River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 283 Don't Bark

Chapter 283 Don't Bark
The man frowned and said, "We are descendants of immortals, are we going to do such a dirty thing?"

The cold woman said: "Everything is just for the mission. If Xue Xingwei is not made to pay attention as soon as possible, I don't know how much time you and I will waste here. Besides, if we don't bring Xue Xingwei back sooner, other forces will come to rob people again." , you and I will only cause more trouble."

Man: "But if you do such a thing, you may have to cause several karma, I'm afraid the gain outweighs the loss."

The cold woman said: "What does cause and effect have to do with us? At most we just invited these three women to Xue's residence."

The man took a few glances at her and fully understood what kind of plan it was.

The woman plucked a leaf from the side of the road, put it on her red lips and blew it.

After a while, a blue kingfisher flew over from the river and landed on her shoulder.

The woman beckoned to it, and said a spell in her mouth. The kingfisher tilted its head to comprehend it, then flapped its wings and flew towards Huangxi Forest House.

After a while, it flew back with three hairs in its mouth.

The woman put away these three hairs, "In this way, the matter can be accomplished."

Before noon, the three women packed up their things in the Lin residence.

She didn't bring anything special, except for some changes of clothes, there was only Lin Yuewei holding a box in her arms.

There, it is also her dowry.What I have accumulated since I was a child, and accumulated up to now, can be regarded as a considerable amount of wealth.

Now that he was leaving the Lin family, he had to take all these things with him.

After returning to the inn, Qingshuang's face was like a peach blossom, and she was taking notes in the room.

Jiang Ling was meditating on the sidelines, whenever he thought of it, he would read it out, and Qingshuang would write it down.

When Lin Yuewei saw it, she was very curious, so she asked Qingshuang what she wrote.

Qingshuang said: "It's a recipe for cooking."

Lin Yuewei was surprised: "Cooking?"

Qingshuang smiled and said: "Jiang Lang dislikes the bad food here, and I just told him that Sister Yuewei still has a wish unfinished. So Jiang Lang asked me to write down the recipes of these dishes so that I can eat them myself At the same time, it can also help sister Yuewei."

Lin Yuewei looked at Jiang Ling shyly: "Husband, do you mind?"

Jiang Ling: "I don't care about your filial piety. Besides, it should be done."

Lin Yuewei's wish was to repay her parents for their upbringing before leaving Jiang Ling.

Although her parents value boys over girls and have always paid little attention to her, the kindness of nurturing cannot be erased just by erasing it.

Now, she has been removed from the Lin family's name. Once her parents in Linzhou County know about this, they will definitely feel a great loss of face.

Moreover, the patriarch Lin Jianqing might use this as an excuse to cut off the property currently under the control of her parents.

If this is the case, then as a daughter, she owes a lot to her parents.

Therefore, when she talked with Qingshuang before, she mentioned this matter unintentionally.

She just hadn't figured out how to do it at the time.

At this moment, when Qingshuang said what she said, it seemed that she was directly implying that she could open a restaurant.

Moreover, her husband didn't mind about it.

He Xiang clapped her hands and said: "Let's open a restaurant, Sister Qingshuang's cooking is delicious."

Jiang Ling also said: "If you want money, I have as much as I want here, and I can always come up with a number. But I know that this kind of intention, you must want to use your own ability to earn it, so you can feel at ease, yes Neither?"

Lin Yuewei nodded, her husband really understood her.

Jiang Ling: "Since that's the case, it's just right to open a restaurant. In the future, leave one or two special dishes for your parents. Even if they don't rely on the Lin family, they can live without worries."

Lin Yuewei: "Husband... thank you."

Jiang Ling: "How about [Xianglin Inn] for the location of the restaurant? The main reason is that I am too lazy to leave. As long as the layout of the inn is changed a little and it becomes a restaurant, it will not be a big problem."

Lin Yuewei: "If you want to buy the location of this inn, I'm afraid it will cost a lot of money."

Jiang Ling smiled: "Just leave it to He Xiang to do it."

He Xiang smiled and hugged her purse: "Madam, don't worry, Mr. is rich, and it is more than enough to buy this inn."

