Chapter 286
Seeing the reaction of the two, Jiang Ling smiled and said, "Yuewei, what I told you before, is it right?"

Lin Yuewei sighed softly: "It's still my husband who sees it clearly."

In fact, when Lin Yuewei first said that she would hire a few cooks, Jiang Ling had reminded her that with the lessons learned from Linzhou County back then, the cooks hired halfway might not be reliable.

No, something really happened today.

But in fact, Lin Yuewei's original intention was to invite two middle-level cooks to come here as green leaves to set off.Make some simple dishes.

But even so, the two cooks were still not very dedicated.

And judging from their attitude, it is obvious that someone behind the scenes ordered them to make trouble on purpose today, so that the successful opening of the business will turn into a successful closing.

Lin Yuewei: "Uncle Fang, Uncle Li, I invited you here because of your relationship with my father, but why do you want to do this?"

The surname Fang and the surname Li were able to become cooks, and they were promoted because of her father's favor.

Without her father's help, how could ordinary servants have the opportunity to learn a skill in the kitchen?

It was because of this relationship that she decided to invite the two of them.

Chef Fang said: "The two of us are willing to help you because of your father's sake, but that's all. If you are not satisfied, you can ask Gao Ming."

Chef Li even said with a bit of a joke: "Cooking also deserves place. If it's a big place, the people who go there are either high-ranking officials or dignitaries, or non-members. Naturally, you have to be more careful. But Miss Lin, you are only a mere ten A table, a small shop in the corner, even if there are customers, they are just those hopping folks, this kind of food is enough to deal with. What are you picking and choosing?"

Even though Lin Yuewei was soft-tempered, she was a little sullen when she heard this.

Xiao Ke and He Xiang were on the side, already so angry that they wanted to curse.

But Madam Yue Wei hasn't made a statement yet, and they dare not speak rashly to offend her.

Jiang Ling said at this moment: "You were invited by Yue Wei, so I will save some face for you. I ask you again, can you put more heart into this dish?"

Chef Fang: "That's it, Mr. Lin, if you don't like it or look down on it, why don't you try it yourself?"

Chef Li: "That's right, standing up and talking doesn't hurt your back. Do you think cooking is so easy?"

Jiang Ling: "If that's the case, then you two can get out, get out wherever you came from."

Chef Fang let out a sneer: "Mr. Lin's words represent Miss's meaning?"

Lin Yuewei also got up and said: "What my husband means is what I mean, please, uncles."

The two cooks immediately took off their aprons and threw them on the ground: "Okay, miss said this, but don't regret it. Without the two of us, let's see how you can open today."

The two left the conversation, went back to the back kitchen and took the apprentice with them, and left as soon as they said it.

As soon as they left, the steward of the Lin family came to the door with a few people.

He first cupped his hands to congratulate him, and then said: "Miss Dewen has opened a new store today, and I am here to congratulate you. Although the meal has not yet arrived, I am willing to be the first customer. I wonder if Miss can entertain you now?"

Between the words, the expression was joking.

Lin Yuewei just wanted to turn away customers, but without a cook, she probably wouldn't be able to handle it.

The opening of new stores may be delayed.

In fact, there are not no cooks who can be trusted. She has sent a letter to Linzhou County. She has a distant cousin named Yuan Huan. If she gets news of her, she will come over in a day or two.Once he joins, and recruit a few more apprentices, it will probably be enough by then.

But, before she could speak, Jiang Ling and the steward pointed to the menu on the wall and said, "Of course you can serve, but today there are only these four dishes. If you can afford it, you can sit wherever you want."

He Xiang made him signal, and took down most of the menu hanging on the wall, leaving only four signs.

They are [La Mei Fish Nugget], [Homemade Tofu], [Braised Pork], [Fried Three Shredded].

These are the four dishes that Qingshuang is best at, and Hexiang can also help. If she only cooks these four dishes, it will be enough.

The steward of the Lin family looked at the four brands, and just wanted to order a copy of them all, but suddenly saw the price tag under the brand, and was taken aback for a moment.

【LaMei Fish Nuggets】Twenty taels of silver a piece.

