River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 301 4 faces embattled

Chapter 301
One person set foot on the Scarlet Wasteland. Everything here, except that the flowers all over the ground are somewhat similar to what I saw when the gate of the sea city was open, everything else seems completely different.

The scene of the real dragon, fire and phoenix flying together is simply invisible.Occasionally, it is only the weird and strange species that are completely invisible in the human world.

In addition, the scarlet ground was covered with bones.

Some bones are 30 meters long just for the spine, and the skull is comparable to half a house.

In a low-lying place farther away, Jiangling suddenly saw a shallow scarlet liquid flowing there, like blood.

Wherever the scarlet liquid flowed, a light blue fruit grew.

The fruit is round and quite dense.

Thinking about it, Feng resolutely said that an ancestor of Shadow Moon Villa once picked a holy fruit in [Auspicious Heaven], after taking it, his life would be extended for thousands of years.

Jiang Ling thought, could this be the so-called holy fruit?

But take a closer look,
When he saw the true outline of the melon and fruit, Jiang Ling suddenly felt a chill run down his spine.

——I saw those round ones, where are the fruits?It was clearly a sleeping head with eyes closed.

These heads vary in size and are hairless on top. Seen from a distance, they really look like melons and fruits.

Only when you get close can you see that the eyes and ears are clear on the head, and there is also a body under the neck, but it is buried in the soil.

Perhaps it was his footsteps that made movement, and the head closest to him suddenly opened its eyes.

Those eyes were pitch-black, but the pupils in the middle were dark red.

As soon as it woke up, the other heads seemed to be infected, and they also woke up one by one.

'It turned out to be alive! '

Jiang Ling retreated quickly.

And after those heads woke up, their eyes gathered towards him.

Afterwards, he saw dark blue people crawling out of the soil and chasing after him.

'Is this the local race? '

No matter what level of heaven it is, the local races are not easy to mess with.

In particular, these races have weird appearances and are extremely numerous.

Under the condition of unknown situation, Jiang Ling chooses to temporarily avoid the edge and not to conflict with him.

However, the initial speed of these races climbing out of the soil is very slow, and after running, the speed can gradually increase.

Jiang Ling became more and more surprised, and spilled a handful of soybeans in his hand. After chanting the mantra, yellow smoke emitted from the soybeans, and in a blink of an eye they took human form.

"go with!"

The puppets scattered their things, and the "people" chasing after them, regardless of their authenticity, were indeed attracted.

Jiang Lingdong hid in XZ for less than half an hour before leaving those weirdos behind.

But at this moment, the figure of Feng Yiran reappeared not far away, and he was also panicked, being chased by a group of blue weirdos.

He has an eight-diagram compass in his hand, and when he uses it, he can release eight sword qi.

With just a lift of his hand, he beheaded two of the blue monsters. The corpse was shattered, emitting bursts of purple air, and there was a pungent and cold smell in the corpse, which was similar to those strange smells of pollen. Seven points are the same.

The shattered pieces of flesh from the corpse fell to the ground and burrowed into the soil automatically.

In a blink of an eye, a fist-sized sarcoma grew on the swampy ground.

How many pieces the corpse was broken into just now, how many sarcoma appeared on the ground at this moment.

These blue monsters are not strong in physical strength, but they are in large numbers.

Even though they were beheaded, they could still obtain that strange purple energy.

But the purple aura on their bodies, the smell of corpses is too strong.

Feng resolutely only took two puffs, and he didn't want to take any more.

Seeing that Jiangling was not far away, he suddenly shouted: "Fellow Daoist Jiang, quickly share some pressure with me!"

He didn't allow Jiang Ling to refuse, so he led those blue monsters like a tide and ran towards Jiang Ling.

Seeing him approaching, Jiang Ling turned around and left.

It took him half an hour just now to shake off the blue weirdo.I don't want to provoke you again.

"Fellow Daoist said earlier that you take your own chances and each depends on your ability. Now that you have a lot of chances, Fellow Daoist Feng, I don't want to bother you, so let's take a step forward."

As soon as he walked, he was flying like lightning.

Seeing one step at a time, but between walking, it is like a star ball jumping, and in a few blinks, it will go far.

Feng ran over resolutely, but he couldn't catch up with him.

Can't help but bewildered in his eyes: "How can this guy run so fast?"

Had to give up.

No one can share the pressure with him, and he can only solve it by himself.

He took out three gossip mirrors from his body, combined them into four, and placed them in the four directions of east, west, south, east, and west.

When the blue weirdo stepped into the formation, a wave of his spiritual power penetrated into the center of the formation.

[Eight trigrams and four poles to kill demons]!
He jumped up, and in an instant, the sword energy below was criss-crossing, and dozens of blue monsters were killed in the midst of strafing back and forth.

However, after they died, the shattered pieces of flesh quickly burrowed into the soil, and after a while, tumors grew out again.

And the blue monsters behind are still densely packed like a tide.

Feng resolutely gritted his teeth, his manpower was limited, he couldn't deal with so many weirdos by himself.

I can only turn around and leave.

The blue monsters were chasing after them, and suddenly a strange thing happened—they started fighting each other.

Some of the blue monsters bit their companions, gnawed off their flesh and blood, and chewed them on the spot.

That bloody scene made people feel hairy.

After only a few cursory glances, Feng resolutely didn't feel relieved.

But those blue monsters chased after them, and among them, ones with different shapes and appearances began to appear.

These people with different shapes and appearances are far above ordinary blue monsters in terms of physical strength and speed.

As they ran, they grabbed their companions, biting and devouring them.

Xuepen opened his mouth wide, and in one bite, he could bite off half of his companion's head, and swallowed it without chewing.

Each time a human is swallowed, a white strip appears on their body.

The more white spots there are, the stronger it is, and the stronger it is, the more companions it can devour.

Under such changes, there are more and more weirdos with white spots.

And the white spots are about to fill the whole body, and people also start to appear.

When these people's white spots spread all over their bodies, they began to walk like flying, and they could reach Zhang Xu with one stride.

Gradually, Feng resolutely found that he could not run against these white monsters.

Surrounded by three white monsters, one of them was caught short of his back.

The white monster's fingers were extremely sharp, grabbing off his clothes and flesh.

Five bloody wounds appeared on his back immediately.

The refreshing tingling sensation made Feng resolutely terrified.

The gossip mirror in his hand was thrown in four directions again. This time, he did not sacrifice the [Eight Diagrams and Four Extreme Demon Slaying Formation], but pinched the seal and chanted the mantra, and deployed the [Nightmare Prayer Technique].

【The Art of Nightmare Prayer】It can interfere with other people's sight and play a wonderful role in covering up.

This technique is wonderful in seconds, but for him, the loss is too great.

At this time, almost half of the spiritual power in Yuanchi was lost.

Fortunately, the [Skill of Nightmare Prayer] worked, and the three white monsters were trapped in the formation, as if they were blind, unable to see him.

Without any hesitation, he chose a way to escape.

While fleeing, he muttered to himself: "No, this is not [Auspicious Heaven], the ancestor said [Auspicious Heaven] never has such a monster!"

(End of this chapter)

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