River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 277 Husband Is A Good Man

Chapter 277 Husband Is A Good Man

When husband and wife meet, they have to say a lot.

After the two went upstairs, they talked for about an hour.

During this period, Xiao Ke used the pretext of serving tea and water, and always wanted to eavesdrop on something when she came to the door.But for some reason, no matter how much she pricked up her ears, she still couldn't make out what was said inside.

Can't help being very depressed.

It was not until nearly two hours before the upstairs door was opened.

Lin Yuewei and Jiang Ling came downstairs together, and Lin Yuewei personally sent an umbrella to Jiang Ling.

Seeing Xiao Ke, she hurried over and said, "Uncle, where are you going?"

Jiang Ling: "Go back to the inn."

Xiao Ke: "Why don't you go back to the inn? You can stay here, or else, we can go back to Huangxi Forest House together."

Jiang Ling: "We have to go back first."

Xiao Ke said reluctantly: "Uncle, you won't leave Miss again and leave alone?"

Jiang Ling patted her on the head, then glanced at Lin Yuewei: "This time, I won't leave your young lady behind."

Lin Yuewei also came over at this time, holding Xiao Ke to keep her from talking.

At the same time, she also said softly: "Husband, if you agree with Sister Qingshuang, you can let her and He Xiang come over earlier."

"Yes." Jiang Ling agreed, opened his umbrella, and walked out of Rulin Restaurant.

When Xiao Ke heard about "Sister Qingshuang" and "Lotus Fragrance", she felt baffled.

Just about to ask a question out of curiosity, Lin Yuewei hurriedly pressed her finger on her lips to stop her: "Children, don't ask too many questions."

Xiao Ke had no choice but to stand aside, her cheeks like two little buns.

In fact, just upstairs, Lin Yuewei and Jiang Ling talked about some of her experiences these days, and similarly, Jiang Ling also talked about some of her own experiences.

Those experiences also include the process and follow-up of getting to know He Xiang and Qingshuang.

These things must always be told to her.

What he didn't expect was that Lin Yuewei didn't resist after listening.On the contrary, I am quite envious of him and Qingshuang having such experience and fate.

He also expressed that he really wanted to meet that strange woman who was so strong that she dared to jump into the river.

Speaking of jumping into the river, the two of them felt sorry for each other—both jumped into the river.

Mentioning this, Lin Yuewei smiled shyly.Besides, she believes in fate, since they are all brought together by fate, they are destined to be members of a family.

With her generous acceptance, Jiang Ling was deeply surprised, but also deeply moved.

So, she wanted to go back and convey the matter to Qingshuang. If Qingshuang had no objections, then tomorrow, maybe they could arrange a meeting between the two parties.

But just after leaving the Rulin Restaurant, before going far, there were a few government servants on the official road, led by Lin Wenguang, rushing here.

As soon as he saw Jiangling, Lin Wenguang hurriedly hid beside the yamen servant, and then pointed to Jiangling: "It's him, that's him, the murderer, you guys catch him quickly."

After all, the Lin family is a prominent family in Mingyang City. Lin Wenguang went to the yamen to report the case, from the county magistrate to the yamen servant, and he would give him some face if he didn't look at the monk's face or the Buddha's face.

No, under the arrangement of the county magistrate, the six yamen servants followed Lin Wenguang to arrest the wanted criminals.

Yamen servant: "Is he a wanted criminal?"

Let's look at Jiangling's clothes, which are very luxurious.The clothes alone are typical [Yunjin] fabrics. It should be known that [Yunjin] has a saying that every inch of brocade is precious, and only princes and nobles have always been able to afford it.

Of course, some big households in Mingyang City also wear similar fabrics.

The eyesight of these yamen servants working in Mingyang City is not comparable to that of yamen servants in remote counties.

Looking at the hair crown on Jiang Ling's head, the jade ornament is clearly a mutton fat white jade crown.

As far as he is wearing, it is worth a thousand gold to say the least.Such a character, no matter how you look at it, doesn't look like a wanted criminal.

In other words, the wanted criminal would never dare to show off in such a way.

Lin Wenguang: "That's right, he is a wanted criminal. I have already found out. He has committed several murders in Guobei County, and he is a felon on the most wanted list of the government. If you catch him quickly, the court will definitely reward you. "

It is true that Jiang Ling was wanted.

It's just that in this era, the news is blocked, and good things can always travel thousands of miles without going out.

Most people only know that he was wanted, but they don't know that his being wanted has been cancelled.

Even, Luo Qianhu settled the matter for him, and even labeled the murdered villain of Qingniu Village as a plotter.

Killing them is not only innocent, but meritorious.

The left and right are all irrelevant troublemakers, and naturally no one really cares about them.

The appearance of the yamen servants was seen by the staff of the Rulin Restaurant, and soon Lin Yuewei and Xiao Ke also ran out in a hurry, following Jiang Ling with worried faces.