[Homemade tofu] One tael and five silver coins per serving.

[Braised Meat Stew] Two taels of silver.

[Stir-Fried Three Silks] A tael of silver.

This unit price is simply more expensive than the most high-end restaurants in Mingyang City.

If one of these four dishes comes in one portion, it will cost six taels of silver.This money is half a year's savings of ordinary households.

Steward Lin chuckled: "Did my uncle put the price wrongly?"

Jiang Ling: "If you can't afford it, then you don't need to ask any more questions."

Of course, Manager Lin would not be fooled by this. It is so expensive that ghosts will come to your restaurant to eat.

He exited the door: "I wish Miss a prosperous business. I'm afraid I won't be able to enjoy these four dishes, so I'll take my leave first."

As soon as he left, Lin Yuewei looked at Jiang Ling and said worriedly: "My lord, are the prices of these four dishes too high?"

In fact, when the price was set last night, she was a little worried that the price was too high.

Jiang Ling smiled and asked He Xiang: "He Xiang, tell your wife, is the price high?"

He Xiang smiled and said, "It's not that high. When we were in the capital, we sold fish with cured meat for five taels of silver per catty, and we were scrambling to get them everywhere."

The main reason is that Lin Yuewei has been inconvenient for the past few days, and all she eats is light, and she hasn't tasted these four dishes yet.So there is no bottom in my heart.

But he said that after the manager of the Lin family left here, he didn't know what he was preaching outside.

After a while, many passers-by would come to the door of the store to take a look inside.

When they saw the menu price on the wall, they all laughed.

"It's really a sky-high price."

"Is this poor and crazy?"

"Just open a shop and want to steal money?"

"Two taels of silver for a dish, ghosts come here to eat."

Passers-by were discussing, and more and more people came to look at the door.

Lin Yuewei was ashamed.Jiang Ling was calm and composed: "There are seven or eight restaurants in this street alone in Mingyang City. If you compare the scale and the variety of dishes, they are definitely not comparable to other restaurants. Therefore, if you want to do it, you have to make a boutique route. The price of these four dishes is a lot, and the price will have to be raised in due course later.”

Lin Yuewei's long eyelashes opened in surprise, and the price will be raised later?
At this time, a man rode up on the road, and stopped in front of Jiangyue Tower.

He hesitated for a moment, but finally he had the courage to enter the door.

He entered the store without saying a word, He Xiang went to entertain him, and he just said, come if you want.

He Xiang pointed to the four menus on the wall and talked to him.

The person just glanced at it and said, "Just have one."

The other people in the store were surprised when they heard this.Is there really anyone who can accept this price?

"Guest officer, please wait a moment." He Xiang happily went to the back kitchen with Qingshuang.

At this time, Jiang Ling also sat down beside the guest curiously: "Is the guest going to travel far away?"

He was carrying a bag and was dressed like a traveler.

The guest glanced at him, and then sneaked a glance at Lin Yuewei who had already gone to the counter, he nodded: "I'm leaving Mingyang City today to explore the world. Before leaving, I saw your restaurant opened, so I came to eat Let's have a good meal."

Jiang Ling smiled slightly, this Old Seventh Xue was about to leave.

Aren't those two immortal disciples going to recruit him?What, actually let him go?

With that said, the guest ordered two jugs of wine and poured two large bowls.

He pushed a bowl in front of Jiang Ling: "Can I drink a bowl?"

Jiang Ling: "Why not?"

Picking up the bowl, the two drank it all in one gulp.

Soon, the dishes were served.

Xue Laoqi didn't move his chopsticks, but took out the food box and put it in.After paying the money, he hesitated to speak a few times, but finally did not speak again.

He went out and led the horse, looked in a few more times, and galloped away.

Jiang Ling watched him go, and suddenly asked Xiang Xiaoke if he recognized this person.

Xiao Ke shook her head: "I don't know each other."

Jiang Ling smiled slightly, probably Xue Laoqi's liking is like the love of later generations' student days, and the unspeakable regret can only become a certain memory buried in the deepest part of his heart.

"The tiger-fighting heroes of Mingyang City, if they go here, they should also be able to break through the world!" '

(End of this chapter)

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