River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 307 Run Yang and the Royal Character Curse

Chapter 307 Run Yang and the Royal Character Curse
This technique comes from the Yellow Emperor's scripture, although it came from Lan, it is better than Lan in some respects.

Jiangling has the ability to draw things into reality, and he has compared the "Huangdi Benjing" with "Wutongshu".

The harmony of yin and yang recorded in the "Yellow Emperor's Classic" is to moisten yang through yin.

It is mentioned in the scriptures that men are yang, and when they are at their peak, they must grow and decline, and when they are moistened with yin, they will tend to balance.Yin and yang help each other, and Changchun will last forever.

Generally speaking, if a man's yang cannot be suppressed, it is like the principle that when the moon is full, it will lose, and when the water is full, it will overflow.

If the yang leaks out, it often manifests itself in the exuberant beard and hair.

According to the science of later generations, it is the strong male hormone, which will lead to the accelerated growth of beard.

However, in the "Huangdi Benjing", it is believed that this yang is the yang of natal life, which must not be leaked out, and needs to be moistened with yin.

In addition, there are three thousand royal daughters of the Yellow Emperor in the legend, who ascended in the daytime.It has been explained in the "Yellow Emperor's Classic". It does not refer to three thousand women, but three thousand times.

Run Yang three thousand times, according to the "Yellow Emperor's Classic", you will reach the state of both yin and yang.Being able to soar in the daytime is probably equivalent to the realm of immortality.

However, it is not easy to practice the "Huangdi Benjing", and it will take ten years to complete the three thousand Runyang with steady and steady practice with female fellow practitioners.

And we must concentrate on this way, all the way to the end.

As a result, this method is not suitable for Jiangling.

If he wants to specialize in practicing "The Yellow Emperor's Benjing", then he has to give up the "Qian Kun Yi Qi Gong" he practiced before and the "Nine Nine Hades Way" he practiced here in Dizangtian.

Therefore, he did not choose to specialize in "The Yellow Emperor's Classic".

And "Wu Tong Shu" is a special chapter created by sublimating the remnants of "The Yellow Emperor's Classic" by later geeks, called "Jade Heart Sutra".

This technique deviates from the original way of nourishing yang, and walks away from evil methods.

The original function of the [Royal Character Mantra] should be to make men and women recite as one in the center of practice, to achieve the forgetfulness of things and me.

But the changes in the "Jade Heart Sutra" turned it into a pure imperial way.

Once this seal is planted on a woman, it will amplify the stimulation of certain feelings.The higher the cultivation base, the better the effect of this seal.

Also because there are many magic changes, "Wutongshu" can only make people become Wutong gods.But the "Huangdi Benjing" can cultivate into immortals.

After trembling for a few times, the cold woman's tender body finally couldn't bear it anymore, and said eagerly, "You...or kill me."

"Want to die? Isn't that easy?"

Jiang Ling took a few steps back, wiped away the barrier of the spiritual energy of the earth, and then summoned a hideous corpse monster.

Seeing that the monster was coming, the woman shrank back, trying to cover the key parts.

Jiang Ling followed her this time, covering her body with the torn skirt to conceal it a bit.

"A person who is not even afraid of death is afraid of being seen by monsters?"

The woman stared at him with red eyes: "You either kill me, or I will kill you sooner or later."

Jiang Ling: "If you want to die, I will fulfill you. The corpse tribe is bloodthirsty and has an incomparable desire for the flesh and blood of the living. You don't have to worry. If it starts eating from your head, you will die quickly without too much pain. But if you start eating with your feet, then you might be in for a treat."

When the woman heard this, she looked at the monster that was approaching so close, and her body trembled unceasingly.

Jiang Ling: "Of course, if you don't want to die, you can still ask me."

The woman screamed heartbreakingly: "The devil...you are a devil..."

Seeing the corpse clan rushing to bite her behind, she screamed, and then screamed tremblingly: "Please... please... don't let it touch me... ah ah..."

At the critical moment, Jiangling's iron sword was unsheathed, and the monster's head was broken on the spot.

"It seems that your backbone is not as tough as your temper."

The woman was so shocked that she couldn't stop crying.

Jiang Ling walked in front of her and brushed off the hair on her forehead: "However, the current situation also makes me very embarrassed."

"You hate me very much. If I let you go, you want to kill me in every possible way; but if I don't let you go, you will still be eaten by monsters. Tell me, what should I do?"

The woman looked at the seemingly delicate and harmless face in front of her, and all kinds of emotions of hatred, hatred, and anger were mixed together in her heart.

Even though she was full of resentment, she dared not show it at this moment.

"What do you want?" The woman suppressed her ups and downs and tried to keep her tone calm.

Jiang Ling smiled slightly: "If you had talked like this earlier, you wouldn't have to suffer these hardships."

Woman: "What do you want?"

Jiang Ling thought for a while: "Suddenly I remembered that I am used to being served by others, and now I am not used to being here alone. If you don't want to die, you can be my maidservant and stay out of this place. Give you back your freedom."

The woman was already prepared in her heart, but after hearing the request to be the other girl, she still couldn't help becoming angry: "Don't even think about it!"

Jiang Ling: "Are you sure you want to refuse?"

Hearing his tone, the woman trembled again, and looked around, there was still a monster not far away.

With a whirlwind in her mind, she lowered her head, gritted her teeth, and squeezed out a few words: "I promise."

Jiang Ling: "Very well, you are still a smart woman."

Woman: "I have promised, you still not let me go?"

Jiang Ling raised her chin and warned: "I'll tell you first, I can let you go, but if you let me go and you still want to kill me, then the consequences will not be like this again."

The woman stared at him without saying a word.

Jiang Ling exchanged glances with her, and with a wave of his sleeve, the roots and tentacles on the ground receded one after another.

The woman took off her restraints, quickly picked up the skirt cloth strips on the ground, rubbed them together, and covered the vital parts of her body.

But the rotten skirt was a rotten skirt, no matter how she tried to cover it up, most of her jade-like body was still exposed.

Jiang Ling clapped his hands and said, "Actually, you look better dressed like this."

The woman remained calm, stepped back a few steps, and suddenly pulled away and ran.

This time, instead of attacking, she chose to flee from the demon.

Jiang Ling didn't chase her, he just said: "You think it through, do you really want to run?"

The woman ran several tens of meters, and suddenly several white corpses sprang out in front of her.

A little farther away, some scattered corpses, smelling the smell of living flesh and blood, are also wandering at this time.

If she had a companion before, she would have the guts to go straight there.But right now, she is alone, in this strange environment, if she rushes into it rashly, the consequences will be even more terrifying and even unknown.

After a little hesitation, she finally chose to retreat.

Step by step, he retreated to Jiang Ling's side.

But Jiang Ling threw her green bamboo sword to her again, then pointed at the corpses chasing them, and said, "Bring them together, and then kill them."

(End of this chapter)

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