River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 292 Taboo

Chapter 292 Taboo
The next day.

When Jiang Ling woke up, there was a lot of noise downstairs.

"What happened next?"

It was still Qingshuang who stayed in the room waiting for him to get up to serve him.

She wet the handkerchief and handed it over, "A family brought a dead body and placed it at the door of our restaurant. Yue Wei went down to deal with it, and also reported it to the authorities."

Jiang Ling frowned: "A corpse?"

It's taboo to carry a dead body to the door of a restaurant this early in the morning.

Qingshuang: "The man said that his son ate at our restaurant last night, and after returning home, he passed away inexplicably at midnight."

Jiang Ling: "Then what is his plan now? To lose money?"

Qingshuang: "Well, not only do we have to pay for it, but we also want to pay for our lives by killing people. We want to hand over one person to be buried with his son."

Jiang Ling: "There are a lot of people who are heartless."

Hearing the voice downstairs getting more and more intense, it seemed that Lin Yuewei probably couldn't bear this matter anymore.

She has the ability to run a restaurant, but she still lacks the courage to handle things.

In the final analysis, she is too soft-tempered, and when outsiders bully her, she doesn't know how to respond.

"Let me go down and have a look."

After washing up, Jiang Ling got up and went downstairs.

Qingshuang followed behind and went down with him.

Downstairs, a group of people were blaming Jiang Yuelou.

Under the protection of He Xiang, Xiao Ke and some fellows, Lin Yuewei avoided direct conflict.

"Your son is dead, it has nothing to do with us. If there is a problem with the food in our restaurant, why are the other guests okay? From my point of view, it is clear that you have nothing to do, and deliberately framed us to extort money. Let me tell you, we have Report to the official, wait for the official to come over. Let's see what they say."

Xiao Ke has a strong personality, small stature, thin body, but has the posture of an eagle.

As soon as these words came out, a sixty-year-old man rolled on the ground crying.

His relatives and friends around him also immediately helped him criticize Xiao Ke: "You little girl, how can you talk like that?"

"Fellow, I ate at your place last night, and died when I returned home. There is clearly an inseparable relationship between your restaurant."

"Seeing how loud you are, in my opinion, you should be allowed to marry him and be buried with him. Only in this way can we let go of this matter."

These people are vicious and vicious, and they have the posture that if Xiao Ke dares to reply again, they will directly attack.

Lin Yuewei hurriedly grabbed Xiao Ke and asked her to stop talking. At the same time, she also took out a five-two silver note and handed it to the clerk, who asked the clerk to pass it to the father of the deceased.

However, the father of the deceased, that is, the old man rolling on the ground, took a look at the denomination and found that it was only five taels.Immediately, he began to cry: "God...you can see...Jiang Yuelou poisoned my son to death, and this is the only seedling of our old Ding's family. If someone is poisoned to death, they will give you five taels, I... ...I'm not alive anymore, so you might as well poison me to death."

Passers-by who passed by didn't know the details, and instinctively chose to look at things from the side of the weak.He thought that the family of the deceased was really miserable.And this Jiangyue Tower is indeed rich and unkind.

Poisoned a person to death, and you want to send them away with only five taels of silver?

Don't you see that the old father has already cried like this, the only child in his family died like this, Lao Ding's family is considered to be the last.

At that time, a few government servants also came.

When we got here, we started asking questions.

This question was immediately talked about by Lao Ding's relatives and friends.

There was no chance for Jiang Yuelou to explain at all.

After hearing the general story, the yamen didn't want to arrest people immediately.Instead, he greeted Jiang Ling and asked whether the matter was true or not.

The last time Jiangling showed his identity card and imperial decree, this is the benefit.

The government will think that he has a good background, and some trivial matters should be given face, and the government is also willing to give him this face.

Jiang Ling walked a few steps, took back the five taels of silver note from the clerk, and stuffed it back into Lin Yuewei's hand.

Since the consummation of the house last night, this morning she also put her flowing long hair up in a braid, and she is dressed like a woman, adding a little more charm.

This morning was supposed to be a day of tenderness and sweetness, who would have thought that once this happened, it would completely ruin the atmosphere.

Jiang Ling: "I've never doubted your ability to run a restaurant. But when it's your turn to deal with these emergencies, your shortcomings will still be revealed. Yuewei, kindness is a good thing. But it depends on the person. Some people, you The more he treats it with kindness, the more he will push forward."

Lin Yuewei nodded lightly: "My husband is right."

The old man rolling on the ground cried out in mourning: "Everyone, listen up, is this a human speech? The old man died of his son, and he is still talking here..."

Jiang Ling glanced at him, without any pity, but with scorn in his eyes: "People like him don't deserve to be treated kindly."

When the old man's relatives and friends heard this, regardless of the presence of yamen servants, they were about to explode and rushed over.

Jiang Ling suddenly pointed to the corpse and said, "His son is obviously not dead, but he wants to say he is dead, isn't it ridiculous?"

"Not dead? Are you blind?"

"The corpses are all here, their faces are pale, and their pulse is gone. How dare you say he's not dead yet?"

Ya cha walked to the corpse, stretched out his fingers, and checked the pulse around the corpse's neck.

It is true that there is no pulse, and the body is cold.

Not only is it dead, but it's been dead for some time.

Jiang Ling: "It's hard to tell what the situation is based on other people's mouth alone. Let him talk about it himself."

People are amazed.

Is this uncle of the Lin family stupid?
Everyone is dead, let him speak for himself?

Can the dead still speak?

Yachai was also extremely curious: "Mr. Jiang, what do you mean, this corpse can still speak?"

Without further explanation, Jiang Ling went straight to the corpse and patted him on the forehead three times: "Brother, do you really want to die like this? If you really die like this, I'm afraid you won't be able to spit out the breath in your throat."

Just got shot by him,
The corpse, which was lying on the ground with its body already cold, actually opened a pair of eyes after a while.

The resurrection of the dead shocked the onlookers present.

Even the relatives and friends of Lao Ding's family all changed their faces and distanced themselves.

A few yamen servants also panicked in their hearts, and unconsciously touched the simple knife at their waist with their hands.

The old man who was rolling on the ground was not afraid when he saw this scene. Instead, he cried and rushed forward: "Son, are you really alive?"

As the only seedling of Lao Ding's family,

The old man still really loves his son.

However, his son showed a strange smile at this time, and his mouth was opened. Because he had been dead for some time, his voice was dry and hoarse, and his voice was very unpleasant: "Who is your son? Ding Youfu, you really don't know who I am?" Who is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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