Lin Yuewei was very surprised, this big inn, is it really just buying it?

"If you think it's okay, then buy it first. Didn't you say that I married you when you got married? If that's the case, then the money spent on buying the inn is also my dowry, so you don't have to be polite to me." gone."

That afternoon,

Jiang Ling personally came forward and negotiated the price with the shopkeeper.Gave a deposit.

He also made an appointment to go to the Yamen to witness the delivery two days later, and it will be considered a success.

that night,

Everyone was in the same room, discussing the future layout and naming of the inn.

In the middle of the night, Xiao Ke Zhiqu left early and took He Xiang away with her.

When only Lin Yuewei and Qingshuang were left in the room,
Jiang Ling smiled and asked them both: "Shuang'er said, I owe Yue Wei a consummation of the house, Yue Wei, how do you think tonight?"

After hearing this, Lin Yuewei's heart beat wildly, her eyes were full of helplessness, and she stood nervously beside the bed: "I...husband...Yuewei...maybe not."

Jiang Ling: "Not ready?"

Lin Yuewei shook her head, and shyly said: "This... these few days are not enough, and... a few more days... probably... it will be fine..."

Jiang Ling laughed, that's why.

"Then rest."

As soon as she called for a break, Lin Yuewei opened her jade feet and was about to go out.

But after taking a step, her wrist was held by Jiang Ling: "Where are you going?"

Lin Yuewei's face was red: "Husband will sleep with Sister Qingshuang tonight, I... I will go with Xiao Ke and the others."

Without further ado, Jiang Ling pulled her onto the bed: "The two of them are chattering, maybe they will talk until late at night, I'm afraid you won't be able to sleep if you go."

Lin Yuewei exclaimed for a while, and with a hum, she and Qingshuang were pulled to lie beside him.

Lin Yuewei was as shy as weeping and complaining: "Husband... Yuewei's body is... not enough."

Qingshuang's face was also flushed, although it was not the first time to get close to Jiang Ling, but it was the first time that a third person was present.

She had heard of it in Misty Rain Pavilion before, and some guests liked similar tunes.One dragon and two phoenixes or something.

At this time, I was also doubting, could it be that Jiang Lang also loved him so much?
But this... is too embarrassing!
But he felt that Jiang Ling was holding the hands of the two of them, and he didn't make any overstepping movements, he just said calmly and softly: "Tonight, we don't do anything, just talk."

Qingshuang and Yuewei looked at him at the same time, stared at him for a long time, and smiled knowingly: "Yes."

When near Xu,

Suddenly there was a scream from the next room.

Jiang Ling got up and went over to see He Xiang and Xiao Ke both showing their heads under the quilt, with their eyes wide open.

"He Xiang, what's your name at night?"

He Xiang took out the amulet from around his neck: "Sir, the amulet was burned just now, and it woke me up."

It turned out that she and Xiao Ke were chatting and chatting until about [-]:[-], and then they both fell asleep.

Just now, in her sleep, the amulet suddenly became hot, which made her scream in shock.

Xiao Ke hesitated at the side, and suddenly said: "Grandpa, I just had a strange dream. It seems that there is a relative in the dream who asked me to go to Xue's residence. It's strange..."

Xue Mansion?

Jiang Ling pressed the heads of the two of them on the pillow: "Hurry up and sleep with yours, don't bark."



Before leaving, he quietly stuffed a talisman under Xiao Ke's pillow.

Back in his room, he asked Yuewei if she met any strange people today.

Lin Yuewei thought about it, and said no, but a strange thing happened today, that is, when returning to the Huangxi Forest House, a kingfisher circled all three of them.

Jiang Ling: "Then what did you feel uncomfortable just now?"

Lin Yuewei shook her head, saying no.

It was probably because she was lying beside him, or maybe it was because the three of them had been talking and not sleeping, so strange things didn't happen to her.

Jiang Ling was silent for a while, telling the two of them not to go out of the room.

He left a sword beside the bed, and then talked to the second daughter.In the darkness, he left the inn and headed towards Xue's house.

(End of this chapter)

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