River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 302 Chapter 99

Chapter 302 Nine Nine Ways of Hades

A black giant suddenly flew across the sky.

That thing looked like a cat, but also like a tiger. It was huge, and the moment it flew over, even the sky was blackened.

Jiangling came to the edge of a river,

The stream is gurgling, and the water in the river is actually lavender.

There are no fish in the river, only spots of light, which shine from time to time.

Like a sky full of stars, hanging upside down in this river.

Although this world is full of flowers, in fact, it is very lifeless.It was a rotten, dirty, dead air that permeated everywhere.

'In such a place, dare to say that there is a great opportunity? '

Trapped in this world, Jiang Ling is not worried about his own situation.

Big deal, he can use [Shanglin Tianyu Teleportation Volume] to jump through space to Shanglin Tianyu to avoid danger.

Then think of a way from Shanglin Tianyu, there is always hope to go back to the world.

'However, I have come here, I always have to look around, and I can gain experience for myself. '

Then he called out the white crane from the painting, and flew away on the white crane, away from the ground, so that he could finally avoid the pursuit of those monsters.

However, what he did not expect was that the white crane in the painting could only last a dozen or so breaths before dissipating into the air.

After he fell from a high altitude, he had already landed in front of a jungle.

The jungle here is full of trees.

The trees have only branches, but no green leaves.

On those branches, there are still black giants like bats hanging upside down.

When Jiangling saw it, he quietly avoided it without making a sound.

Even though he has deliberately avoided it, it still alarmed the creatures in other directions.

They fell from the tree, flying in the air like a black sphere, converging towards him.

Jiang Ling took out the iron sword in the painting, and cut a black sphere in half with one strike.

The black sphere dissipated when it cracked, releasing a burst of purple energy.

Jiang Ling didn't want to be contaminated at first, but inadvertently absorbed it a little, but suddenly felt every pore in his body was relaxing, and his energy and spirit were suddenly lifted.

That feeling is like lying on the clouds, with countless fairies rubbing your muscles, bones and skin with their soft bodies, which makes you sink.

'This purple energy can make people so happy, no wonder those people were so intoxicated before. '

After being slightly contaminated, Jiang Ling didn't feel any discomfort other than comfort.

Just tried and absorbed a little more.

Soon he was on top.

Those black spheres that floated towards him were chopped off by him one after another.

The purple energy leaked out of each sphere was taken into his body and turned into his own.

In the process of beheading, he also gradually discovered that these black spheres are actually harmless.

They just like to be close to things that move,
After Jiang Ling killed dozens of them, others would actively avoid him because they were afraid of him.

So far, Jiang Ling has not chased him down.

Not far ahead, I suddenly saw a black seven-story pagoda standing on top of a pile of chaotic rocks.

Beside the pagoda, lay a white bone, it looked like it must have been dead for many years.

Next to the pagoda, there was a stone tablet, which was written in Sanskrit, and Jiang Ling couldn't read a single word.

It was time to get closer, but a voice sounded—【Ah, I never thought that there would be human beings here. 】

"Who is speaking?"

Jiang Ling looked around, but saw no one.

"Don't look around, I'm right in front of your eyes, why don't you see me?" the voice replied.

Jiang Ling focused on the source of the sound this time, and suddenly found that it was the bone.

"who are you?"

"You don't have to be afraid, I've been dead for more than a year, and this remnant soul is about to dissipate."

While speaking, a ghost of the dead floated from the body of the bone.

But he was a skinny old man with white beard and white hair.

Jiang Ling: "Are you a human too?"

The old man smiled bitterly: "Just like you, he is a rather unfortunate human being."

Jiang Ling: "Unfortunate? Why?"

The old man sat down cross-legged, "I haven't talked to anyone for many years, and now I can chat with people, this feeling is really long gone."

He sighed, and said: "The so-called misfortune means that what happened here was misfortune. Young man, you don't think this place is a good place, do you?"

Jiang Ling: "This place is lifeless, full of decay and death, of course it is not a good place."

Hearing what he said, the old man was slightly surprised, nodded and said: "You are more sensible than when I was young. When I first came here, I thought that there were opportunities everywhere, but it didn't take long. I saw despair."

Jiang Ling: "Why?"

Old man: "Young man, where do you think this is?"

Jiang Ling: "I heard people say that this is an auspicious day?"

"Auspicious Heaven?" The old man laughed: "Auspicious Heaven is peaceful and harmonious, how can it be such a ghost?"

Jiang Ling: "I don't think so either. This place actually looks a bit like hell."

The old man smiled and said: "You guessed it right, I was trapped here for decades before I realized where this is."

Jiang Ling: "Is this really the underworld?"

Old man: "To be precise, this is worse than the underworld. The underworld belongs to the heaven of reincarnation, but here is the heaven of earth storehouses."

Jiang Ling: "Is this Earth Store Heaven?"

The old man smiled: "Otherwise? Humans have no hope at all when they enter here. They can only wait for death. Have you seen this pagoda? Inside it is connected to the No.18 hell.

From here, one can also go to the Heaven of Reincarnation, but how can one easily survive the suffering of the eighteen levels of hell?

When you come here, you can only accept your fate. "

The old man was very happy, probably because seeing someone like him made him feel balanced.

Jiang Ling: "Other than that, is there really no way out?"

The old man: "I have been trapped for decades. If I could get out, would I still die here? Young man, it won't be long before you will follow in my footsteps."

Jiang Ling smiled and didn't bother to say more.

This person would rather die here than go to the [-]th floor of hell.

Although the eighteen levels of hell are extremely tormenting, there will still be a glimmer of life in the end.Once you get through it, you still have a chance to go to the underworld and enter that reincarnation.

But this person can't bear that hardship, he would rather die here and become a remnant soul.It also proves in reverse that he is a cowardly person who is lucky.

Jiang Ling pointed to the stone tablet: "Do you know what is written on this stone tablet?"

Old man: "Know some, but it's just some personal life."

Jiang Ling: "Whose life?"

The old man: "Ksitigarbha."

Jiang Ling: "It is said that the Ksitigarbha King attained the Tao in the Ksitigarbha Realm. It is amazing to be able to achieve the Tao in such a poor place."

The old man sneered disdainfully, and said: "It's just to obtain the Tao through evil methods, and it's not the right way. The king of Ksitigarbha made a great wish at the beginning, saying that hell is not empty, and vowed not to become a Buddha. Hehe, how can hell become empty?" ? He just gave himself an excuse to stay here and practice evil methods to gain the Tao."

Jiang Ling: "How do you know?"

The old man pointed to the stone tablet: "Isn't it written on it that the king of Ksitigarbha practiced the "Nine Nine Ways of the Underworld King" to cultivate by using the yin energy of Ksitigarbha, and finally attained the Tao and ascended."

Jiang Ling: "Earth Store Yin Qi? Could it be the purple energy?"

The old man smiled: "Young man, have you absorbed it too? Isn't it very refreshing? Can't help it?"

(End of this chapter)

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