River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 278 Evolution of Primordial Spirit

Chapter 278 Evolution of Primordial Spirit
In Rulin Restaurant, through the rain curtain, Lin Yuewei and Xiao Ke's master and servant watched Jiang Ling beating Lin Wenguang from afar.

Xiao Ke was delighted to see it, and wished she could go up and hit it twice.

Lin Yuewei, however, could see that there was a trace of sadness between her brows, she could see that her husband didn't do anything serious, but just punished him slightly.

However, as Lin Wenguang, after being beaten like this, he will definitely not let it go, right?
On the one hand is the tribe, on the other is the husband, but Jiang Ling would beat him like this, probably because he wanted to vent his anger on her.

Thinking of this, her sorrow dissipated, she also smiled slightly, and said to Xiao Ke: "Xiao Ke, tell me, what will happen if we wander around the world with your uncle?"

Xiao Ke exclaimed in surprise: "Wow, isn't that fun? Miss, when shall we leave?"

Lin Yuewei smiled wryly, it was obviously superfluous to ask Xiao Ke this question.

But Xiao Ke's attitude gave her firmness.

'Big deal, I will give up everything here and leave with my husband.It will never be difficult for both sides. '

Jiangling returned to the inn,

But near the inn, I suddenly saw two people walking in the rain.

It was a young man and woman,
The man is handsome and the woman is noble.

Under the oil-paper umbrella, there is no dust.

This pair of men and women were exactly the two he met last night.

At this time, the two sides passed by each other.

While Jiang Ling was looking at them, the man and woman also looked at Jiang Ling curiously.

The man snorted: "You are young, but it is a pity."

The woman said: "Ants and commoners are not short-lived, and they are only six years old. What's the pity?"

It's very common to pass by,

What they said was probably because they saw that there were no three fires on Jiang Ling's head, so they believed that he should be a short-lived person.

Jiang Ling also heard this, just smiled, and was about to enter the inn, but suddenly thought, since he ran into these two people again, how could he miss [Daily Behavior]?
Just in time to see a brick on the ground, he first squeezed the formula with his hands, stepped on the sky, drew a semicircle in front of him, and gave a soft scold.

This is how the technique of Nightmare Prayer was accomplished.Within a radius of ten feet, his movements will not be seen at this time.

He raised the brick and threw it at the man.

The woman reacted quite quickly, but this time she was not included.

However, the sound of breaking through the air after the brick flew past still caught the woman's attention.

She instantly turned her head to look back, and reflexively moved two steps to the left.

The man turned his head at the same time, and his reaction was a little slower. Just as he turned his head, the brick just hit him on the face.

This scene was almost exactly the same as last night.

The woman glanced at it, then rushed out the first time, looking around.

The man covered his face in pain, and when he let go of his hand, his palm was bloody again.There was a severe pain in the nose, and a large swelling in the cheek.

"Fuck me, who did you provoke? Are you attacking me again?"

He was furious, and rushed out, shouting loudly: "If you have the ability, don't stab people in the back, Xiao Xiao, do you dare to come out and fight grandpa?"

No one paid him any attention.

People passing by on the road looked at him like they were looking at a fool.

"Siya, have you seen that person's whereabouts?"


The woman's expression was strange, and she couldn't help becoming suspicious: "Have you offended anyone?"

The man said angrily: "It's my first time going down the mountain, how can I offend anyone?"

Woman: "I didn't see him, probably because he has a lot of skills. Since he has his eyes on you, be careful next time."

Jiang Ling had already entered the inn, accepting a considerable ray of soul energy with a smile.

After this ray of soul energy was injected into his primordial soul, he suddenly felt that his primordial soul was heavy, and it was quite different from before.

'Could it be that this is going to change? '

According to the general procedure,

After the cultivator reaches the [Three Flowers Gathering at the Top], his primordial soul will also sublimate and become the primordial spirit.

The Yuanhun and Yuanshen are different in one word, but they are very different in essence.

Ordinary people have primordial souls, and if the body dies, the primordial souls will lose their yang energy and become yin souls.Yin ghosts are afraid of rain and wind, so-called ghosts and wild ghosts are of this kind.

But if you become a primordial spirit, even if you die, you will not die.It can also possess other people and live by borrowing the body.

At the same time, the sensing ability of the primordial spirit must be higher than that of the primordial soul.

If we say that Jiangling's concentration before Jiangling was the unity of people's hearts.Then once the primordial spirit is achieved, you can enter the unity of heaven and man.

'Although I haven't generated 【Three Flowers Gathering on the Top】, but the formation of the soul is a little earlier, which is normal. '

He was about to go upstairs and return to his room, but when he realized this feeling, he suddenly backed down.

"Since my primordial soul is almost on the verge of becoming a primordial spirit, why don't we just have a hard time with those two fellow Taoists?"

After all, the energy feedback obtained from them is much higher than that of ordinary people.

Thinking of this, he turned and went out.

At this time, the man and the woman were talking at the intersection, and after that, they were going to Xue's house.

Jiang Ling smiled, walked out of the inn, searched the street, and picked up two more bricks.

He and the man and woman are probably separated by more than a hundred steps at the moment,

Using the Nightmare Prayer technique again, the surroundings were covered with blindfolds.Then, he grabbed the rock and threw it at the man again.

After the first shot, two seconds later, the second shot followed.

A hundred paces away, the man was still angrily complaining to the woman.

The woman suddenly heard the wind behind her, and this time she gave a warning in advance: "Get out of the way, it's coming again."

She and the man dodged to the left and right respectively, and each took two steps back.

The sound of breaking wind passed between the two of them in an instant, and it rained heavily. It was clear that a stone flew out in an arc and smashed towards the front.

The man sneered: "Hmph, come again? I really thought I could still hit Lao Tzu..."

But at this moment, the second burst of wind just came.

Only halfway through his words, his head was suddenly thrown back.

When the stone hit the ground, his nose bleeds profusely, and this time even his eyes were red and swollen from the impact.

"I... can't take it anymore... I'm bullying people too much... I'm really bullying people too much..."

The woman stared at the rear, and suddenly frowned, as if she had finally found some clues.

Jiang Ling walked away from the door of the inn, he noticed the woman's keen gaze, and gave a secret compliment.Then he quickly ran towards the outside of the city.

"I found him."

The woman's Dharma Eye was opened, and although she couldn't see clearly, she vaguely saw a galloping figure through the rain curtain.

She chased after him immediately.

The man's nose was sore, tears were about to flow from the pain: "Keep an eye on him, no matter who he is, I will make him look good today."

The two of them were flying like lightning, lost the oil-paper umbrella, and chased the illusory figure out of the city gate.

After arriving outside the city, suddenly there were many falling stones, several of them were thrown towards them in succession.

The woman was finally hit once this time, not to mention the man, even the woman was hit, and of course he didn't avoid it - a stone hit her forehead, which swelled up to a lump.

Jiang Ling, on the other hand, enjoys the increase in soul power from the energy feedback of this "doing evil every day". At this time, the original soul is getting heavier and heavier, and the distance from transformation is not far behind.

(End of this chapter)

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