River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 291 3 Raw Stones

Chapter 291 The Three Lives Stones

That ray of light and shadow failed in the first collision, and was extremely unwilling, so it collided again.

The light and shadow of the Eight Kings on the gate of the archway suddenly manifested, and landed in front of the archway, stabbing out swords, spears, axes and axes,
Murderous, like a curtain of light cut down from the sky.

The man knew very well, and finally retreated.Get away quickly.

The Eight Kings on the gate of the archway didn't chase him, they just stood still for a while and then disappeared.

The light and shadow beside Jiang Ling smiled and said: "It's just useless work." After speaking, he also shook his head and left from here.

Jiang Ling stayed here for a while, thinking, Yan Wang Yin?Since the seal of the king of hell is the seal of the king of hell, if you draw one yourself, will it work?

The Yan Wang Seal is just a pass here, if it is successfully forged, it should be possible to enter in theory.

Thinking of this, he suddenly used his spiritual thoughts as a pen to write the word "Heavenly Way" on his palm.

It was written exactly the same as the previous reincarnation.

After writing, he tried to walk towards the intersection of Huangquan.

'What you saw just now, his first charge, will be bounced back.And even for the second time, those eight angry-eyed king kong did not chase him down.It's a big deal, just give up if you don't succeed in trying. '

When he stepped into the gate of the archway,
In an instant, a purple light curtain shone down on the discharge door in an instant.

He spread his palms, and the word [Heavenly Way], under the scanning of the purple light curtain, a green light suddenly appeared.

Those two words disappeared.

But he successfully crossed the light curtain and entered Huangquan Road.

'This... I came in? '

Looking back outside, the light curtain dissipated, and the gate of the archway seemed to have nothing there.

'Is this actually okay? '

With this ability, wouldn't that mean controlling the six realms of reincarnation?
If you want to be reincarnated into any family in the future, you don't need to be judged by the king of hell. You can write the way of heaven yourself, and you can be reborn directly in the family of the emperor and nobles.

On the road to Huangquan, wandering spirits are scattered, and those who float around are those who do not want to reincarnate.

And they are either the [Hungry Ghost Path] or the [Hell Path]. With a normal mind, these two paths are the most unacceptable.

But there are exceptions. Some people have been sentenced to [Beast Way], but they are also hesitant to move forward, not wanting to be an animal for the rest of their lives.

'So what if you wander around like this?After all, you still have to go there. '

Escaping is impossible, wandering here, not to mention wasting time, after all, we still have to follow the destined path.

go forward
Huangquan Road is not too far, about five kilometers, you can see the end.

The more you get to the end of the road, the more flowers there are around here.

The blood-red color all over the ground is the countless flowers from the other side.

And at the key point of the road, the Wangchuan River appeared again.

The old man in coir raincoat supporting the black canopy boat occasionally appeared—there was more than one Styx fisherman like this.The clothes are basically the same.

They set out from here, salvaged the soul fish, brought it back, and handed it to Po Meng to make soup.

'I don't know what Po Meng looks like? '

Move a little to the front.

I saw a little girl on the bridge, she was full of a smiling face.

Everyone who crosses the bridge will nod and say a word.

There was also a stone at the end of the bridge, and many people were standing in front of that stone.Look fascinated.

Jiang Ling also walked over. When he saw the stone, it was as if his eyes had been connected to a light curtain.

Then on the light curtain, figures appeared again and again.

That figure is exactly Jiang Erlang's figure, which is all the deeds that happened during his life.

The picture flashed like lightning,

When Jiang Erlang disappeared, the light curtain was blank and nothing could be seen.

After Jiang Ling blinked, he looked away.

'It turns out that this is the Sansheng Stone. '

Looking at Sansheng on the Sansheng Stone, it is said that as long as you stand in front of this stone, you can see all your experiences and memories of Sansheng III.

'But why can't I see it? '

Not only can't I see it, but the only thing I can see is the memory that doesn't belong to me, it's Jiang Erlang's.

Naihe Bridge, he actually wanted to walk over to have a look.

But standing here and looking there, there is a figure hidden in the black mist, but anyone who crosses this bridge will be given soup there.

In this way, it will be inconvenient for him to go there again.

But when he was about to leave, he suddenly found that the little girl on the bridge had been looking at him for some unknown time.

There was a giggle on his face, his eyes never blinking or blinking.

Jiang Ling's heart broke, and he was afraid that she would see the clue, so he turned and left.

After seven steps, look back.The little girl's eyes had already moved away, staring at someone else.

'Scared me, it seemed that she didn't stare at me. '

Go out the same way.

But just after he walked a few more steps, the little girl by the bridge giggled and looked at him again.

On the way back, nothing special happened.

Just after he stepped out of the gate of Huangquan Road, a light and shadow quickly came to the gate, his whole body was trembling, and his voice was excited.

Almost stuck to Jiang Ling's side,

"You went in... did you go in?"

"How did you get in? How did you get in?"

He asked frantically.

Jiang Ling also recognized that this light and shadow was the person who spoke to him before.

It turned out that when Jiang Ling entered, he was not far away, so he caught a glimpse of it by chance.

After that, he waited at the door.

He finally waited until Jiangling came out.

When he saw Jiang Ling going in and out with all his beard and tail, his excitement was naturally uncontrollable.

"What method? What method did you use? Tell me, can you tell me?"

At this time, Jiang Ling was also silent.

This attempt is of great significance.

"Fellow Daoist, please tell the old man, the old man is willing to exchange it at all costs, how about it?"

The light and shadow were extremely earnest, blocking Jiang Ling's way, hoarse and exhausted.

Jiang Ling only said: "There is no other way, just walk a few steps and go in."

Light and Shadow: "Go in after a few steps? How is that possible?"

Jiang Ling: "Otherwise, what else can we do? There are exceptions to everything, maybe I am the exception."

Light and Shadow: "Exception?"

Taking advantage of the light and shadow in a daze, he jumped away.

"Wait a minute, Fellow Daoist!" Light and Shadow wanted to chase after him.

But he went quickly, and after escaping from this area, he entered a foggy area.

In the mist, he drew a circle on the ground with his hand.

Immediately, the circle glowed, he got into it, and returned to the underworld.

The light and shadow chased him for a while, but they couldn't find him in the end, they were anxious and impatient.

Returning to Jiangling in Yangjian, I am full of emotions.

After Yuanshen came back to his senses, he saw that the two girls were sleeping soundly on the bed.

At this time, it should be between Chou and Yin.

Qingshuang is on the left and Yuewei is on the right.

Qingshuang was breathing steadily and was still in a deep sleep.

And Yue Wei closed her eyes, her long eyelashes seemed to move slightly from time to time.

Jiang Ling saw it with a smile, leaned into her ear and whispered: "Why aren't you asleep yet?"

After hearing this, Yue Wei opened her watery eyes and called softly, "Husband..."

Jiang Ling: "Did you stay up all this time, or did you wake up in the middle?"

Yue Wei shyly said: "I've been awake for a while."

Jiang Ling: "Did you have a nightmare?"

"No..." Yue Wei squeezed the quilt and covered her face slightly to block the fiery rosiness: "It's... that... let's go."

Jiang Ling: "What's gone?"

Lin Yuewei covered her entire face in embarrassment, "That's...that matter."

Jiang Ling: "So, the house can be consummated?"

Lin Yuewei whispered under the quilt: "Tomorrow... yes... yes."


Jiang Ling's hand suddenly reached for her belt, "I think tonight is fine."

(End of this chapter)

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