River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 299 Auspicious Heaven

Chapter 299 Auspicious Heaven

That cold woman, seeing that it was Jiang Ling, finally had a strange expression on her face.

Although she has never talked with Jiang Ling,
However, I still have some impressions of this person who has put out all three fires on his head.

I thought this person should be a short-lived person, but I didn't expect that he was actually a Taoist.

The barrier set up on the outside is called [Three-turn Yuntai Lost Array].

This person was able to break through the maze and enter the formation, maybe he had some skills.

However, although she recognized Jiang Ling, she didn't make a sound, she only looked at him twice and then looked away.

His demeanor was still cold and arrogant.

"I, Wufeng Castle, hold a sacrifice here, and outsiders are not allowed to enter."

A man suddenly moved to the front of Jiangling, blocked the road, and was not allowed to go forward.

Jiang Ling: "This barren mountain is not the territory of your Wufengbao. You can come to Wufengbao, but I can't. What's the reason?"

The man was displeased: "If you are told to leave, you will leave. What are you doing talking so much?"

Jiang Ling chuckled, "You Wufengbao are really domineering."

Seeing that the man was about to make a move, suddenly a gray-clothed man on the edge of the cliff said: "This fellow Taoist is right, this place is barren and wild, so don't be too domineering in your Wufeng Castle. This fellow Taoist can Finding this place is also due to personal fate, why do you have to be arbitrary and cut off people's chances?"

Jiang Ling originally thought that these people belonged to Wufengbao.

But after hearing this, it seems that the man in gray clothes is not with them.

If you look carefully, their attire is indeed different.

Although the other five people were not wearing the same color clothes, they all had uniform black Yunfeng embroidery on their clothes, which should be the Wufeng logo of Wufeng Castle.

As for the man in gray, his beard and hair are half white, and above his sleeves, there is a waning moon.

This reminded Jiang Ling of the grandparents and grandsons he met in the capital.

'If it is not bad, this person should be from Shadow Moon Villa. '

"Feng Yiran, why are you pretending to be a good person?" The man in Wufengbao sneered when he turned around.

The man in gray smiled and said, "I'm not pretending to be a good person, I'm just seeking truth from facts. People come here, why bother to refuse?"

Without waiting for the Wufengbao people to continue talking, the gray-clothed man waved to Jiangling and said, "My fellow Taoist, since the Wufengbao people don't welcome you, then come to my side. I, Feng, resolutely agree." A guy who likes to make friends."

The man in Wufengbao couldn't get used to it, and was about to speak, suddenly the half-white bearded man among them also spoke: "Xu Wu, that's all, since you're here, there's no need to refuse."

Hearing these words, Bai Xuwu finally gave up, snorted softly, and glanced at Jiang Ling and Feng Yiran with displeasure.

Jiang Ling walked to the edge of the cliff, and stood side by side with Feng resolutely.

Feng resolutely cupped his hands slightly: "Feng resolutely in Xiayingyue Villa, did you ask for advice?"

Jiang Ling also cupped his hands in return: "Jiang Ling."

Feng resolutely raised his brows, and thought that this person really cherishes words like gold, "I don't know where the teacher came from?"

Jiang Ling said casually, "It's just casual cultivation."

Feng resolutely looked at him carefully, he obviously didn't believe Jiang Ling's answer.

However, for him, this is not too important: "It's a pity that I came here alone. There are so many people in Wufengbao this time. Fellow Daoist Jiang is destined to come here, but he can walk side by side with Feng."

Jiang Ling smiled lightly, looked down the cliff, but didn't see any clues, so he asked: "Is there any chance here?"

Feng resolutely nodded his head and said: "As fellow daoists have seen, in this lofty mountain, all kinds of beasts are frenzied, vying to jump off this cliff. The reason is indeed a rare opportunity."

He pointed to the depths of the cliff, and motioned Jiang Ling to watch carefully, not to blink.

After about a moment, deep in the cliff, a strange light flashed.Where the clouds and smoke are misty, it seems that there is a water curtain and a cave opening there.

