River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 288 Dark River

Chapter 288 Dark River
On March [-] of the lunar calendar, Grain Rain.

One night, Jiangling Yuanshen went on a night tour.

Go out of the room, it's Haishi.

The dog barks in the yard, heading northwest.

Jiangling floated down with the wind and landed in the courtyard.

The yellow dog came wagging its tail, circled him twice, and barked northwestward through the wall.

Jiang Ling: "You can always see me."

Gently stroking the yellow dog's hair, the primordial spirit is finally different from the primordial soul, and there is a slight tactile sensation during the stroke.

"What is your name?"

The yellow dog seemed to understand what he said, whimpered to the northwest, and barked a few more times.

Jiang Ling stepped up, leaped onto the top of the wall, and looked from afar.

Only to see in the darkness,
In a residential house on the same street, the candlelight was dimly lit at this time, and there were faint cries coming from inside.

Judging from the distance, it is a tofu workshop.

At this time outside the tofu shop, there was a night Youshen standing with a gong, he was smiling, wearing a black robe and a black hat, but his face was extremely pale, as if it had been smeared with lime.

He waited quietly, and when a certain time came, he would ring the gong in his hand.

In the tofu shop, there was a burst of crying, and the filial sons and grandsons knelt on the ground—it turned out that Mrs. Xu had passed away.

The Night God beats the gong and walks away,

Aunt Xu staggered and followed from behind.

There was no rope between them, but invisibly, it was as if a chain was hooking Aunt Xu and pulling her.

The three-inch Yuanshen of Jiangling looked over the wall, and suddenly met the Yeyoushen across the air.

With a smile on his face, Ye Youshen bowed to Jiangling, then turned to go to the Temple of the City God.

'The life and death of other people is their own business, so there is no need to worry about it. '

Jiang Ling and Huang Gou were talking, Huang Gou wagged his tail when he heard what he said, and seemed to understand, and went back to the kennel and lay down cross-legged.

After self-cultivation into primordial spirit,

Many times when Jiang Ling was meditating, the primordial spirit would unconsciously come out of his body and float outside.

Tonight too.

Qingshuang's pretty face was hot, and after falling asleep all over, he meditated on the bed.

During this meditation, the primordial spirit floated out uncontrollably, and only then did the scene just now happen.

And this phenomenon is also normal in the initial stage of primordial spirit.

In the Taoist classics, it is written-[Fantasy wandering outside objects, receiving the spirit of heaven and earth and nourishing the body]!
In the Buddhist scriptures, it is also written-[Should we go like this, how should we subdue our hearts? 】

If we talk about cultivating Taoism all the way, before the primordial spirit is completed, Buddhism and Taoism are almost the same, and there are quite similarities.

Since the primordial spirit was first formed, there have been obvious differences in Buddhism and Taoism.

Taoism believes that wandering outside the mind is a manifestation of being close to nature. If the primordial spirit is like this, one must let it be so that it can thrive and grow.

But the Buddhists believe that the wandering mind is influenced by external thoughts. If you subdue your mind and suppress your mind, you can get the way.

To put it bluntly, what Taoism chooses is free-range breeding, and what Buddhism chooses is captive breeding.

But whether it is free-range or captive, judging from the achievements of Buddhism and Taoism, these two paths can actually go well.

look up to the sky,

Above the clouds, the bell still exists.The three-legged bird kept flying day and night, always flying around the god-making clock.

'Actually, there is a third way. '

The third way is to follow the will of the gods.

Jiangling's "One Evil Every Day" helped him to quickly become the Yuanshen.

On that day, under impulse, he even tied up the fairy girl and took possession of her body.Afterwards, the feedback from [One Evil Every Day] was huge, and it almost moved Yuanshen to Yinshen's achievement path, and made one-thousandth of the progress in one step.

It should be noted that the achievement of Yinshen, no matter Buddhism, Taoism or other sects, is calculated in Jiazi time.It can be seen that practice is quite difficult.

But this [doing one evil every day], just doing this one item can make one-thousandth of the progress.As long as you do it a thousand times, the Yin God can achieve it.

Although this road is quick and effective, Jiang Ling is not obsessed with it.

Because he also discovered that since he forcibly took possession of that fairy girl that day, the god-making clock in the sky sent down three gods in succession, and they fell around Mingyang City.

Moreover, in those few days, there were many and mixed people who came to Jiangyue Tower looking for trouble.

If Jiangling deals with it with domineering means, cause and effect will inevitably arise.

The [Daily Do One Good] camp created by God-making Clock may revolve around him.

In order not to be the biggest villain, Jiang Ling rarely chose to avoid it.

Jiang Yuelou closed the door and rested for a few days. After that, he did not [do evil every day].

In the past two days, he felt that within the [-]-kilometer area of ​​Mingyang City, there should be other people who [do evil every day] surpassed him.

Therefore, he was no longer targeted by karma.

All in all, he thinks that the power of the god Fatie can be borrowed, but it must not form a dependence, and it is best not to show up.Once you do too many evil things, the whole decency will secretly approach you and target you.

And if you do too many evil things, you will form a habit, and you will fall into it involuntarily, becoming a pawn of the god-making clock.

'In the past few days, I have been out of my body, and there is always a strange longing in my heart. '

This longing is that every time the primordial spirit leaves the body, although he is floating outside, he can feel that the place where the primordial spirit really wants to go is the underworld.

Whenever this thought is strong, a circle of black holes will automatically appear on the ground around his primordial spirit. He reckons that if he gets into it, he will probably be able to reach the underworld directly.

Just like a dragon rising into the sky, it can automatically attract a sea market and enter another sky that belongs to it.

At this time, when Jiangling's Yuanshen thought of the underworld, three feet in front of him, the black hole appeared again.

'After cultivating into a primordial spirit, this black halo will come every time you say it.Could it be that the primordial spirit should belong to the underworld? '

With this thought in his heart, out of curiosity for a moment, his primordial spirit walked towards the black hole.

As soon as you step into it, the world suddenly turns upside down.

The surrounding wind blows, and when I open my eyes, I am no longer in this world.

The sky was starless and dark.There is a blood moon, long hanging above the east.

'This feeling is definitely the underworld. '

It's just that the underworld is huge, and the place I came down this time is different from the place I went down in the past.

When Yuanshen entered here, he could indeed feel a sense of comfort all over his body.

Here is like a grassland,
Strange horse chestnuts grew all over the place.

In the grass, black butterflies can form a line and dance lightly.

A little farther away, a light and shadow as tall as him three inches flashed and moved.

No fewer than ten of them.

He was surprised: "Those are all primordial spirits!"

So many souls wandering at night, have they come to the underworld?

After chasing it, I saw a river flowing at the end of the prairie. The water in the river was icy blue, but crystal clear, and there was light in it. Occasionally, there was a kind of fish with a human face wandering in it.

As we get closer, we can even see snow rivers in patches.

There is a chill here, and after only standing for a while, the soul is so cold that his consciousness is blurred.

Jiang Ling looked at those primordial spirits, but they were walking along the river bank one by one, like puppets on strings, walking involuntarily.

 Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!Eat less moon cakes, it will grow fleshy.

(End of this chapter)

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