Chapter 284
The rain stops at night,

Haishi arrives.

In the gazebo in the backyard of Xue's mansion, a woman with a cold temperament was sitting on the side, staring at the three small straw figures made of thatch on the stone table.

A strand of hair is wrapped around each straw man's body.

At this time, one of them was snapped inch by inch.

The woman snorted, a little surprised.

The man next to him asked, "What's wrong?"

The woman said: "One is broken."

The man thought for a while: "Why don't you forget it, I always feel that it's not good to do this."

The woman said coldly: "This is your fault, do you still remember what the master said about your biggest shortcoming?"

The man said nothing.

The woman said: "Your biggest shortcoming is indecision, so that you stepped into the road of cultivating the Tao earlier than me, but now you are still behind me. If you can get rid of this problem one day, maybe your realm will not stop there .”

The man frowned and said, "I just disdain that."

In his opinion, they are also descendants of the Immortal Sect after all, so doing such a method is somewhat depreciated.

The woman didn't take it seriously: "Ordinary people are ants, and they are lucky to be able to use me. You don't need to do anything this time, and you don't want to influence me anymore."

The man was silent for a while, then simply left.

In the martial arts arena in the backyard, Xue Laoqi drew a bow and lifted weights, sweating all over.

At this time, the practice was over, passing by the gazebo.

He exchanged glances with the woman, but didn't say hello.

But the woman kindly reminded her: "Young Master Xue, don't close the door later, maybe some distinguished guests will come."

Xue Laoqi: "What distinguished guest?"

The woman said indifferently: "Or the person in Mr. Xue's dream."

Xue Laoqi thought for a moment, "What do you mean?"

Woman: "Young Master Xue, just wait." She didn't say in detail.

Xue Laoqi stood opposite the gazebo, and after a while he said: "I know that you have extraordinary backgrounds and unpredictable methods, but I advise you not to take care of my affairs. If you use methods to help me, I will not accept it." .”

The woman smiled slightly, and didn't care about Xue Laoqi's resistance.

In her opinion, most mortals are like this, they say it tough, but when the person they really like comes to her, I'm afraid they won't be able to say no.

Counting the time, the woman pinched her fingers, preparing to cast the spell again in half an hour.

The method she did was called [Dream Attraction Technique].

It uses magic to transmit an idea into the mind of the practitioner, so that the idea is deeply ingrained, and then subtly affects the practitioner.

There is another prerequisite for this technique, that is, the performer must be in sleep.

After the complete operation, she will sleepwalk, follow the instructions in the dream, and do whatever she is asked to do.

"This [Dream Attraction Technique] is still not easy to use. There are too many restrictions on casting spells. If you learn the [Spirit Absorption Technique] from Master Uncle, it will be much more effective."

The woman relit the three sandalwood sticks, muttering to herself.

She didn't notice at this time that Jiang Ling was sitting on the white crane in the sky above Xue's mansion, looking down at the pavilion from a high position.

Including what she said to the man just now, and what she said to Xue Laoqi, were all heard by him.

Jiang Ling really didn't expect that it would be this woman who did all of this behind the scenes.

'As a woman, the means are so nasty, she treats ordinary people like ants, and she will use any means to achieve her goals. '

On the other hand, that man, although he was a bit indecisive, at least kept the bottom line in his heart.

Moreover, Xue Laoqi, as a person chosen by destiny in [Doing Good Every Day], did not accept her "good intentions".

It was entirely her own making.

Another half an hour later,

The woman started a second spellcasting.

As soon as she made the hand formula, Jiang Ling's spiritual thought moved, and then two of the three sandalwood sticks on the incense table were extinguished.


The woman lit the incense again, and she wanted to come again.

Jiang Ling waved his hand suddenly, and dropped a talisman from the sky.

With a woman's vigilance, under normal conditions, she would definitely notice it and dodge it.

But this time, Jiang Ling didn't come here with a joking mentality, when the talisman was typed out, he yelled lightly: "Zhong!"

The words were out of the way, and the woman didn't respond, she just hit the mark.When the talisman landed on the back of her head, she trembled slightly, and then she lay down on the table, unconscious.

Jiang Ling descended on a crane, grabbed the woman, and took her away from here.

The white crane flew out of Mingyang City and landed in the wild suburban forest.

When the woman wakes up,
She has been tied to a tree, her hands and feet are bound, and her eyes are blindfolded.

Jiang Ling was sitting in front of her, with a bonfire burning.

She struggled for a while, but found that not only could she not use any strength, even the spiritual power in the pool seemed to have been drained, there was nothing at all.

Most importantly, she opened her mouth but was still speechless.

After careful feeling, she found that there was a Yin force suppressing the joint points of her limbs, and the Ya point was also controlled by that Yin force.That made her speechless.

Seeing that she was awake, Jiang Ling sneered lightly, threw a few sticks of firewood into the campfire, and came to her side.

But without saying a word, he grabbed the woman's clothes and tore off half of them.

Shocked and frightened, she struggled again, shouting out of her mouth, but she couldn't move, and still couldn't make a sound out of her mouth.

Any reaction is useless.

Just in the blink of an eye, the misty dress was torn off, and the suet white jade was spread out in the air.

The woman was terrified.

But Jiang Ling did not let her go.

During this process, he didn't say a word.

To bring the woman here, he just wanted to use the means she wanted to use on her.

Since she decided to harm someone, let her first taste the result of this victimization.

The woman trembled and begged for mercy,

But Jiang Ling picked up a pot of water and poured it over her head, drenching all over her body.

Like a hibiscus coming out of water,
Immediately, he grabbed her two jade feet and separated them to the left and right...

The next day,


cloudy weather.

Xianglin Inn has been busy since the morning.

Lin Yuewei was busy, talking with the carpenter about the layout rectification.

He Xiang and Xiao Ke led people to clean the hotel back and forth, preparing for the transformation of the inn into a restaurant.

Jiang Ling slept late,
When he woke up, he saw that Qingshuang had called Qingshui and was waiting for him in the room.

He looked at her and smiled.

Qingshuang: "Did Jiang Lang sleep well?"

Jiang Ling sighed: "It's good, it's just that I was woken up by the two little sparrows downstairs."

Qingshuang covered her mouth and smiled, listening to the twittering in the courtyard, she said with a smile: "After He Xiang and Xiao Ke got to know each other, they really became much more lively."

After all, there is a class gap between the maid and the master.Only when the maid meets the maid, will they have a lot of common language.

Jiang Ling: "They have decided to rectify?"

Qingshuang: "Well, sister Yuewei called the carpenter early in the morning to prepare for the rectification. I will go to the government to complete the transfer of the land title in the afternoon, and the construction will probably officially start tomorrow or the day after."

(End of this chapter)

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