River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 287 Two things

Chapter 287

opening day,
He took Xue Laoqi as a guest.

For the next two days, half of the guests did not come.

But those who came to watch the fun didn't stop.

Three days later, Jiangyuelou's business did not improve, but its name resounded throughout Mingyang City.

It is in response to the saying that good things don't go out and bad things spread thousands of miles.

Whether this Jiangyuelou's food is delicious or not, no one knows, but if it is said that it is not a scam, it must be second to none.

There was no business for several days, even Qingshuang and Hexiang became suspicious.

If the price of Jiangyue Tower is placed in the capital, there is absolutely no problem.But this is not the capital after all, does it really work?

Jiang Ling smiled without saying a word, and continued to make them wait patiently.

Although there is no business at the moment, isn't the popularity instantly opened up?As long as the popularity is opened, there will still be business sooner or later.

Finally, on the fifth day, the store did come to business.

The Zhao family, the Wu family, and the Han family of the upper three families in Mingyang City heard about this when they came back from the capital one day.

When I heard this for the first time, I also felt that Jiang Yuelou was a sensationalist. With such a high price, how could anyone buy it?
What's even more ridiculous is that I heard that this restaurant only sells four dishes.

Just ask, are those four dishes.

The insider said the names of the four dishes.

However, when the name was announced, people from the three families became suspicious.

They really haven't heard much about the three dishes of [Braised Pork in Braised Pork], [Fried Sansi], and [Homemade Tofu].

However, as long as people who have been to the capital and lived in the capital for a period of time, how can they not recognize this dish?

【LaMei Fish Nuggets】It can be said that it was all the rage in the capital for a while, from high-ranking officials and dignitaries to down-to-earth wealthy businessmen, they all love it very much.

It's just a pity that I didn't have to sell it later, and the person who said he could cook this dish left the capital.

After that, imitation dishes appeared in various restaurants, but no matter how imitated, the taste was not the same after all.

These three families are not short of money.

Therefore, when passing by Jiangyue Tower, he sent his servants to buy a set of [La Mei Fish Nuggets] to try.

When the servant bought this dish and tasted it, the three families praised it again and again, and were overjoyed, saying that this is what they tasted in the capital.

And this is a beginning.

From the second day after that, Jiang Yuelou's business suddenly improved.

People from the Zhao family, Wu family, and Han family came here almost every day, and because of them, more dignitaries came here to try.

It's fine if you don't taste it, once you taste it, it's all about eating and hating each other.

After the fourth day and the fifth day, Jiangyuelou was so crowded that there was no room for twelve tables.When it comes to meal time every day, there is always a queue to get a seat.

Some guests also brought their own tables and chairs, and entertained themselves on the street outside.

This scene stunned the main restaurant owners in Mingyang City.

How can business do this?

However, after they tasted Jiang Yuelou's food, they had to admit it.People's dishes are delicious.

Not to mention other people, even if they are their own bosses, they also want to queue there.

less than ten days,

Jiang Yuelou has changed from a joke to a myth.

Some people once laughed that Jiangyuelou will close sooner or later, but now they sigh that if they can go to Jiangyuelou to have a meal one day, they will have no regrets in this life.

Such a change, the most unsightly, is naturally the Lin family.

Fifteen days after Jiangyuelou opened,
One day at noon, Lin Jianqing, the patriarch of the Lin clan, brought a group of Lin clan members to the Jiangyuelou to make trouble, saying that Jiangyuelou had acted despicably and stole the ancestral recipes of the Lin family.

After all, Lin Yuewei is the shopkeeper of Jiangyuelou, and her cousin is now taking care of the kitchen.

The Lin family insisted on this point. Lin Yuewei came from the Lin family, and her cousin Yuan Huan was also an apprentice cook in a restaurant owned by the Lin family in Linzhou County.

The siblings stole the Lin family's ancestral recipes to revitalize Jiangyuelou.

Although anyone with a discerning eye knows that this is simply fabricated out of nothing.

If your Lin family had such a recipe, why wouldn't you show it off earlier?Still waiting until now?
It is clear that they are using the power of the clan to plunder.

Although this kind of face is not good-looking, outsiders really can't say anything.Even the government can't control it.

Lin Yuewei was also very angry by the elders of these clans,
At the beginning, Lin Jianqing kept saying that she would be expelled from the clan and her name removed.

Up to now, he is bullying and taking by force as the elder of the family.

to the point of violence,

Jiang Ling directly asked the clerk in the store to chase people away with sticks, and beat them if they couldn't.

After seeing the blood.

It finally alarmed the government.

As soon as the government came, ugly faces appeared frequently on the Lin family's side, and the villains complained first, telling all kinds of things.

It is said that Lin Yuewei and her cousin stole the ancestral recipes of the Lin family, behaved badly, and had a bad attitude.

He also said that they came here to reason, but Jiang Ling maliciously indulged his subordinates and directly brutalized them.

When it came to getting excited, Jiang Ling threw a wooden box over on the table, and said to Lin Jianqing, "Don't be silly, Jiangyuelou's recipes are here. If your Lin family is brave enough, you can take them."

Lin Jianqing smiled. How could ordinary people be able to compete with the power of a clan?Even with the charge of moral crimes, you can be crushed so hard that you can't stand upright.

This kid Jiang Ling finally compromised.

Now the recipe is on the table,

If you let me take it, don't I dare not take it?

He opened the wooden box with a smile, first to identify the authenticity.

But when the box was opened, a bright yellow silk scroll lay inside.

He couldn't help raising his brows, this kid surnamed Jiang is so bold, how dare he use such a Tian family color?
Open it and look again, there is actually a golden dragon pattern on the shining silk scroll.

This is incredible!
Common people dare to hide this thing privately, and embroider dragon patterns, how is it different from rebellion?

Just wanted to refute it, but soon, he also remembered this thing, it seemed a bit like an imperial decree.

When the object is completely taken out and spread out, sure enough, it is Zhang's imperial decree.

The imperial decree personally sealed [the most delicious taste in the world].

Lin Jianqing's heart skipped a beat when he saw the stamp on the back.

How could this kid surnamed Jiang have such a thing?Could it be fake?
At this time, Jiang Ling took a picture of a waist card in the store, and said: "If you are brave enough, let me say it again, who stole the recipe?"

Lin Jianqing saw that it was the badge of Huben Army, and only then did he know that this kid surnamed Jiang might have another origin.

His face was a little bit uneasy on the spot, but his mouth was still stubborn: "Although there is an imperial decree, it doesn't mean that you haven't committed theft."

Jiang Ling: "Then what do you mean, that this decree was given to your Lin family? If that's the case, take it away if you have the guts."

How dare Lin Jianqing take it away?

The imperial decree was not given to the Lin family, if they were taken away rashly, once the other party sued, it might end up in prison and beheaded.

When passers-by on the street saw this, they already understood in their hearts, and all of a sudden they all pointed and mocked the Lin family.

Feeling ashamed, Lin Jianqing shook his hands, put the imperial decree back into the box, and led the people away without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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