River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 290 Huangquan Road

Chapter 290 Huangquan Road

Standing still for a while, before the time for a stick of incense came, Jiangling saw several groups of primordial spirits floating over.

They didn't dare to go up alone, and only when four or five of them gathered together did they start to venture closer to the Wangchuan River.

'In this world, there are so many people who have cultivated Yuanshen. '

Suddenly, a light and shadow drifted towards this side: "Would you like to go together?"

The voice of the other party is green and healthy, but from the voice of Yuanshen, it is impossible to tell the age of the other party.

However, basically those who can cultivate into Yuanshen are generally above the age of Jiazi.

And if it wasn't for the fact that the original body was dying, no one would be willing to take risks here.

This person came to strike up a conversation at this time, thinking that Jiang Ling was also coming to catch the soul fish.

Jiang Ling: "I'm just here to take a look, you can do it yourself."

If they don't know each other, there will be no redundant topics.

Hearing Jiang Ling's words, the light and shadow turned around and left.

After a while, the black-covered boat drifted down again, and the old man in coir raincoat seemed to return with a full load, drinking and enjoying himself.

Jiang Ling asked him again: "Are there so many primordial spirits here every day?"

The old man in coir raincoat said: "There are not many people in the world who can become primordial spirits. Today is a bit more cloudy. It was rare in the past."

Jiang Ling nodded, this is reasonable.

After all, Yuanshen is not a Chinese cabbage, and not everyone can cultivate it.

These primordial spirits that appeared today may be people from different places from all over the world.

Saying goodbye to the old man in coir raincoat, Jiang Ling walked forward.

Try not to get close to the Wangchuan River,

Going all the way to the upstream, I saw the source of the river coming out of the ground, and there were nine beast-shaped giant mouths spouting water, converging into a river.

On top of the nine beast heads is a wide and wide avenue.

On the road, wandering souls scattered everywhere.

There are also some ghosts lined up in a straight line, walking and stopping.

At the intersection, there is an archway with the words [Huangquan Road] written on the archway.

Under the archway, there is also a stone tablet, which also has the words "Do not enter the stranger".

After standing still for a moment, another light and shadow drifted towards this side.

This time the voice was a little older,
"Fellow Daoist, do you also want to take this path?"

Jiang Ling looked back at him, but didn't answer.

The man said to himself: "I think so too, but with this door, living souls can't get in."

Jiang Ling: "If the living soul enters, what will happen?"

The man smiled and said: "You can try it, fellow Taoist, there are restrictions on this door, and living souls cannot enter at all."

Jiang Ling: "Walking on this road, what will happen?"

The man said: "This is Huangquan Road. After crossing Huangquan Road and Mengpo Bridge, you can enter reincarnation."

Compared to fishing in the Wangchuan River, this path is obviously safer.

Reincarnation is a brand new beginning.


"Look at the eight kings' prohibition on the archway. If a living soul enters it, it will be immediately driven away by the eight kings of the underworld. Unless it is branded by the king of Hades, otherwise, it will not be able to enter."

Hades branding, that is after the trial, Hades' final conclusion on this ghost.

Only the real soul of the dead can get this brand, and the living don't even think about it.

Jiang Ling looked at the reliefs on the archway,

There are indeed eight angry-eyed King Kongs depicted on it, and their shapes are quite ferocious.Holding a sharp weapon, his face is ferocious.

'It turns out that all the ghosts who have been judged will eventually walk this way. '

At the end of Huangquan Road is Naihe Bridge.

After crossing the Naihe bridge, you will enter the six realms of reincarnation.

'I've heard this legend since my last life, and I'm lucky to be here today. It would be great if I could go in and have a look. '

Thinking like this, Jiang Ling suddenly picked up a stone from the ground and threw it towards the door.

When the stone entered, there was nothing unusual.

The light and shadow next to him smiled slightly: "This door is only for people, not things."

While speaking, several more ghosts came from the void.

They have brand marks on their foreheads.

That is the [Yan Wang Yin].

With this seal, you are eligible to reincarnate.

And this seal is also different.

The four people who came in this time have four kinds of seals.

Judging from the complex fonts printed on it, it is probably [Beast Way], [Human Way], [Hell Way], [Asura Way].

The four tremblingly came to the intersection of Huangquan.

After a little hesitation at the door, he finally stepped in.

The light and shadow beside Jiang Ling shook his head with a smile and said, "Of the four people, only one is luckier."

What he was referring to was probably humanity.

Jiang Ling agrees with this.

However, if it is in later generations, the animal path may not be a bad choice.

How many people have worked hard all their lives and have never enjoyed any blessings. Some cats and dogs are born rich and honored, and they are served with good food and drink.Far better than people.

Jiang Ling: "Fellow Taoist, do you know where the realm of hungry ghosts and the realm of hell are?"

The light and shadow said: "The way of hungry ghosts is to reincarnate in the ghost clan, and they can reproduce offspring. It's just that the ghosts of the ghost clan are different from the ghosts that ordinary people say."

"Asura Dao, as the name suggests, is to reincarnate into the Asura Clan. Hell Dao is purely a place to torture people. Among the six realms, Hell Dao is the worst and the most hopeless.

Hungry ghosts and Shuras can live anyway, but the place to live is this underworld. "

Seeing those four people set foot on Huangquan Road, they have gone farther and farther now.

Just five meters away from the entrance of Huangquan Road, there is a compass surrounded by stones, when the light shines there again.Another "person" suddenly appeared.

This "person" was covered in blood and looked very miserable.

But on his forehead, there is a brand of "Heavenly Way".

The appearance of this "person" made the lights and shadows around Jiang Ling very envious, they approached him several times, but they could do nothing.

Stared at by the light and shadow, that "person" also felt afraid of life, being pulled by the brand mark on his forehead, he timidly walked towards Huangquan Road in the end.

Jiang Ling: "The way of heaven, so why?"

Guangying praised and said: "People who have accumulated blessings during their lifetime are the way of heaven, the way of the highest. Anyone who casts himself in the way of heaven will be born into the noble family of an emperor, and he will have endless glory and wealth in his life."

It can be seen that this light and shadow is eager to replace that person.

It's a pity that this is not cheating in an exam, and it cannot be replaced by changing the name.

It's useless to spare him his great ability.

Jiang Ling: "Fellow Taoists, are you here to save your life?"

Guangying: "Don't you, fellow Taoist? I've already lived two sixty years, so I don't have many years to live."

Two Jiazi are 120 years old, which is indeed an advanced age.

Jiang Ling: "Why don't you go fishing in Wangchuan River?"

Guangying: "Originally, I wanted to go, but I was afraid in my heart. Fellow Daoist, why don't you go?"

Jiang Ling: "I'm not in a hurry."

Light and shadow: "Today is full of cloudy air, and it is raining in the sun. If you miss today, you may have to wait until next year."

Jiang Ling: "Aren't you also in a hurry?"

Light and shadow: "This old man has not yet made up his mind. If he falls into the Wangchuan River, he will die, and everything will be wiped out. The risk is too great. A normal death, although the whole body and deeds will be cut off, can still enter reincarnation normally. Alas, it is difficult to choose."

At this moment, suddenly a light and shadow rushed towards us in the distance.

Facing Huangquan Road, we will move forward.

But when his figure just entered the light curtain of the gate of the archway, the light curtain was like a spring, and when the light pattern shook, it shook him back the way he came.

(End of this chapter)

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