River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 294 5 Links

Chapter 294

Two days later, Ding Youfu's case came to a conclusion.

On the same day, a headhunter surnamed Wang also came to Jiangyuelou, brought gifts, and visited Jiangling.

"Catcher Wang is being polite."

When Jiang Ling came down, he saw that he was carrying two mountain rabbits.

Wang Butou smiled and said: "It's just a little wild game. Mr. Jiang is not too polite. To be honest, Mr. Wang does not go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing. I am here today and I have some doubts. I hope Mr. Jiang can clarify."

But Jiang Ling asked back: "How will Ding Youfu's case be handled in the end?"

Wang Butou said: "To tell you the truth, sir, this matter is really weird. Even the county magistrate said that this is the first time he has encountered such a case in his decades of officialdom. Ding Youfu has not been sentenced since that day when he was arrested and taken to the yamen. , then the old boy will stop calling himself. Wang came here today for the same reason, I don’t know how the gentleman made the dead man speak up that day?"

Jiang Ling said: "I don't have the ability to make the dead speak. It's just that Ding Ren held his breath after death. I once heard the old man say that in such a situation, you only need to pat him on the head three times to make him speak the truth. It was just a sideways attack that day, and even I didn't expect to succeed, it was purely a fluke."

Catcher Wang didn't believe it, he just said: "If the yamen can also make the dead speak up, then throughout the year, many unjust cases will be saved, and many unprovoked cases will be solved."

Jiang Ling knew that he was playing the card of benevolence and righteousness, but how could a few words teach others about this matter?

And it may not be a good thing if people with bad intentions learn it.

Jiang Ling: "There is nothing Jiang can do to help this matter, but Catcher Wang sees similar situations in the future, so he can try, maybe he can succeed."

Seeing his response like this, Wang Butou could only feel sorry and let it go.

Afterwards, he started talking about other topics: "Mr. Jiang, have you ever heard of the God of Wutong?"

Jiang Ling paused: "I've never heard of this before. What does this god say?"

Wang Butou said: "It is said that this god is evil and strange, and loves to hunt wives. In Shangyang Village outside Mingyang City, seven wives have been killed this month. The way of death is strange, and the author can't find out the reason. , We quickly searched for interpersonal grievances, but we didn't see any enemies. Some old people also said that it was Wutong who did evil, and this became more and more strange.

I thought that Mr. Jiang might understand, so I mentioned it. "

Jiang Ling thought for a while, but there are such evil gods?

But Wang Butou said again: "Just yesterday, a wonderful woman who was twenty-eight years old just died, and the body was sent to Yizhuang. To tell you the truth, yesterday, I also used the same method that you used that day. , patted the young woman's head three times, but she didn't speak.

If the woman could speak, then the case might be solved. "

"Wang has an unfeeling request, that is, can you please go to Yizhuang to see this young woman? Maybe, if the gentleman pats it, it is hard for the young woman to speak."

Jiang Ling couldn't help but laugh when he heard the words, but this Wang Butou was really able to open his mouth.

The purpose of visiting is to invite someone to go to Yizhuang to see the dead body. If it were someone else, he would have to scold him a few words.

Jiang Ling: "If I come to photograph her, it will be effective? Don't be joking about Wang Butou."

Wang Butou sighed: "Shangyang Village is full of poor people. If you can help, sir, please help. If this case can be solved earlier, it may save many families from ruin. This It’s also an act of great virtue.”

Jiang Ling smiled, he doesn't care if he has accumulated virtue or not, the main thing is that he has nothing to do, so it's okay to go and have a look: "Since Catcher Wang thinks my hands are so magical, then I will go with you for a while. It's just a word first Well, I am not a strange person, my hands may not be better than yours."

Seeing that he agreed, Catcher Wang beamed with joy: "It's okay, it's okay, as long as Mr. Jiang is willing to go. No matter whether it's okay or not, I will always remember Mr. Zhang's affection."

After drinking tea, the two got up from Jiangyue Tower and rushed to Yizhuang.

Yizhuang is located near Wulipo outside the city.

There are [-] corpses in it.

Or those who died in a foreign country, or those involved in unresolved cases.

If it is the former, there is always some status. If such a corpse is left in Yizhuang, if the descendants find it, they can ask for a storage fee.

If they are poor and beggars, they are dead when they die, and they are not eligible to stay in Yizhuang. Most of them are thrown to the mass graves and let the wild wolves eat them.

As for the latter, if the case has not been resolved for three years and the family members come forward, they can also be taken back for burial.

Wang Butou led the way and entered Yizhuang, the first coffin he walked to was the young woman's corpse.

The body was covered with sackcloth, and sandalwood was smoked around the coffin.

When I lifted the sackcloth, I saw that she was really a young girl.

Under the linen, the body is wrapped in white gauze.

Wang Butou pointed to the coffins in front of him, indicating that those corpses all died before this woman, and they were all wives and young women.

It's just that those corpses have been around for a while, and their appearance is already disgusting, so Jiang Ling didn't let him see them.

"What marks are there on this body?"

"I did an inspection, and there were indeed traces of being violated before death. But other than that, there is no other evidence."

Jiang Ling glanced twice, the girl's soul was long gone.

Such a dead body cannot be photographed "wake up".

But in order to deal with Catcher Wang, he still took three shots.

Seeing no effect, Catcher Wang's eyes were full of disappointment.

He also bowed to the dead and burned incense.

However, although Jiang Ling did not see the girl's soul, he found a purple mark on the girl's body.

This imprint is invisible to the naked eye, and only under the eye of the law can there be a slight clue.

There is a circle outside and a word inside.

Look at the handwriting, it should be the word "御" without a doubt.

This imprint contains Yin Qi.

Jiang Ling stretched out his hand to sweep over, but the word was not erased.

Wang Catcher sat beside him and sighed: "To tell you the truth, this girl is the daughter of a distant relative of mine. She is the only daughter in the family. She just recruited a husband-in-law this year. It was originally a harmonious family, but it ended up like this."

Jiang Ling didn't say anything, and when he closed his eyes, he suddenly found another place on the Luoshu next to Yuanchi in his dantian was lit up, flickering on and off, and five heads were reflected.

'Five heads, are they really Wutongshen? '

"Wang Butou, do you have this girl's date of birth?"

Catcher Wang: "Yes, it is written on the spirit tablet."

Opposite the coffin, there is a spiritual seat, but its back is facing the outside.

Jiang Ling: "Why do you turn your back to the outside?"

Wang Butou: "It's a local custom, she's too young to bear it."

Turning the spiritual tablet over, it really recorded the name of the deceased and the date of birth.

Jiang Ling silently memorized it.

He said with Wang Butou, "I can't help with this, but if there are clothes from this girl before she died, maybe my dog ​​can help a little."

Catcher Wang: "Dog?"

Everyone knows that a dog's sense of smell is several times better than a human's.

But dogs can smell, but it is difficult for them to understand people's meaning to help solve the case.

After Jiang Ling said this, Wang Catcher didn't take it easy and said that asking a dog to help is just a joke: "This woman's clothes are left at home, since Mr. Jiang said so, then I will find time to get them."

(End of this chapter)

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