Chapter 270

When Fate fell, it disappeared into Jiangling's head in an instant.

The City God was amazed to see this. This is a divine scripture given by the god-making bell. Generally speaking, there are two ways to obtain this divine scripture.

The first type is people appointed by the destiny, they are destined to be able to get the god's law.

The second type is those who have the potential to perform their duties first. If they can move the god-making clock, they will also have the opportunity to be bestowed with the gods' law.

But Jiangling is neither like the first nor the second.

He only shouted to the sky, and abruptly called out the Fatie that was supposed to fly to the east.

"The Immortal Elder is really powerful. He is also the person chosen by the Conferred God. His future achievements must be extraordinary."

Jiang Ling smiled slightly, said goodbye to the City God without saying much, and went back to the inn.

After the god Fate got into his head, it stayed in his soul sea world.

There, it is suspended in the air like an imperial decree.

On the back of the divine post, there is the word [Fengshen] in oracle bone inscriptions.

On the front, there are only four words [Daily Behavior, One Evil] written on it.

"Doing evil every day, what does this mean?"

Those who get the Dharma post are the ones chosen by the gods. According to the City God, those who get the Dharma post should only act in accordance with the sky.

The so-called doing things in accordance with the sky, does it mean to do things in accordance with the principle of "doing one evil every day"?
"Come and try."

On the road, I bumped into a Yacha passing by,

Jiang Ling suddenly came up behind him, knocked him out, and took the money bag from him.

As soon as the matter was completed, the god's post in his soul sea world immediately emitted a golden light, and then it seemed that a wave of energy was extradited from a different dimension and injected into his primordial soul.

The primordial soul is nourished by this ancient energy, just like the rain after a long drought, it is very refreshing.

"So that's the case. No wonder among the ancient Conferred Gods, even as a villain, they never hesitated. To have such benefits, they naturally don't care about decent villains."

Yacha fell to the ground, attracting several people's attention.

Jiang Ling didn't stop doing anything, knocked them all to the ground with his shots, and also confiscated all their money.

When this was done, the god Fatie in the sea of ​​souls also sent three wisps of energy again.

And according to the severity of the three shots, the amount of energy sent is also different.

"It turns out that [doing one evil per day] does not mean that you can only do evil once a day, but that you can do it many times. Moreover, the greater the evil you do, the more energy subsidies you will get."

Right now Jiang Ling just knocked them out, if he killed them all, he would undoubtedly get more energy.

If you keep doing this every day, even an ordinary primordial soul will become a yin god after a long time.

This is equivalent to stepping into the realm that countless practitioners dream of without having to train their minds and bodies.

"No wonder the City God said that this is a rare good thing for a cultivator in a hundred years."

"It's just that if you do this, the problem will come again. The more evil a wicked person does, he will become a great evil person; the more good a good person does, he will become a great good person. At that time, the fastest way for a wicked person to gain energy , there is no doubt that it is to kill the great good person; conversely, the same is true for the great good person to kill the great evil person."

Isn't this ridiculous?
He looked up to the sky again, and murmured: "God-making clock? In my opinion, it looks like a clock-making clock. This God's Fatie is originally a trick to tease people. It uses the human world as a chessboard and good and evil as its pieces. Turn a group of people around."

After sighing, he smiled again: "However, the benefits of this are indeed genuine. Even if someone sees clearly and has a clear heart, they will not be able to resist this temptation at all."

He himself is no exception.

In the past few months, he has increased his experience and improved his mood.But the increase of a lot of experience does not have much effect on the improvement of mood.

In the final analysis, there is no trace and no way to follow this road.

It can only be obtained by chance.

He is like this, and so is the old man who played [Immortal Lock] that I met last time.

But now, there is this divine law post.

The path without traces and no way to follow suddenly becomes a path with traces to follow and laws to follow.

As long as he does evil deeds, his realm strength will increase.

"It's not suitable for me to do evil every day."

He thought that if he [do one good deed every day], there would be many things to do.

But go to that chaotic place, as long as you save someone's life, such a kind deed will surely gain a lot.

Save tens of people, hundreds of people, and thousands of people, maybe the soul can be transformed into a soul, and then the soul can become a yin god.

Suddenly, the god-making bell in the sky rang again.

It may be that he snatched the god's law, which made the god-making clock go awry, and now it keeps ringing.

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen divine scriptures fell from the sky and flew to all parts of the world.

"Sent so many gods' spells at once!"

If so, let's get another one.

He closed his eyes, trying to smash the god Fatie in the soul sea world with his thoughts.

However, after some attempts, the god's spell was intact and unaffected at all.

From the sky, he summoned another piece of God's Law and attached it to his forehead, trying to cover up the evil one, but when it touched his forehead, it was like two identical magnetic poles repelling each other of the same sex. elsewhere.

He tried several times, but failed.

On the contrary, this behavior caused another chaos in the god-making clock, and more than ten gods' spells were dropped in one breath.

Jiang Ling tried another seven or eight times, but each time he failed. Whenever the other Fatie approached him, they all bounced away on the spot.

It can be seen from this that this divine post has a strong uniqueness, and once it "lands", it will take root.

"Looking at it this way, if I want to take advantage of this Dharma post, the only thing I can do is [do one evil every day]."

Afterwards, he conducted related experiments on the street.

The result is that [doing one evil every day] must be doing bad things.

No benefit is added to doing good deeds.On the contrary, the next time you do something evil, your "remuneration" will be reduced.

In addition, if you do bad things, you must at least do it to an honest person to be effective.

If evil is used to control evil, the reward is little or even nothing.

"This also makes it clear that I should be a villain and not a good person."

Seeing that the heavenly gods' invitations were still falling, Jiang Ling did not summon one for Qingshuang and Hexiang.

Because it is not known what cause and effect will be involved in this divine scripture.

He was naturally not afraid, but Qingshuang and Hexiang's background was too poor to take the risk.Suitable for steady and steady, take your time.

At this moment, suddenly there was a post, and he flew towards Mingyang City.

Jiang Ling looked over, very curious.

Since Fate came, this should be the person appointed by the destiny.

'I'd like to see who it is. '

Walking like the wind, he suddenly chased after him, crossed two streets, and saw a handsome young man riding a horse and whipping his whip, returning from outside the city.

The Fatie fell on him and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

'Evil is good, and try it. '

After more than a hundred steps, Jiang Ling picked up a stone and shot it at the horse's leg.

After the stone hit the horse's leg, the black horse neighed and suddenly fell down while running.The man on the horse fell straight down, his forehead was blue and his face was swollen, and his nose was bleeding wildly.

At this moment, the energy in Jiangling Soul Sea World ushered in a massive supply.

If we talk about the previous attempts, the energy obtained is as small as a hair.The energy obtained at this time is as thick as bean sprouts.

As far as Yuanhun is concerned, such a large amount of energy is not too little.

(End of this chapter)

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