River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 293 Cause and Effect

Chapter 293 Cause and Effect
The old man's real name was Ding Youfu.

After the son died and came back to life, he even called him by his name.

Ding Youfu was overjoyed and startled at the same time, he was happy a moment ago, and the extreme joy gave rise to sorrow, but at this moment, after hearing what his son said, his face suddenly became stiff.

"Aren, are you suffering from a demonic disorder?" He asked tentatively.

But the son still said in that unfriendly tone: "Stop being hypocritical in front of me, 18 years ago, what scandal did you Ding Youfu do, today, I will tell you, let everyone listen."

Ding Youfu took a step back in shock: "What nonsense are you talking about? What scandal have I done?"

The son closed his eyes, as if the bright daylight made him feel very uncomfortable.

He opened his mouth and said: "18 years ago, You Ding Youfu was just a bamboo craftsman. You had a good friend named [Zhang Yousheng] who was a tea merchant. I met you in the early years and stayed at your home.

Because [Zhang Yousheng] fell in love with a woman in a brothel, in order to redeem her, he worked from dawn to dusk, worked hard for several years, and finally managed to scrape together 800 taels of money.

However, on the day when he agreed to go to redeem himself, Zhang Yousheng suddenly became seriously ill and became sick from overwork. Due to his inconvenient movement, he had to entrust this matter to you.

But you, how did you do it? "

When Ding Youfu, who was in his sixties, heard this, he suddenly felt as if he had seen a ghost.He fell to the ground, then crawled back in panic.

While retreating, he scolded: "You are talking nonsense? Where did you hear the gossip? It is simply nonsense. Who are you? Who are you? You are not my son..."

The son continued: "If you dare not speak, then I will speak for you. Zhang Yousheng entrusted that matter to you. After you saw his money, it was because of your desire for wealth. Discuss with your wife for a while, that is The partnership murdered Zhang Yousheng.

After that, with the 800 taels of silver, he started a business.

Don't you dare to admit it if you dare to do it? "

Ding Youfu went crazy: "Nonsense, you are talking nonsense...it's nothing..."

The son said: "It doesn't matter if you don't admit it. The bones of Zhang Yousheng are in your hometown. If you don't believe it, you can ask the Yamen to go under the bed in the old house and dig a foot, and you will definitely see the bones of Yousheng."

Passers-by pointed and pointed, and all accused Jiang Yuelou before.Now, after being told this story by the person concerned, the style of painting suddenly changed, and it was changed to accusing Ding Youfu.

To say that Ding Youfu is not considered a celebrity in Mingyang City.But the family background is also considered well-off, much better than the average person.

Especially in the early years, the Ding family developed quite well. At that time, when outsiders saw him, they still called him Master Ding.

It's just that in these years, the family property has been defeated, and Master Ding has become Old Master Ding.

However, the poor relatives he brought this time still regarded him as a rich man. Ding Ren, who came back from the dead, told such a story, and hurriedly helped Ding Youfu, accusing him: "Ding Ren, are you out of your mind? You actually made up such a story to frame your father?"

"It's just a joke to outsiders. You must have drunk too much last night, didn't you?"

"There must be something wrong with Jiangyuelou's things that made you like this. This time, Jiangyuelou must pay a hundred taels of silver, otherwise, we will never give up."

Ding Ren: "Framed? Does Ding Youfu need to be framed? He has done so many immoral things in his life? Don't blame other restaurants, it has nothing to do with other restaurants."

Ding Youfu had already rolled and crawled at this moment, and retreated two or three feet away, screaming and pointing at his son: "Who are you? Who are you?"

Ding Ren sneered: "It's come to this point, you still don't recognize me? To tell you the truth, I am Zhang Yousheng, you killed me back then. I was reincarnated into your family.

As soon as I was born, I killed your mother-in-law first, and avenged her for poisoning my soup.

Afterwards, I ate, drank and played all these years, and ruined your family property, including capital and interest, three thousand and six hundred taels.

