Chapter 297
In Peking Opera facial makeup, gold and silver represent gods and monsters, possessing supernatural powers.

And when the silver head dominated this man, he was indeed different from before, his temperament changed, he was dark and arrogant.

"go with!"

He raised up two fingers, lit a firewood stake in the courtyard, and moved it towards Jiang Ling.

With his drink, the wooden stake flew up in the wind and smashed over.

Jiang Ling moved around and dodged.

The man pointed to a hatchet again, and gave orders again: "Go!"

The hatchet also flew up, whirled like a whirlwind, and chopped at Jiang Ling's shoulder.

The thought of Jiangling's primordial spirit spread out, and in an instant, he realized that there was a slight connection between the wooden stake and the hatchet, and they were tied to the man's body.

Immediately, he also sent out an idea, and tied it to the wooden stake and hatchet.

Thoughts are like ropes, as soon as they are fastened, the wooden stake and hatchet float in mid-air and remain motionless.

The man raised two fingers and repeatedly pointed to Jiang Ling: "Go!"

He gave orders several times, but there was no response.

The two spiritual senses fought against each other in the air, and they couldn't stop arguing.

Jiang Ling suddenly moved, with just one look, the wooden stake and hatchet flew back and floated above the man's head.

In terms of divine sense, his primordial spirit was ultimately stronger than the opponent's, and the control of the stake and hatchet also fell into his hands.

Jiang Ling: "Wutongshen, that's all he can do?"

Man: "You and I don't know each other before, but why do you want to get along with me?"

Jiang Ling: "I've heard people say that the gods of the five powers, the wives and daughters of men, earn money from others, and are the gods of misfortune. You and I have never met each other before, and this time I came here just because I was entrusted by others."

The man glanced at Wang Baotou in the room, and he knew it well: "I will give you ten times the benefits he has given you."

Jiang Ling: "I have a question, can you answer it?"

Man: "You say."

Jiang Ling: "It's the women who were killed by you. What is the function of the character [御] on them?"

The man smiled: "So what you asked is this. This is the Dao, which was originally a method of the Yellow Emperor's classic. The way of imperial women can be achieved with three thousand. The imperial character is wonderful. Simply put, it is It is the art of curse seal, and those who plant the curse seal will get double happiness if they are in love with it. The deeper the practice, the higher the double.

Do you really think those women were killed earlier?No, they died happy. "

Jiang Ling: "Is there such a way?"

There have been rumors about this for a long time.Taoists generally believe that in the past, the three thousand daughters of the Yellow Emperor got the Tao and ascended to the Tao, and the Buddhists also practiced meditation with joy, and achieved fruitful results.

The man smiled: "Of course, if you want to learn, I can teach you."

Jiang Ling: "Whether to teach or not, let's not mention it first. Since your five brothers have cultivated into evil gods, the nourishing effect should be good."

The man's expression changed: "What do you mean?"

Jiang Ling: "It means, I will accept your soul today."

Nie Qian is still in the process of transformation. Due to time constraints, it is currently impossible to send her to [Shanglin Tianyu].But staying by his side, nutrition has been a little bit behind.

Now, if you encounter such a hairy god, if you swallow it, it should have some nourishing effect.

The man quickly took a few steps back, retreated to the wall, turned over and jumped, and was about to escape.

Jiang Ling only yelled, and said something—【stop】!
The man immediately couldn't walk, and his feet seemed to suddenly weigh more than a thousand catties.

He looked at Jiang Ling in horror, "What kind of sorcery are you doing?"

In the next second, a phoenix-shaped jade pendant flew out of Jiang Ling's hand and slapped the man on the head.

A seductive red light was released from the two phoenix eyes of the phoenix-shaped jade pendant, and then there were five consecutive lights on the man's head, which were included in the phoenix-shaped jade pendant one after another.

This phoenix-shaped jade pendant itself is quite domineering,

In Shanglin Tianyu, it will crazily devour the spiritual power of heaven and earth.In other places, too, it devours what is good for it at the first opportunity.

Just like a pregnant mother, in order for the baby in her womb to grow up to perfection, she will do everything she can to eat some nourishing food.

