River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 276 Hugh Bullied Her

Chapter 276 Hugh Bullied Her

Rulin Restaurant is not considered a big restaurant in Mingyang City.

It's just one of the few time-honored brands opened by the Lin family when they first started their business.

The scale is small and the profitability is quite limited.

But as a time-honored brand, it also has a family face and meaning in it.

Normally, few of the younger generation are willing to accept this time-honored brand.

Because in addition to many cumbersome rules, you can’t change it randomly,

The main disadvantage is that the scale is too small. If some big families hold banquets, the table seats of this time-honored brand will definitely not be able to take over.

Compared with this, they are more willing to accept the newly built big restaurants. Sometimes the profit of a big restaurant in a day is almost comparable to that of this time-honored brand in a month.

If the business of a time-honored brand is good, it should be taken for granted in the eyes of the family elders;

If it's not good, it's the shopkeeper's fault.

In the restaurant at this time, Patriarch Lin had already left.

Before leaving, he officially handed over the management of this time-honored brand to Lin Yuewei.

Ordinarily, this time-honored brand has been losing money for more than half a year. The location is not good, and the chef is not good. In the Lin family restaurant industry, this place is considered a hot potato.

His son was fine, he was greedy, and he only scolded a few words.

Now hand over this mess to Lin Yuewei, if there is any problem in the future, it will be Lin Yuewei's.

"Here, there is one more thing I forgot to tell you."

Patriarch Lin had left, but his son Lin Wenguang hadn't left yet. He was sitting carelessly in the lobby outside, and at this moment he took out a note from his sleeve.

Lin Yuewei: "What is this?"

Lin Wenguang: "Look for yourself."

Lin Yuewei opened it, and saw that it said - Rulin Restaurant borrowed 350 taels of silver from Dalong Bank.

Lin Yuewei: "Why did you borrow so much money?"

Lin Wenguang chuckled: "Don't make a mistake, this Rulin restaurant is yours now, so you owe the money too, and it has nothing to do with me."

Lin Yuewei: "Lin Wenguang, why are you such a rascal?"

Lin Wenguang became displeased: "Lin Yuewei, you figured out your own identity, you are a sidekick, one year older than me, you really think she is my sister? It's your turn to blame me? Anyway, I have already given you the IOU, If you don’t pay back the money, it’s up to you.”

Lin Yuewei: "I didn't borrow this money, and it has nothing to do with me. If you insist on relying on me, I will tell your father."

Lin Wenguang slammed the table and stood up: "Lin Yuewei, if I give you three points of color, you will really open a dyeing room? Let me tell you, you have to pay back the money. If you don't pay it back, I will have it." For example, a certain person's husband is a murderer. Your father concealed this matter well, but there is no impenetrable wall in the world, although few people in the family know it. If I accidentally say it Come out, hehe, can you, Lin Yuewei, still talk to me standing up like this?"

A big family like the Lin family has developed so many generations, and the most important thing at present is reputation.
Because the Lin family also wanted to become a third-rate family like the Zhao family, Wu family, and Han family.

However, if a murderer's Shangmenlang is exposed at such a time, it will not only be a joke for Lin Yuewei, but also a joke for the entire Lin family.

Lin Yuewei's face turned miserable, and she lowered her head.

Seeing that she had lost all confidence, Lin Wenguang couldn't help feeling complacent, stood up, and wanted to leave.

However, at this moment, a yellow dog hurried in from the rain outside.

As soon as he came in, he barked at Lin Wenguang.

Lin Wenguang was annoyed, picked up the stool next to him, and wanted to smash it over.

But just as he grabbed a stool, a big hand suddenly stretched out behind him and pushed the stool down again.

At the same time, Lin Wenguang felt that his shoulders were also being pressed down,

He lost his footing and fell to the ground.

"Who the hell are you?" Lin Wenguang scolded.

But Lin Yuewei, who was standing opposite him, had red eyes at this moment, covered her mouth with her hands in surprise, and tears were falling down.Full of disbelief and trance.

A slap landed on Lin Wenguang's face.

Lin Wenguang was furious, and opened his mouth to curse again.

But before he could utter a word, the second slap fell, making his ears buzzing non-stop.

"Husband... Jun?" Lin Yuewei opened her mouth, calling out the title she had been thinking about for so long.

Jiang Ling gave her a gentle smile, then reached out to her to take the IOU, and took a look at it.

"Who owes this money, and who should pay it back, do you think it makes sense?"

From Lin Yuewei's address, Lin Wenguang probably knew who the person who slapped him was.

On the one hand, he looks down on him because he is a worthless doorman after all.Who do you think you are?
But on the other hand, he heard the news that Lin Yuewei's husband was a murderer.There is a murder case in the underground, not just one.

Judging from the decisiveness and harshness of his two slaps, Lin Wenguang has no doubt that if he persists, he will suffer more.

Based on the idea that a good man does not suffer immediate losses,

He swallowed his saliva and admitted his love: "Yes...that's the reason."

"It's useless to just talk about it, let's put a fingerprint on it, so that it will be easier to explain later." Jiang Ling asked Xiao Ke to get the ink pad.

Ever since Xiao Ke came back, she saw Jiang Ling beating Lin Wenguang, which made her happy.

At this moment, Jiang Ling asked for ink pads, she ran to the counter to get them like a galloping rabbit.

Jiang Ling put the ink pad in front of Lin Wenguang: "Press it."

Lin Wenguang looked at him twice, and then at Lin Yuewei.

Jiang Ling suddenly slapped him on the head again: "What are you looking at?"

Gritting his teeth, Lin Wenguang had no choice but to stretch out his thumb, wipe the ink pad and press his own fingerprint on the IOU.

Jiang Ling: "Press a few more."

Lin Wenguang obeyed patiently.

After he pressed five fingerprints in a row, Jiang Ling let him go.He also returned the IOU to him: "Since it is your IOU, it has nothing to do with Yuewei. Take it and leave quickly. For the sake of Yuewei's family, I will spare you this time. If Next time I see you bullying Yue Wei, then I won't let you off so easily."

Lin Wenguang took the IOU, hurriedly crawled a foot away, then picked up an umbrella, and ran out of the restaurant.

When he arrived on the street, he gritted his teeth and turned his head and said harshly: "You are the son-in-law of Lin Yuewei's family, right? Hit me? You wait for me, you murderer, you are finished."

Jiang Ling: "If the mouth is not clean, it should be cracked."

As soon as these words came out, Lin Wenguang, who was running away, suddenly fell to the ground, knocked his mouth on the stone, saw blood on the spot, and screamed in pain.

In the restaurant, Lin Yuewei wept with joy, and stood aside in a daze, her tearful eyes only fixedly looked at Jiang Ling, without blinking, for fear that after blinking, he would disappear.

Seeing her reaction, Jiang Ling sighed in his heart, no wonder the karma between Lin Yuewei and Lin Yuewei in Hetu Luoshu has been flashing.

Presumably, since I paid homage to her at the beginning, this relationship cannot be broken at all.

Moreover, in such an era, if there is such a wife who has been waiting for him, why should he refuse?
Jiang Ling walked up to her and asked her gently: "Yuewei, are you okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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