Chapter 279
"Father, you have to decide for me."

In the city, Lin Wenguang dragged his father's sleeve, crying with snot and tears.

His father didn't know the reason, but just seeing the wound on his son's face, he was already furious.

A married man, what, dared to hit the descendants of the Lin family, wouldn't it be against the heavens?
No, with six servants, holding sticks, they will come to [Xianglin Inn] to pick up people in a hurry.

"He lives here?" As the head of the Lin family, Lin Jianqing put his hands on his back, with a sense of majesty.

Lin Wenguang's cheeks were swollen and painful, and he couldn't speak fluently. He covered his face and faltered for a while before saying, "Yes...that's it, he still has two women hidden."

Lin Jianqing: "Hmph, why is that so unreasonable? How dare a married man dare to raise a woman outside?"

With a wave of his hand, he sent the servant into the inn to fetch someone.

The clerk in the inn was puzzled and wanted to stop him, but after seeing Lin Jianqing, he gave up.

Lin Fu's servant asked the room number, and went upstairs to knock on the door.

At this time, Qingshuang and Hexiang who were in the room didn't know what happened.

When they heard the knock on the door, they thought it was Jiang Ling who had returned.

He Xiang is going to knock on the door happily.

But as soon as he got to the door, he heard someone shouting: "Open the door, hurry up."

Accompanied by rough beating and pushing sounds.

And this is obviously not Jiangling.

He Xiang became a little nervous: "Who are you?"

Outside the door shouted: "I told you to open the door, didn't you hear me? Hurry up."

He Xiang glanced at Qingshuang and asked her for her opinion.

Qingshuang walked to the door lightly, "Did you find the wrong person?"

Outsider: "What are you looking for the wrong person, you are the one looking for, tell Jiang Ling to get out."

Qingshuang and Hexiang's expression changed at the same time, since the outsider called Jiang Ling's name, they must have come for them.

In the corridor outside the door, Lin Wenguang also climbed up the stairs at this time, and when he heard a woman talking in the room, he was angry and furious: "As expected, that dog who married into the family also raised two wild women outside. How can it be reasonable to take my Lin family's money and raise wild women outside?"

"Hit it for me. If she doesn't open the door, she just knocks it open. Hit those two wild women to death."

When the servant heard this, he really clashed.

He Xiang turned pale with panic, screamed, and hurriedly dragged the table and put it behind the door.

Qingshuang's face turned pale.

Jiang Ling went out in the morning and hasn't come back yet.

I thought it was him who came back, but the people who came were actually his wife's family.

And it's so rough at the moment, I want to come and beat them both to death.

You know, in this era, the most important thing between men and women is their status.

Jiang Ling and Lin Yuewei are legal couples who have worshiped, but Qingshuang and him have no name or identity at all.

The Lin family came to the door, and if they really beat her to death, it would be reasonable to make a fuss with the government.

He Xiang moved the table and the stool, and seeing Qingshuang standing still, she hurriedly shouted: "Sister Qingshuang, quickly move something to block them."

But Qingshuang let out a miserable laugh: "Jiang Lang hasn't returned yet, a woman like me, who has no name and no status, deserves to be beaten to death."

He Xiang: "Sister Qingshuang, what are you talking about?"

After Qingshuang finished speaking, she burst into tears.

All along, she had a low self-esteem in her bones.

Now, in front of Jiangling's real wife, her inferiority complex is even more prominent.She didn't feel scared when someone knocked on her door, but instead felt a little ashamed.

Seeing her like this, He Xiang had no choice but to move all the movable furniture in the room and block the door.

But the door of the inn is not an iron wall after all,
No matter how tightly she blocks it, the doors and windows will always be fragile.

The Lin family was rich and powerful, so even if the doors and windows were broken, they would just compensate according to the price.

After several pushes and bumps, the servants of the Lin family smashed the doors and windows.

This move made He Xiang scream again in fright.

The people on both sides looked at each other, Lin Wenguang pointed to the inside and yelled, "Beat me, go in and beat me, this son of a bitch is actually raising two at a time. It doesn't matter if you kill him."

The servant climbed up from the window and was about to enter the room.

He Xiang screamed again and again, pulling Qingshuang, since she couldn't stop her, she could only retreat into the corner of the room.

The servant who crawled in sneered, picked up a wooden stick, and pretended to hit him.

He eats food from the Lin family, so he naturally wants to be loyal to the Lin family.But no matter what pity and pity, if you really want to beat these two women to death today, you have to do it.

But just when he was about to get close to the second daughter,
Suddenly, in the northeast of the room, at some point, a man's figure appeared.

He held two wine jars in his hands,

At this time, one was thrown out, and it hit the servant on the head.

His head was badly beaten, and Jia Ding fell directly to the ground.

He Xiang and Qing Shuang looked back in surprise, only to find that Jiang Ling was behind them, and they didn't know when he came back.

Jiangling's second wine jar suddenly struck out again, and with a whistling sound, it flew out and hit Lin Wenguang in the face.

As soon as Lin Wenguang was hit, his eyes darkened and he fell down.

Seeing this situation, the few remaining servants outside looked at each other, quickly lifted Lin Wenguang and went downstairs.

The two women in the room were crying at this moment.

He Xiang was really frightened.

As for Qingshuang, her heart was hurt.

Jiang Ling patted He Xiang's head, and then wiped away tears for Qing Shuang: "He Xiang still knows how to block the door when they call, Shuang'er, are you stupid to just stand like this?"

Qingshuang looked at him with tears in her eyes: "Madam Ling wants to kill Qingshuang, Qingshuang has nothing to say."

Jiang Ling: "What stupid things did you say?"

Qingshuang lowered her head: "Qingshuang is a nobody after all, and she has no face to hide."

Jiang Ling: "You must never say such stupid things in the future. You are my woman. If you want a name, then you are my wife."

Qingshuang stared at him blankly,
It must be known that the Lin family is outside at this time, Jiang Ling dared to say this to her in front of them.

In this way, it shows the sincerity.

Qingshuang: "With Jiang Lang's words, Shuang'er was beaten to death, and she was willing."

Jiang Ling: "My woman, who dares to fight? Even the Heavenly King Lao Tzu has come, and I don't have such power."

While speaking, Lin Jianqing led the people upstairs again.

When they arrived at the door of this room, they looked at each other through the broken doors and windows.

Lin Jianqing: "You still dare to hit someone, you are a married man, you can't figure out who you are?"

Jiang Ling looked at him with a frown: "Which bastard are you?"

Lin Jianqing's expression twisted when he heard that,
He is the majestic head of the Lin family, but he is called a dog by this mere junior?
Lin Jianqing pointed to the room, and sternly shouted: "Beat, come in and beat me, and beat this bitch to death."

Jiang Ling was not in a hurry, after soothing Qingshuang's emotions, he moved the tables, chairs and benches blocking the door with one kick, and then opened the door himself.

"Hit? Come on, I want to see who of you dares to fight."

 There are more at night!The autumn tiger is coming, and it's so hot, so hot

(End of this chapter)

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