River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 285 How about you do it yourself?

Chapter 285 How about you do it yourself?

After three days,
The construction of Xianglin Hotel officially started, only the first floor was rectified, and the second floor remained unchanged.

The area on the first floor is set up as a compartment, which can accommodate about twelve or three tables.

According to Jiang Ling's thinking, this size is enough if he takes the route of high-quality goods.

Regarding the boutique strategy, Lin Yuewei had never heard of it. According to her thinking, it is natural that the larger the capacity, the better.

But she still listened to Jiang Ling and did not express her thoughts.

The carpenters are furiously decorating the first floor. People passing by on the street will take a look at it when they pass by, feeling fresh.

This incident also alarmed the Lin family.

The steward of the Lin family even went to the shopkeeper of the Xianglin Inn and asked him why he sold the inn.

The shopkeeper only implied that the buyer was generous, and since the price was right, he would naturally sell it.

Today the inn was fully under construction, and the manager of the Lin family came here specially. In a teahouse opposite, he asked a waiter: "This opposite, what is this going to do?"

The guy said: "I heard that they are going to open a restaurant."

The manager of the Lin family couldn't help laughing: "Open a restaurant?"

Open a restaurant in Mingyang City?

The guy also smiled: "And I heard that only the first floor will be changed. I don't think it will last long for such a small restaurant."

The steward of the Lin family smiled and nodded: "You do have some discernment."

Clerk: "Hey, this is nothing but basic common sense. It would be fine if they opened restaurants in other places, but where is this? This is Mingyang City. Not to mention anything else, just this street, the restaurant There are seven or eight of them. It’s either a time-honored brand or a big restaurant. The opposite side is good. If the inn doesn’t change, there will still be some business. But changing the inn into a restaurant is simply stupid and reckless.”

The steward of the Lin family became more and more happy when he heard it: "Maybe he has money?"

Dude: "I didn't say I had money, but it's a waste of money. No matter how rich you are, you can't help but spend it."

The steward of the Lin family drank his tea satisfactorily, and went back to inform the owner Lin Jianqing of the matter.

Originally, Lin Yuewei's purchase of the Xianglin Inn had already been checked by someone.But the result of the investigation was that Lin Yuewei did not use the property of the Lin family.

He guessed that Lin Yuewei probably used some dowry money.

Apart from this, it is impossible for her to get any other money.

Her father in Linzhou County far to the south was really furious after hearing what happened to her recently, and even told the family that he would break away from her father-daughter relationship.

Thinking of the humiliation of the slap in the face that day, Lin Jianqing still had a thorn in his throat, and could not tolerate the unfilial couple.

"Open a restaurant?"

"Yes, I have heard from many neighbors, and I also found a few carpenters to ask, it is indeed to open a restaurant."

Lin Jianqing smiled: "Anyone with a little brain should know that the worst things to do in Mingyang City are restaurant business and rice grain business. Is this unfilial girl out of her mind?"

It should be known that the Lin family's strength is the restaurant business.Unfortunately, the time-honored brands have been losing money in recent months.Business is sluggish and not easy to do.

Even the old names are like this,

Not to mention the newly opened small restaurant?

The steward of the Lin family analyzed it carefully, and said: "Miss Yuewei has only worked as a restaurant, and she is familiar with this aspect. It may be because of this relationship that she made such a plan."

It is right to do what you are good at.

But the mistake is that they don't know the time of day and the right place.

Lin Jianqing: "The most important thing in running a restaurant is to find a cook. No matter how good a restaurant is, if there is no good cook in charge, it will not be able to open. Who can she turn to?"

The steward of the Lin family clapped his hands and praised: "Master, you really have a clever plan. After a few days of investigation, I found that Miss Yuewei had indeed sought out several cooks from the Rulin Restaurant."

Lin Jianqing frowned: "Ru Lin Restaurant? Still want to poach our people?"

Manager Lin smiled: "After all, Ms. Yuewei doesn't know anyone else either."

