to now, I can think about it a little more. If the old can't be destroyed, how can the new come? It's like good and evil, good and evil, if there is no evil. , where is goodness? If there is no evil, where is righteousness? Everything is just a historical law, which is repeated in a cycle.”

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Ling was deeply touched.

He has heard many truths many times, but if he wants to truly realize and understand it, he will only be able to truly comprehend it at a certain point.

Everything in the world has opposite sides.

And as an opposite, there is actually no right or wrong.

If there are no thieves in the world, the soldiers will not be able to make meritorious deeds.

There is no evil in the world, and it is difficult for people's hearts to highlight their goodness.

In the list of ancient gods, it actually explained everything.No matter good or bad, in the end all will be enshrined.

In Tao, good and evil do not exist.

The inherent good and evil thoughts in the human heart are nothing more than a set of codes of conduct brainwashed by the rulers in order to restrain the people.

Ascetics can see a new world only if they jump out of this frame and are not restrained.

At this time, the bell in the sky rang again.The three-legged bird pecks the bell with its beak, and the bell sounds loud and quiet.

A golden post flew down from above again, about to fall somewhere to the east.

Jiang Ling was curious, so he stretched out his hand towards the sky, and suddenly called out - "Tie here!"

Let's stop at this word,

The golden post that was supposed to fly to the east, rotated in an arc in the sky, and actually fell towards Mingyang City.

(End of this chapter)

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