Yesterday, the money was just spent enough, and my debts were paid off.At this point, it's time to die. Once I die, you will be the last. "

Hearing this, everyone's minds were blown.

Dare to love, this is to collect debts!

According to legend, since ancient times, there has been a saying of debt repayment.

When a couple has a son, then this son may come to repay the favor.It may be to collect debts.

Those who repay their kindness are filial sons and virtuous children, obeying their parents above and caring about their brothers and sisters below.

Debt collectors, dissolute, disobedient parents, evil brothers and sisters.Anyway, he does all kinds of evil and is born a prodigal.

Ding Youfu is in his sixties, and he has only such an only son under his knees.

But this only son came to collect debts, so if he died, he would really end his children and grandchildren.

This is the brilliance of heaven, and the retribution is not good.

After Ding Ren finished saying that, he opened his mouth and laughed, his voice cut off, and the expression on his face gradually became stiff.

— After all, he was dead.

He was able to speak just now, but Jiang Ling shot a burst of spiritual power from the top of his head.

Now that his spiritual power is exhausted, he can no longer control this corpse.

After Ding Ren finished speaking, his soul was trapped in the corpse, unable to get out.

Seeing this, Jiang Ling sighed, "Why is this so?"

Ding Ren's soul is still on fire, which shows that his life is not over.

It's just that he was reincarnated with the memory of his previous life, specifically to collect money.In order to make Ding Youfu pay the greatest price, he finally chose to commit suicide, cutting off Ding Youfu's blood.

Ding Youfu, who is now in his 60s, is unlikely to have any offspring. His death at this time is the greatest revenge.

Ding Ren: "Thank you for allowing me to say this. It's really much more enjoyable. If I can vent this hatred completely, what's the matter with giving my life? Seeing Ding Youfu miserable, the happier I am in my heart."

Jiang Ling: "It's just that if you do this, you may become a lonely ghost."

Yuanshou is not yet exhausted, if he dies forcibly, his soul will be trapped in the corpse for seven days.

At that time, the soul will not be able to go to the City God's Office, but can only wander around and be a lonely ghost.Even if you are lucky enough to get into the underworld, there is a high probability that you will not be able to conceive because it is not a normal procedure.

Ding Ren's soul also sighed softly: "As soon as Qiuniang dies, my heart will die long ago. A lonely ghost will be a lonely ghost. It doesn't matter."

Jiang Ling: "Is Qiuniang the girl from the brothel back then?"

Ding Ren: "That's right, after I was reincarnated, I also went to look for her, but she thought I missed the appointment, and left her behind, and died in depression."

Jiang Ling: "If she dies normally, she will have to enter reincarnation. If you become a lonely ghost, you will never be able to meet her again. If I have a way to make you reincarnated as a human, would you like it?"

Ding Ren looked at him in surprise, and was silent for a while: "Can you let me continue to reincarnate?"

Jiang Ling: "Wish?"

Ding Ren: "I would."

Receiving his response, Jiang Ling slightly opened the Qiankun bag in his sleeve, and chanted a spell lightly to close it, pulling Ding Ren's soul out of the body.

No one present heard his conversation with Ding Ren.

After hearing what Ding Ren said earlier, several government servants went to Ding Youfu's old house to check the authenticity.

The rest of them stopped moving when Ding Ren finished speaking.I went to feel his pulse again, but it still didn't move.

This is clearly a dead body!
But why did you really speak just now?
For a moment, everyone was surprised and amazed, talking about it as a miracle.

About an hour later, the yamen servant who went to Ding's old house came back in surprise and reported that they really dug up a corpse under the bed of Ding's old house.

After getting this verification, Ding Youfu should be invited to the yamen to talk about it.

Ding Youfu was agitated, and was so frightened by his son Ding Ren's self-exploding identity that he fainted.

In the end, they were invited to the yamen together with their relatives and friends.

After Ding Ren's body was carried away, it's all over.

(End of this chapter)

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