Chapter 295
Outside Mingyang City.

A poor boy looked at the tall tower and the heroic guards.

There were bursts of timidity in his eyes.

Most of the country people go to the city.Looking at the prosperity of the city, he felt ashamed of himself and afraid of being ridiculed, so he seemed timid and cautious.

But in the next second, after he shook his whole body, his temperament seemed to be a different person.

When walking, he no longer flinched, but held his head high and walked like a tiger.

Walking on the street, whenever I see a woman passing by, I can't help but take a few more glances, I love that charming posture.

Seeing the good looks, he brightened his eyes and smiled.

He would pretend to be in a hurry and walk up to physically collide with the woman.

The woman was shaken by the bump, and blamed in her mouth.Seeing him dressed as a countryman, he even opened his mouth to scold him, and the maids beside him even came to beat him.

The poor boy apologized again and again, but after he retired, instead of being annoyed, he smiled happily.

At the same time, Jiangling and Wang Butou also returned from Yizhuang.

After the two entered the city, they parted ways.

Jiangling went to the City God's Office, and asked the City God if he had seen the woman by using the date of birth of the female corpse in Yizhuang.

According to the usual practice, the souls of the newly dead will stay temporarily in the City God's Department, and will be sent to the underworld after seven days.

If this woman is in the City God's Division, one only needs to ask her herself, and she will know who the murderer is.

But the city god said that this girl died suddenly, and her soul is not in the company.

Since there is no soul, then this method will not work.

After returning to Jiangyue Tower, I went to the door and saw a young farmer wandering in front of the door, looking at the shop, grinning.

Jiang Ling followed his line of sight, and saw that it was the concubine of the Zhao family who was shopping in the store.

That woman is the concubine of the third master of the Zhao family.

The third master of the Zhao family is the last Jinshi, and now he is staying at home.The last time I went to Beijing, it was to make connections so that I could be a candidate for a rich place.

After I tasted [La Mei Fish Nugget] by chance in Beijing, I returned to Mingyang City and found that my hometown also had it. I was overjoyed.

No, let the concubine go there in person almost every day, and buy a copy with him.

After going back and forth, Jiang Ling also recognized this concubine.Calling Luliu is also the superior servant girl.Became a concubine, and still doing maid work.

Jiang Ling had just stood beside him for a while,

The young farmer suddenly turned his head and looked at him.

At that moment, Jiang Ling saw something fierce in his eyes.

But soon, the young farmer trembled, as if frightened.His eyes immediately became simple and dumbfounded, he was embarrassed to be stared at by Jiang Ling, scratched his head, and hurried away.

At the door of the store, the concubine just packed out.

Jiang Ling: "Mrs. Zhao, are you here to buy [baked fish nuggets] again?"

The concubine smiled shyly: "Mr. Jiang, please don't shout nonsense, Luliu can't bear the word 'madam'."

Jiang Ling also said with a smile: "When you go back, you can tell Mr. Zhao that this [preserved fish nuggets] is delicious, but you should not eat too much. If you get angry, don't blame us."

The little concubine knows etiquette very well, and bowed slightly: "Mr. Jiang, I will bring it myself, but my family's officials don't have this fish piece for a meal, so the food and drink will not taste good."

After saying a few words, she went.

Jiang Ling watched her leave at the door,

After a while, the peasant youth reappeared.

On the street, I watched the green willow swaying and walking from a distance, and wanted to catch up.

But as soon as he took two steps, he caught a glimpse of Jiang Ling's eyes in front of Jiangyue Tower.

Looking at each other again, the young farmer turned around immediately as if he was guilty of a thief, and hurried away again.

From the young man, Jiang Ling didn't see anything unusual, so he entered the shop without thinking too much.

After the young farmer left in a hurry, he deliberately stayed away from Jiang Yuelou.

He stood under a camphor tree, shaking his head and talking to himself for a long time.

Another four days.

The yang energy in Ding Ren's body disappeared, and he became a ghost.

That night, Jiang Ling took him into the underworld, found a deserted place, told Ding Ren to close his eyes, and he drew the brand of "humanity" on Ding Ren's head.

Then send him to Huangquan Road and let him go on his own.

Coming to Huangquan Road again, Ding Ren also remembers this place.

He was able to remember the events of his previous life before, and he had already told Jiang Ling about it.

It turns out that the Mengpo soup on the Naihe Bridge is not compulsory, but voluntary.

If you don't want to drink, you don't have to.

It's just that if you don't drink it, the treatment will be lowered when you reincarnate.And there is no good fate, and luck does not follow.

For example, when Ding Ren died in his previous life, he should have acquired the [Heavenly Way] brand.

With such an imprint, as long as he obediently drank Meng Po soup to wash away his memory, he will surely enjoy a happy life in this life.

But his obsession was too deep, so he didn't drink it, so he fell down a notch, became [humanity], and reincarnated into Ding Youfu's family by himself.

"This time, just drink when you need to, don't be arrogant."

"But if I drink it, won't everything be forgotten? I won't remember who Qiuniang is anymore!?"

"So what if I remember? If there is a destiny, we will meet again eventually. It is good for everyone to wash away the memory and start again. If you keep the memory, do you think Qiuniang's memory in the brothel is so good?"

Ding Ren thought for a moment, finally nodded, and after bowing to Jiangling, he raised his foot and stepped into the Huangquan Road.

When he turned to walk away, Jiang Ling made a mark on the back of his neck.

Ding Ren didn't realize it, he walked a few steps, hand in hand with Jiang Ling again, and went away.

After Jiangling bid farewell, his soul returned to his orifices.

Immediately, write down a time on paper.

'If Ding Ren successfully passes through reincarnation, then he will be born within one or two days. '

He has planted a mark on the back of Ding Ren's neck,
If Ding Ren is successfully reincarnated, after birth, there will be a birthmark on the back of the neck.

'At that time, you can use the hexagrams to predict the place of his birth. If he can really be reborn as a human, it will show that my technique of confusing the real with the fake is really feasible. '

The next day,

Wang Butou came to the door again, and brought the body of the Yizhuang woman who was wearing close-fitting clothes when she was alive.

Fortunately, traces of bodily fluids still remain.

Jiangling summoned rhubarb and let it smell it.

After smelling it, I asked it: "Do you smell a man?"

Rhubarb barked and wagged its tail.

When Jiang Ling saw it, he knew it had smelled it.

So he said to Wang Butou, "Where is Shangyang Village? Can you take us to have a look?"

Wang Butou looked at Rhubarb in surprise.

His family also has dogs, but they are not so spiritual.

Nodding, he led the way ahead.

Rhubarb followed closely behind, walking behind.

But in the middle of the walk, it stopped suddenly, barked, and ran in the city along an alley.

Wang Butou looked over there and saw that it was a butcher's shop. He couldn't help sighing that it was really a joke to let the dog solve the case.

As soon as he looked at the butcher, Gouzi's true nature was immediately revealed.

Just as he was about to speak, Jiang Ling greeted him, "Let's follow and have a look."

Wang Butou looked at the rhubarb again, and saw that he was passing by the butcher shop, without even looking at the pork on the chopping board, he went straight ahead.

Then came to a small courtyard of a private household.

When Jiangling and Wang Butou followed here, they could vaguely hear the sound of squeaking coming from the small courtyard.

There are women shouting for joy, even in broad daylight, and they don't hide it.

(End of this chapter)

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