The yamen servant suddenly looked at Jiang Ling one or two times: "Have you ever killed someone?"

Jiang Ling did not deny it: "I have killed more than one."

Lin Wenguang immediately jumped up: "Listen, listen, he admitted it, he admitted it himself, get him quickly."

But because of being too excited, the wound on his smashed mouth opened again, and he grinned again in pain.

The yamen servant nodded: "Since you admit it, you might as well go to the yamen with us."

Jiang Ling said with a smile: "You just listen to his one-sided words, and you want to arrest someone? Am I a wanted criminal? You should go back and check the wanted documents."

Lin Wenguang: "What documents are you looking for? I've already checked out your details. You guys, he just wants to get away. Don't give him this chance."

Jiang Ling: "You want to be beaten again, do you or don't you?"

Lin Wenguang stood behind the yamen servant: "You bastard, you still want to hit me? Try hitting me again?"

Lin Yuewei didn't know the details either. In her impression, Jiang Ling had indeed committed crimes.

At this time, she stood up and wanted to excuse Jiang Ling, no matter how bad it was, she had to create an opportunity for Jiang Ling to leave first.

But Jiang Ling stretched out his hand to stop her, and then said to a yamen servant: "May I take a step to talk?"

The yamen servant was not sure if he was a wanted criminal, after all, he was not wanted by Mingyang City, and he was dressed so luxuriously.

He couldn't afford to make a mistake.

So, she naturally nodded and walked aside with him.

Then Jiang Ling took out a waist card from his body, which was given by Luo Qianhu.The badge of the Tiger Army.

This waist card has no special authority, but it can prove his identity.

At the same time, he also took out the imperial decree that said "the most delicious taste in the world" and showed it to the yamen servant.

It explained the "truth" of the murder case in Qingniu Village.

The yamen servant recognized the badge, and was even more surprised that Jiang Ling still held the imperial decree in his hand.

Such a character can't speak falsely.

He was very glad that he was cautious and did not act recklessly, otherwise he would have no good fruit to eat if he offended a big shot.

Jiang Ling wanted to open the imperial decree for him to read, but he quickly stopped him: "No need, no need, the young master can see that he is not someone to be taken lightly at first glance. This must be a misunderstanding."

Asking Jiang Ling to put away his things, he also signaled to several other yamen servants, and he was about to leave.

Before leaving, he politely apologized to Jiang Ling.

This scene not only stunned Lin Wenguang, but also stunned Lin Yuewei and Xiao Ke.

Jiang Ling and Lin Yuewei said: "You don't have to worry about me, I'm not a wanted criminal, it's useless to let him slander me in every possible way."

It was only then that Lin Yuewei remembered that Jiang Ling had told her before that he met some dignitaries in the capital, and someone probably helped him solve this.

Thinking of this, she smiled knowingly and breathed a sigh of relief: "My husband is clearly a good person."

Jiang Ling smiled: "It's raining outside, don't get your clothes wet, go back."

Lin Yuewei: "Yes."

Seeing that the yamen servant left just like that, Lin Wenguang said in astonishment: "Hey, you just left like this? He is a wanted criminal, why didn't he be arrested?"

The yamen servant didn't bother to pay attention to him: "Mr. Lin, if you tease us like this again in the future, don't blame us for not giving the Lin family face."

Lin Wenguang stomped his feet angrily: "What do you mean by that?"

Just when he was questioning, suddenly a slap came from behind him, hitting the back of his head.

Lin Wenguang groaned and fell to the ground, and when he looked back, it was Jiang Ling who was making the move.

Jiang Ling: "You want me to fight again? Now that I've done it, how about you?"

After finishing speaking, he chased after him with another slap and slapped him on the face.

Lin Wenguang's mouth was already rotten, but with this slap, his face was covered in blood.

He blurted out and screamed: "Employee, are you blind and can't see? He hit me...don't you care?"

The more he yelled, the more violently Jiang Ling slapped him, with only two slaps, his cheeks on both sides were swollen.

Several yamen servants looked back, and from Lin Yuewei's address of "husband" just now, they knew the source of the conflict here.

Then he replied casually: "As the saying goes, it is difficult for an upright official to decide on family affairs. What does your Lin family's own affairs have to do with us?"

Lin Wenguang: "You bastards..."

Jiang Ling: "Still clamoring?"

Lin Wenguang, who has always been praised by others, has never been bullied like this?He opened his mouth to scold, but seeing the slap in front of him, he didn't dare to scold.

Feeling aggrieved inexplicably, he paused and started crying.

Jiang Ling couldn't help laughing: "Just like you, are you considered a man?"

Lin Wenguang lay in the rain, covering his face with his hands, crying non-stop.

Seeing him like this, Jiang Ling didn't hit him again, just patted him on the head twice: "Grow a better memory in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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