Chapter 306
Jiang Ling: "Just now that kick and sword, how are you going to repay it?"

Seeing the skirt slipping from the jade body, the cold woman hastily stretched out her hand to cover her chest.

Quickly, she turned around, picked up the skirt, and put it on again.

She glared: "You..."

Jiang Ling: "How about me?"

Her: "You are shameless."

Jiang Ling: "This is called shamelessness. If the two of you meet and will take my life, what is that called?"

The woman's face was covered with frost, holding a green bamboo sword, she stabbed at him like a fairy flying from the sky: "I'll take your dog's life right now."

Jiang Ling didn't rush, he formed the Dharma seal with only one hand, first raised the sky, and then lowered it.

A round of giant golden seals suddenly condensed in the sky.

[True Number Mahamudra·Shentian Seal]!
Zhentianyin is like a nine-story pagoda, falling from the sky.

Cover the woman flying in mid-air directly, and press it to the ground.

The town seal is shining brightly,
Jiang Ling made no gestures.Then the town of Tianyin will not be used.

The woman was pinned to the ground and struggled violently, unable to move.

She glared again: "Let me go..."

Jiang Ling: "You beg me."

She gritted her teeth: "Don't think about it."

Jiang Ling: "Then don't think about it."

The surrounding monsters crawled over again, ignoring Jiang Ling in their eyes.

But the flesh and blood on the woman's body made them feel particularly attractive.

One by one, the monsters opened their mouths, drooling with light green saliva, and they were about to touch her.

Rao she was full of arrogance, and she couldn't stand it under such fright, and shouted again: "Quickly let me go."

Jiang Ling didn't answer.

Seeing that the monster's claws were only a few feet away from her body, her heart was beating wildly, covered in cold sweat, and she closed her eyes and could only shout: "Please."

Jiang Ling smiled in his heart, most of the arrogant women are like this, they are tough but not soft.

"Isn't it better to say no earlier?"

His handprint was removed, and the golden big handprint of true number also disappeared in an instant.

Once the woman was out of trouble, she swiped the green bamboo sword horizontally and vertically in her hand, killing the monsters closest to her.

Then, taking advantage of Jiang Ling's inattention, he threw a sword in his chest and left, trying to pierce his heart.

Although Jiang Ling's eyes were looking elsewhere, he was always wary of her.

As soon as the green bamboo sword approached him, the iron sword in his hand raised up, slashed over, and sent the green bamboo sword flying five or six feet away: "You will never change your nature, you will be stubborn."

The woman's eyes were full of hatred.

The last time she was in Mingyang City, she didn't know who had corrupted her innocence, although no one knew about it.

But in her heart, it was like a thorn.

And just now Jiang Ling cut off her shoulder straps, so that her body was exposed like that.The endless hatred hidden in her heart couldn't help but vented to him.

At this time, she beckoned from the air, and the green bamboo sword returned to her hand, holding the sword, moving lightly with lotus steps, and her clothes fluttered.Just like the Luoshen dancing, the sword shadow swung fiercely.

On the ground, whoosh, whoosh, sword qi split deep ravines.

Jiang Ling wanted to form a seal again, but the woman quickened her sword posture and turned to attack his arms, making it impossible for him to form a seal.

It has to be said that this woman's cultivation base and skill are very good.

Under her obstruction, Jiang Ling indeed failed to form the second Tiantian Seal.

But Zhentianyin could not be formed,

[Yuziyin] But it can be condensed with one hand.

At this time, he floated past and patted the woman's shoulder lightly with his hand, and the [Royal Character Seal] stuck to the woman's body like a brand.

Jiang Ling: "I've spared you several times, but you don't know what's good and what's wrong, so don't blame me for being rude to you."

The woman turned around and swept across, and a green sword energy from the green bamboo sword flew across the sky like a crescent moon.

Jiangling rose vertically, and the second town of Tianyin was condensed.


The golden giant seal fell across the sky.

Before the woman's body turning movement was completed, she was forcibly suppressed by the giant golden seal.Crawled to the ground again.Can't move.

Woman: "If you have the ability, let me go!"

Jiang Ling sneered and didn't answer.

Meanwhile, another monster ran towards this side.

This scene is almost exactly the same as before.

The woman who was still stubborn a moment ago closed her eyes and shouted again when she saw the monster approaching her again: "I beg you."

Jiang Ling: "It's a good lesson."

After all, he struck out with his iron sword and beheaded several monsters who surrounded him.

More than half of the previous monsters chased Bai Xuwu away, and only two hundred remained.

After killing them back and forth, there are not many left.

Jiang Ling felt that they were in the way, so he waved his long sleeves, and a wave of Ksitigarbha spiritual energy formed a barrier in front of him.

After the scent of the zombie monsters was cut off, they stopped coming here and only killed each other.

As soon as the Zhentian seal on the woman's body felt loose, she repeated the old trick to stand up and attack Jiangling.

Last time, she attacked the game and failed.

This time, she took down the plate, and she was about to stab Jiang Ling's crotch with a sword move.

"A woman who never changes her nature, if I don't teach you a lesson, you won't have a long memory."

Jiang Ling's feet suddenly stepped on the ground, and the woman's body, which had just gotten up, fell down inexplicably.

After she felt something strange, she took a closer look, only to find that a kind of black vine grew out of the surrounding soil, entangled her limbs and body.

She was imprisoned by the vines in a kneeling position. Although she didn't have the Sky-Suppressing Seal at this time, the power of the vines' confinement was not weaker than the Sky-Suppressing Seal.

The woman was terrified, thinking that some kind of monster had touched the ground.

But soon she discovered that the vine was filled with purple light, and the purple light was directly connected to Jiang Ling's body along a line.

Obviously, this is his spell!

The woman struggled and said, "Let me go."

Jiang Ling came to her, snatched the green bamboo sword from her hand, and threw it aside.

Then, from behind her in the kneeling position, she lifted the long skirt away.

The woman immediately panicked, turned her hips to dodge, and shouted: "You are shameless, what are you going to do?"

Jiang Ling kept silent, just held her waist, and slapped her down, leaving a red palm print on her buttocks.

"Do you still want to kill me?"

The woman was extremely ashamed and indignant: "You and I cannot live together."

Jiang Ling raised his hand again, and made a palm print on the other side: "Ask again, do you still want to kill me?"

The woman's eyes were red, but tears were streaming from her eyes: "You will die, you are not human..."

Jiang Ling snorted coldly, grabbed the long white dress, and tore it all to shreds: "If you don't keep your mouth clean, you can continue."

After speaking, he slapped down again.

"I'm going to kill you..." The woman wanted to die in shame and anger, but her hands and feet were bound, so she couldn't move an inch.

Jiang Ling slapped down one palm after another, slapping her back bright red.

The woman yelled furiously several times, and gradually became silent, only closing her eyes and weeping.

After Jiang Ling stopped, he looked at her expression, but was surprised to see that besides shame, resentment and hatred, there was also a touch of embarrassment on her face.

Jiang Ling was amazed, and thought: "This Wutong God's maiden curse is really so magical?!"

(End of this chapter)

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