Lin Jianqing: "Who did you find?"

Steward Lin: "I found Cook Fang and Cook Li. The condition of the offer was to increase half a tael of silver every month, and even bring their apprentices there."

"What did Cook Fang and Cook Li say?"

"Hey. Of course, the two of them dare not betray the master. Anyone with a brain should know that if you want to make a living in Mingyang City, it depends on whose face it is. They are not stupid."

In Mingyang City, powerful families are the sky, if ordinary people offend them, they will definitely not be able to survive here.

Lin Jianqing smiled lightly, remained silent for a while, and said, "Tell them both to agree."

Steward Lin: "Huh? What does the master mean?"

Lin Jianqing: "You just say it's what I mean, let them agree first, and wait until the day that unfilial girl opens, and then let them cook a few dishes to impress the guests."

Steward Lin rolled his eyes, and then he recalled it, and clapped his hands in praise: "Master is wonderful."

The Xianglin Inn has been changed for five days,
After the redesign of the first floor, it is divided into eight private rooms, and there are four tables in the hall.There are twelve tables in total.

So far, the original plaque has also been changed and replaced with [Jiangyue Tower].

The name was given by Lin Yuewei, just listening to the word Jiangyue is enough to understand the meaning.

Going to the Yamen to go through the relevant procedures was also quite smooth.

The cook who was the worst to invite, finally let go of his mouth these days and agreed to come over.

The reason why we hired a cook was because Qingshuang would definitely be too busy to do things in the kitchen alone.

Therefore, someone needs to wash and chop vegetables, including cooking some simple mainstream dishes.

When the cook is in place, everything is ready.

Jiang Ling calculated the date, and finally decided that Jiangyue Tower will officially open on the fifteenth day of this month.

As soon as the [-]th day arrived, one day earlier, Jiangyue Tower was already decorated with lights and festoons, and the decoration was quite festive.

On the fifteenth day,
Lin Yuewei invited Jiangling to be the first guest at the opening.

Jiang Ling sat down happily.

On this day, all the cooks and workers were in place. After the order was given, the back kitchen first made a few small dishes and served them.

There are two back kitchens in Jiangyuelou.

The first one is the invited cook, who is responsible for some mainstream simple dishes.

In the second room, Qingshuang is in charge, cooking some special dishes.

In the past few days, she also brought two apprentices, Lin Yuewei and Xiao Ke, and passed on the cured fish cubes and a few dishes taught by Jiang Ling to them.

At this time, as soon as Jiang Ling took his seat, the kitchens on both sides were busy.

After a while, three dishes came out of the first back kitchen.

They are [Longjing Shrimp], [Thorn Stewed Meat], and [Tofu Soup].

These are three common dishes in Mingyang City.

It's just that when these three dishes are served, either the heat is too high and the dishes are burnt black, or they are a mass of paste and have no aesthetic feeling.

For example [Longjing Shrimp], the shrimp is too old and not very fresh.

Another example is [Thorn Stewed Pork], the bottom of the black pot is burned, and the meat is all black.

[Tofu Soup] Not to mention, it is not beautiful, but after a taste, it is extremely salty.

Immediately, Jiang Ling called Lin Yuewei and asked her, are all the people in Mingyang City so serious?
Lin Yuewei shook her head and denied it.

When she saw the three dishes on the table, she also said that normal dishes should not be like this.

So, two chefs were called.

Asking them if they are too nervous is not mean to ask, just ask them if they can make a new one.

Unexpectedly, Cook Li and Cook Fang looked at each other, and said in unison: "Miss Lin doesn't like our craftsmanship? That's what we are capable of. If you are not satisfied, please hire someone else."

"Fortunately, I worked so hard to cook three dishes for you, and I was picky. If Ms. Lin and Mrs. Lin don't like it, why don't you come by yourself?"

Anyway, Jiangyuelou opened today. If there is no cook, let's see what you can do to open it.

It's just a joke.

(End of this chapter)

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