In the cave, there are flocks of birds, flowers are blankets, seven stars are hanging in the sky, and there are real dragons, fire and phoenixes flying in the sky.

But in just a moment, the Water Curtain Cave disappeared and was hidden in the thick fog.

Feng resolutely said, "Fellow Daoist, have you seen the vision?"

Jiang Ling: "Tianwaitian?"

Feng resolutely was slightly surprised: "Fellow Daoist actually knows?"

The sky beyond the sky is another dimension that does not belong to the human world.

The legendary world is divided into 33 heavens.The human world belongs to the [Six Desires Heaven], and all people in this world cannot escape the trap of the Six Desires.Born in the six desires, die in the six desires.

The realm of the underworld belongs to [Yellow Spring Heaven], and on the next level, there is also [Ksitigarbha Heaven].

These 33 heavens seem to be not on the same level, but in fact, many times, by chance and coincidence, a sea market will be opened, resulting in a short-term link between the two different worlds.

This is the case with the [Changshengtian] sea market that I saw in Jinmen back then.

However, even if there is a short-term connection between different levels of Tianyu, this is not something that everyone can enter.

Either there are big means, like the big-bellied Daoist in Jinmen back then, he could climb up the clouds and go straight to the gate of heaven.

Or, just like the Dragon Girl of the Yellow River, she summoned her grandfather to welcome her, and built a rainbow bridge for her from another world, so she can also enter.

Now, deep in the cliff, there is also a sea city gate, how to get in?

I am afraid that if it is a careless mistake, he will fall into this abyss without leaving any bones.

Jiang Ling: "Fellow Daoist, do you know what world is behind that?"

Feng resolutely stroked his chin, and said leisurely: "If it is as expected, it is [Auspicious Heaven]."

The auspicious sky is the middle heaven. It is said that this world is peaceful and peaceful, and there is no conflict with the world.There are rare treasures everywhere, and there are three thousand auspicious beasts.

Feng resolutely: "【Auspicious Heaven】There are rare treasures everywhere, and there are three thousand auspicious beasts. If you can enter this world, you can only pick one rare herb, and you may live forever."

Jiang Ling: "I'm afraid the risk is not small."

Feng resolutely shook his head: "[Auspicious Heaven] is quiet and peaceful, without any conflict with the world. It is the safest place in the Middle Heaven. There is no need to worry about risks at all."

Jiang Ling: "Fellow Taoist, have you been there?"

Feng resolutely said, "Where have I been to such a holy place? However, my ancestors in Shadow Moon Villa were lucky enough to go there, and once obtained a sacred fruit, which prolongs life for thousands of years after eating."

Extend life for a thousand years?

Jiang Ling was surprised when he heard that, if it really had such an effect, it would be more precious than flat peaches in the Longevity Realm.

However, even the longevity world is full of various crises, but he doesn't believe that there is really no risk in that auspicious day.

Jiang Ling: "The gate of [Auspicious Heaven]'s sea market is under a cliff, is there a way for fellow Taoists to get in?"

If he wants to go in, he can call out the white crane from the painting, and he can enter at any time.

Feng resolutely said: "Going down is easy, but the connection between [Jixiangtian] and [Liuyutian] is not stable. Every time the gate of Haishi appears, it only takes a short breath or two. It is not easy to pass through. I will wait here. In order to wait for it to appear for a longer time."

No wonder they are all waiting here.

It turned out that they wanted to wait for the gate of Haishi to stabilize.

And this time, no one knows when it will come.So we can only wait here.

Speaking of this, Feng resolutely sent a message in secret: "Jiang Daoyou, this opportunity is hard to come by. Wufengbao has a large number of people, if you and I want to go in and seize some opportunities, we must work together."

Jiang Ling smiled slightly,

Feng resolutely helped him speak at the beginning, in fact, it was to find a helper for himself.

There are five people in Wufengbao, and he has only one.

Keeping Jiang Ling now, more or less, can also share some pressure for him.

Jiang Ling knew it well from the beginning, so he didn't say thank you.

At this time, he had to show his kindness again and again, and he also responded—"It should be so."

(End of this chapter)

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