River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 298 Flying Eagle Cliff

Chapter 298 Flying Eagle Cliff

In another three days, Wang Butou came to Jiangyue Tower again.

That day the adulterer was caught and brought back to the yamen, and after questioning him, he confessed.

It turned out that he was Shi Sanbao, a villager from Shangyang, with an honest and simple nature.

It was only raining heavily every day, and he was grazing cattle on the back mountain. When a ground collapsed and a yellow clay jar was exposed, he was curious to lift the cover at that time.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the lid was opened, he would be enveloped by five streams of air, and after that, it seemed that there were five more people in his body.

These five people affected his mind and emotions, and led him to do many things that he never dared to think or do.

Although it was resistance and fear at the beginning, but later, I couldn't help but sink into it, unable to extricate myself.

Jiang Ling: "The three stone treasures, how do we get rid of them?"

Wang Butou: "This case is a strange case. The old man has a headache because of it. He doesn't know how to close the case. But after all, that guy has killed so many people. It is inevitable to kill and pay for life."

Jiang Ling thought for a while, and nodded slightly.

Although the three treasures of the stone are involuntary, they have sunk into it, and their nature has long been contaminated.If you want to blame, you can only blame his own bad luck.

Jiang Ling smiled, and asked about the chief secretary's wife again.

Wang Butou immediately lowered his voice: "I didn't say anything about this matter. One yard is worth one yard. Who Mrs. Ruan has an affair with is her own business, and it has nothing to do with me. It's just strange, that Shi Sanbao went to prison Afterwards, Mrs. Ruan approached me twice to ask about his condition."

Jiang Ling: "The man in her family is the head bookkeeper, why did you ask me instead?"

Wang Butou: "Hey, it's not to avoid suspicion, and she sees that I don't speak out, but she is even more fearless, so she just came to ask me."

Jiang Ling: "What did you ask?"

Wang Butou: "It's nothing more than whether Shi Sanbao can be released or not. The reason for this is that Mrs. Ruan and Shi Sanbao obviously don't know each other. Although... although they have an affair, oh, I also do it." I don't understand how the two of them got together.

And even if it's an affair, it shouldn't be long, you know?Mrs. Ruan even told me that if the money can save Shi Sanbao, she is willing to bear the money.

I was puzzled, a murderer, as for Mrs. Ruan thinking about him so much, I don't know what kind of magical power the three stones have. "

Jiang Ling chuckled.

This seems incomprehensible to ordinary people.

But he understood it in his heart.

Mrs. Ruan and Shi Sanbao, on the one hand, may have had a long-term love, and on the other hand, it may be because of the [Royal Word Curse] that enhanced the physical stimulation.

During the time when she was happy with Shi Sanbao, Mrs. Ruan enjoyed unprecedented happiness.

Now she misses that kind of happiness and wants to relive that kind of happiness. Therefore, it is not difficult to understand that she can do this kind of thing.

Jiang Ling: "Wang Catcher is here today, should he have nothing else to do?"

Catcher Wang laughed, took out a deer leg, and gave it to him: "Although Mr. Jiang has never admitted it, but Mr. Wang has been handling cases for so many years, and it can be seen that Mr. Jiang is an extraordinary man.

What Mr. Wang said last time, Wang also kept it in mind.People like you really don't care about mundane matters.It is a great favor to help me once or twice.

This time I dare not disturb anymore, I just came here to thank you. "

Jiang Ling smiled and nodded.

Helping once or twice is for love, if you come every time, he will get bored.Fortunately, Wang Butou is a sensible person.


Wang Butou suddenly changed the subject: "Wang is here today, although he is not asking for help from the gentleman, but there is something else he wants to tell the gentleman. After hearing this matter, it is hard to say if the gentleman is interested."

Jiang Ling: "Oh? What's the matter?"

Wang Butou pointed to the deer leg: "Today, at Maoshi, some Yachai brothers and I made an appointment to go out of the city to hunt. Passing by Feiying Cliff, we saw a vision."

Anyone who is a native of Mingyang City knows that Feiying Cliff is ten thousand zhang deep.

The name is called Flying Eagle, which means that only Flying Eagle can cross it.

"There are countless mountain goods that jumped straight to Feiying Cliff. In addition, there are many people guarding the entrance of Feiying Cliff. There are men and women. Not a mortal."

Jiang Ling: "Is there such a thing?"

Wang Butou: "No, we saw it strangely, so we wanted to take a closer look, but when we approached the cliff, the people we saw before disappeared."

Jiang Ling: "Where is Feiying Cliff?"

Wang Butou had already prepared, took out a sketch map, and pointed to a route on it: "From here, go out of the city, go to the left for fifteen miles, and then go east for four miles, and you will see Feiying Cliff."

After saying a few more words, Catcher Wang wanted to go back to the yamen to order something, so he left.

The sketches survived.

Jiang Ling took a few more glances at the point he was pointing at on the map, but unexpectedly found it somewhat familiar.

'This place, isn't it that night...'

That night, he remembered very clearly that he took the Taoist woman and chose a random place in the barren mountains.

When he came back, he vaguely remembered that there was indeed a deep cliff not far away.

Since that day, that woman has never appeared in Mingyang City again.

At first he thought that the woman left because her body was defiled by him and she couldn't bear the blow.

But now it seems...

'Wouldn't it be her who Wang Butou said was hovering on the edge of the cliff? '

If it is really her, it has been several days in a row, and she does not go back to the mountain gate, but just stays on the edge of the cliff, why?
Probably not to seek death, and there is no need to wait until today to seek death.

'Why don't you go and have a look? '

Anyway, the left and right were idle, so they talked to Qingshuang and Yue Wei, and he turned to the east in the room, and as soon as he turned the ring on his hand, in the next second, he crossed more than ten miles and appeared in the barren mountains.

According to the memory of that day, after a little searching, he found the ancient tree that had a one-night relationship with the Taoist woman.

However, I haven't seen it for a few days, and the ancient tree has already been cut off by the roots.It was withered and yellow.

Not far ahead, I saw cliffs lined up.

There was a dark wind blowing under the cliff, and there were indeed creatures rushing around here from time to time.

Like a deer, like a rabbit, like a mink, once they get here, they are not afraid of people, and they go straight to the cliff.It's like being possessed by a demon.

'Strange, why are these creatures so eager to seek death? '

Just when he was about to approach, he saw the fog in front of him, which seemed to be a barrier.

Through the barrier, the naked eye can't see clearly.

Jiang Ling rubbed his brows lightly, and looked again, Fayan was able to break through the barrier of the blind eye, and he saw six figures standing brightly on the edge of the cliff that was originally empty.

Among them was a woman, dressed in a white dress, cold and beautiful, she was the Taoist woman with whom he had a one-night stand.

Beside her, the other five people were already strangers.

There are two young faces, but half of their beards and hairs are white. They are really immortal, standing there with fluttering clothes.

The other three, silent and speechless, sat on the side like wooden sculptures.

After Jiang Ling looked twice, he looked at the barrier in front of him again. This is not only a trick to deceive the eyes, but also a trick to confuse the gods.

Ordinary people, once they get close to this place, they will encounter a ghost hitting a wall and go around on their own.

It's no wonder that Wang Baotou approached here before, and he couldn't see anyone in a blink of an eye.

Jiang Ling smiled slightly, and silently painted the sky with his feet on the ground, stepped on it lightly, and then the barrier automatically opened the way for him.

He entered it, and while the five people turned their heads and witnessed at the same time, he came to the cliff of Feiying Cliff step by step.

(End of this chapter)

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