River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 275 Uncle

Chapter 275 Uncle

The distance between Rulin Restaurant and Xianglin Inn is not too far.
The two streets in the middle are about [-] paces.

Rhubarb ran very fast, so Xiao Ke could only trot and chase after him: "Duhuang, slow down."

Rhubarb would stop at every turn and wait for her for a while.

Xiao Ke was running out of breath. In the end, she saw Da Huang stopped in front of the Xianglin Inn, wagging her tail there.

"Hey, why are you here again?"

When the inn clerk saw the rhubarb, he laughed strangely, but this time he didn't drive it away.Because Jiang Ling was sitting and drinking tea on the first floor.

"Guest officer, this yellow dog is here again. It's probably because he didn't have enough roast chicken and wants to eat more."

The clerk smiled, Jiang Ling was indeed generous, he gave a lot of money, and he was also happy to entertain this kind of guests.


Jiang Ling put down his teacup, looked outside the door, and sure enough, it was rhubarb again, wagging its tail outside the door.

Why are you running here again?
Just got suspicious

Outside the inn door, an umbrella fell to the ground.

A girl was drenched in the rain, staring blankly at the inn and at Jiangling.

Jiang Ling looked at the girl, sighed in his heart, this rhubarb brought her here.

I had to smile with the girl and shouted: "Xiao Ke, you are stupid again, it's raining, don't get caught in the rain outside, come in quickly."

The girl rubbed her eyes, and the drops of water falling on her face did not know whether it was rain or tears.

After standing still for a few seconds, she whimpered and ran into the inn, threw herself on Jiang Ling's lap, and hugged his arm: "Young Master..."

Jiang Ling rubbed her head with a smile, Xiao Ke was similar in age to He Xiang, only half a child: "It's not auspicious for you to cry like this."

"Grandpa, is it really you?"

"Of course it's me, or who else would it be?"

"But I finally found you..."

"Okay, get up quickly, don't let people see the joke."

Xiao Ke didn't care, she hugged his arm and kept wiping away her tears. While wiping, she said why he left without saying goodbye.

She also said that she and Yue Wei had searched for him for a long time, from the south to the north, and if it wasn't for the turmoil, they had decided to go to the capital.

Now it's finally here,
Xiao Ke complained all about her grievances, tears streaming down her face, and even mentioned that she and the young lady were in the process of looking for him, and they almost had accidents several times.

After Jiang Ling heard this, he did not expect that such two weak women would go through so much in such a short period of time.

In other words, when they ran a restaurant in Linzhou County, it was really prosperous for a while.

But later, a direct descendant of the Lin family went to Linzhou County, and seeing the prosperity of the restaurant, he forcibly took over it.

Lin Yuewei's family is only collateral, so of course there is nothing to say.

After losing the restaurant, she also lost weight. After thinking about it for a while, she finally decided to take Xiao Ke to find her husband.

In such an era, before a woman gets married, she relies on her parents.

After getting married, the only person she can rely on is her own man.

Even though Jiang Ling was a married woman, she was born in the offspring of the Lin family as a woman, no matter how capable she was, the Lin family would never ask her to be the leader.

Therefore, when she was vulnerable, the only thing she could rely on was her own man.

And without her husband by her side, she would often attract gossip.

Occasionally a sentence or two is fine, if you listen to it every day, no matter how good the mood is, it is unbearable.

Jiang Ling: "Actually, why bother looking for me?"

Xiao Ke was dissatisfied: "Uncle, you are the husband-in-law of the young lady, so of course I want to look for you."

Jiang Ling nodded.

When he first came to this world, he looked at the world from the perspective of later generations, and he thought that he would play with Lin Yuewei to protect her reputation, and then break up peacefully and live in peace with each other.

But after these days of experience, he also understands what a marriage means to a woman.

In this era, going to court to get married is definitely not a child's play, and it is definitely not a peaceful breakup with a word of peace.

"Speaking of which, I am ashamed of Yue Wei."

It's not that he doesn't want to be responsible for her, it's just that he knows that it may not be good to take her with him when he is running around.

Although Qingshuang and Hexiang have been following him,
But their situation is different,
Both of them are lonely, with no family or friends, and no one to rely on.

And Lin Yuewei finally has family, relatives and friends.

Xiao Ke's teary eyes were dim, and she suddenly raised her head: "Grandpa, do you know that Miss has been bullied, and she has been bullied since she came back here. But no one can help her, she is still being bullied, sir, I Now I finally found you. If the young lady knew, she would die of joy."

Jiang Ling frowned: "Who bullied her?"

Xiao Ke then told what happened just now.

"I was bullied by my family back then in Linzhou County, and it's still the same now. I wanted to help Miss, but... I'm just a maid in the end. To put it in a few words, the Eldest Master will let someone take her away." I killed..."

"Where are Master Lin and his wife?"

"Master, they don't care about Miss at all. They were dissatisfied with Miss at first, but later... because of my uncle's affairs, they became more and more disliked."

Back then, Jiangling had the identity of a murderer.

After accepting such a son-in-law, it is strange that Master Lin has a good face.

'I thought that Yuewei would be able to live well if she had a family and relatives, but unexpectedly, I took it for granted. '

He stood up suddenly, "Where is Yuewei now?"

Xiao Ke also stood up, wiped away her tears, and pointed in the direction of Rulin Restaurant: "It's just ahead, not far away, uncle, are you going to see Miss?"

Rhubarb was holding Xiao Ke's umbrella in his mouth and brought it over.

Jiang Ling took the umbrella, held it in his hand, and pulled Xiao Ke to hide from the rain: "Since you know that your wife is being bullied, how can you just sit idly by?"

After hearing this, Xiao Ke was excited.Tightly pull the uncle's sleeve.

She always believed in her heart that the uncle is powerful, if the young lady is protected by the uncle, no one will be able to bully her.

Rhubarb barked twice, and happily led the way ahead, walking fast.

While Jiang Ling and Xiao Ke took umbrellas and left together, Qingshuang and He Xiang were watching from the window on the second floor of Xianglin Inn.

Qingshuang bit her lips lightly with her snow-white teeth, watching the scene in the rain, she was only in a daze.

He Xiang also took a few glances, not knowing what to say.

They almost heard what Xiao Ke said just now downstairs.

Even if she is Jiangling's servant girl, she only found out at this time that the husband is a married man.

At this time, she was also afraid that Qingshuang would be sad, so she gently held her hand.

"Sister Qingshuang..."

Qingshuang came back to her senses and smiled lightly: "What's wrong?"

He Xiang tentatively said, "Are you... all right?"

Qingshuang pretended to be fine: "What can I do?"

He Xiang: "Mister...Mister, he..."

Qingshuang also held her hand, and said softly: "No matter what, your husband won't leave us alone, will he?"

To say anything else, it is difficult to guarantee the fragrance of lotus.But this point, she was very sure in her heart, "That's for sure, Mr. is not that kind of person."

Qingshuang: "In this way, we don't need to think too much."

He Xiang: "Oh."

(End of this chapter)

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