The phoenix-shaped jade pendant devoured five souls and fell back into Jiang Ling's hands.

Jiang Ling released a divine thought into the jade pendant space,
Seeing that in the green nectar pool, Nie Qian was in good spirits, and her body condensed from the jade fetus gradually had uneven curves.


Not seen for many days, Nie Qian seemed quite happy.

Jiang Ling: "Your body looks good now."

Nie Qian blinked: "Master looks at Xiaoqian's body like this, Xiaoqian will be shy."

Jiangling smiled.

Nie Qian said provocatively again: "Master, how does Xiaoqian's body compare to your two wives?"

As she spoke, she puffed out her chest on purpose to make the curve more prominent.

Jiang Ling took a second look unceremoniously: "You, with your current level of development, you are not even as good as the fragrance of lotus, so don't compare yourself."

Nie Qian pretended to be sad: "After all, the newcomer is better than the old one. After the master has a wife, he will no longer love Xiaoqian."

Jiang Ling returned to the topic: "How did the five souls taste like just now?"

Nie Qian's eyes lit up: "The taste is very good. After the phoenix-shaped jade pendant absorbs them, it is squeezed into this green nectar juice, which has a lot of weight. If there are hundreds more, or if you don't go to Shanglin Tianyu, Xiaoqian can also grow up smoothly."

Jiang Ling laughed, one hundred and ten?
In this world, how can I find a hundred and ten five-handed spirits for her?
Nie Qian: "By the way, master, after the five souls were devoured, there is one more thing."

Jiang Ling: "What?"

Nie Qian: "It's right under the pool of fine wine."

The meridians on her body arched back and forth in the green nectar, and a pentagonal rhombus floated back and forth in the nectar.

Nie Qian: "It's that thing."

When Jiang Ling saw it, he used his spiritual power to extract objects from the air, and took the pentagonal rhombus thing up.

As soon as he grasped this thing in his hand, he felt a flood of information rushing into his mind.

It contains exactly the method of [Wutongshen] cultivation.

This method requires five people to practice together to harmonize the rhyme of the five elements.

The golden rhyme masters the strength of the muscles and bones.

The wood rhyme is the toughness of the main body.

Water rhyme, the source of active power.

The fire rhyme is the main spiritual orifice.

The earth rhyme is the stability of the main soul and body.

In short, this can be regarded as a set of cultivation methods.However, it is not living people practicing, but dead people practicing.

As mentioned earlier in this formula, five people practice together, and five people die together, using their own flesh and blood as sacrifices to refine the soul of the five powers.

Afterwards, use the five-pass soul to lodge in other people's apertures.

Among the five rhymes, the water rhyme is the source of power. If this rhyme is sufficient, the man's essence will be strong, and it is easy to control several women at night.

The fire rhyme person grasps the orifice of spirituality. If the rhyme is strong, it will spell a hundred spirits, and the physical sensation will be doubled.

Jiang Ling looked at it roughly, and thought: "In truth, this method should be one of the three thousand ways. It's just that the method is incomplete, so it was taken out of context and changed into the method of five links."Although it is also possible to cultivate the gods, the upper limit is low. '

In the normal method, the ultimate path is to become a saint in the flesh and ascend to immortality in the daytime.

And this formula was doomed from the very beginning, it could only become like that of gods and ghosts.

Putting away the pentagonal rhombus, in the room in the courtyard, Wang Butou covered his head, and stood up unsteadily at this time.

"What about people, where is the adulterer?"

As soon as he walked out of the room, he saw Jiang Ling standing in the courtyard, and the adulterer had already collapsed under the corner of the wall.

Jiang Ling said: "Wang Butou, I have already captured him for you, and you can bring him back for trial."

Wang Butou was furious, not to mention whether this adulterer was the murderer in the previous cases, but if he dared to attack him, he would be suspected.

At this time, as soon as he threw himself to his side, he tied him with a rope: "Thank you Mr. Jiang this time."

Jiang Ling called out Rhubarb, "I'm an idle person, this matter is over, if there is a case in the future, please don't bother Wang Butou."

"This..." Wang Catcher really wanted him to help, but since he had already said that, he couldn't be cheeky anymore, so he nodded and agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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