River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 308 Dao Companion

Chapter 308 Dao Companion
The woman caught the green bamboo sword: "Why don't you do it yourself?"

Jiang Ling: "Being a maidservant should act like a maidservant. Whatever the master asks you to do, just do it. You shouldn't ask too many questions."

The woman grasped the hilt of the sword vigorously, feeling extremely unwilling, but she still obeyed his command after all.

Twenty or thirty corpses were attracted by Tuantuan, she swiftly moved through them, and the green bamboo sword moved like a shadow.In just a moment, all the corpses were killed.

She was also so tired that she was out of breath, and the chest that was not completely covered was fluctuating violently up and down.

However, Jiang Ling entered into the cloud of purple air, absorbing all the purple air released by the dead corpse clan.

The woman didn't say a word, but she was surprised and amazed.

She knew that after people absorbed these purple qi, they would feel a very strange feeling.

However, these purple qi are definitely not good things.When they came here on the first day, they discovered the magical effect of purple energy. At that time, everyone was scrambling to absorb this purple energy.

However, not long after, the people who absorbed the purple qi all had different degrees of sequelae.

There seems to be poison in the purple air, and once the amount absorbed increases, people will become dull and feel severe pain all over their bodies.

When the side effects first appeared, they were almost wiped out by the corpse clan.

Fortunately, they were carrying detoxification pills with them, and the symptoms were alleviated after taking them effectively.

From then on, they didn't dare to absorb this purple energy anymore.

But looking back at Jiangling, the woman saw that he had been absorbing purple energy since before.

That stock is already quite a lot.

'He has absorbed so much, how can he not see any side effects? '

Thinking of this, a plan came to mind.

'He must not know that the purple gas is poisonous, if so, then I will follow his wish and let him do as much as possible. '

Woman: "Since you like this purple air so much, I do know a place where there are a lot of monsters, do you want to go there?"

Jiang Ling smiled unexpectedly: "A child can be taught, this is what a maidservant should look like, since you know it, then lead the way."

The woman gritted her teeth secretly, walked a few steps, and suddenly said: "You said earlier that this is the Dizangtian?"

Jiang Ling: "Otherwise, you still think this is an auspicious day?"

In fact, when they entered here on the first day, they all had doubts.

It's just that they haven't been to the Auspicious Heaven or the Dizang Heaven, so they can't tell the difference.

Hearing Jiang Ling's words now, the woman couldn't help feeling remorseful.It would have been nice if I hadn't entered this damned place in the first place.

The two of them left this place and traveled less than five miles, and there were many zombie monsters wandering all over the mountains and plains.

There are a lot of white corpses here, and some corpses have even become red corpses.

The strength of the red corpse is far above that of the white corpse.

Ordinary corpses can become white corpses by swallowing ten ordinary corpses.

If a white corpse swallows ten white corpses, it will become a red corpse.

The strength of the red corpse was encountered by the group of women back then, and it was the strength of several people that killed it.

At this moment, seeing the red corpse in front of her, she was so frightened that she stopped immediately, not daring to move forward.

Jiang Ling: "Why stop?"

Woman: "That red corpse is hard to deal with."

Jiang Ling: "What's so difficult about this?"

He stretched out his hand and pressed it on the woman's head, and a wave of spiritual energy from the Earth Store was released, covering her whole body.

With Ksitigarbha Reiki to block the smell, those corpses would not take the initiative to attack her.

"You can go."

The woman was skeptical and tried to approach a white corpse.

Five meters, three meters, two meters.

Being so close, the white corpse was really indifferent to her.

She cut the white corpse's neck with her green bamboo sword, and easily cut off its head.

'How did this happen, how did he do it? '

The woman was puzzled, but she bravely approached a red corpse.

At this time, the red corpse was gnawing on a white corpse, and it was extremely bloody.

The woman suppressed her nausea, and launched an assault from behind. The green bamboo sword aimed at the red corpse's neck, and cut off the red corpse's head three times in a row.

After the red corpse died, a large amount of purple gas erupted from his body.

Jiang Ling came here to absorb it like a wanderer, and he didn't waste the slightest bit.

The woman glanced back, and said in her heart: "You just suck it hard, and when you get the poison, I will kill you with my own hands." '

In order to achieve this goal, she also went all out, hacking and killing all the way regardless of her physical strength.

Jiang Ling saw her hard work and thought she had figured it out.Can't help but praise it.

But the woman ignored it, relying on the protection of the ground hidden spirit energy, she plunged into the crowd of corpses, as if entering an uninhabited land.

only an hour and a half,

The corpse monsters killed by her numbered in the thousands.

By this point, she was also almost exhausted.

Jiang Ling followed behind without making a move, but kept absorbing the purple energy.

But after absorbing so much purple energy, the woman saw that he didn't show any signs of poisoning.

I was extremely curious about the reason for this, but I didn't dare to ask it out of my mouth.

After a short rest, she continued to face the corpse.

An hour later, nearly a thousand corpse monsters died under her green bamboo sword.

At this time, she really had no strength, and she knelt and sat on the side, unable to even walk.

After Jiang Ling absorbed all the purple energy, he was very satisfied with her performance, "That's all for today, and we'll continue tomorrow."

The woman endured it for a day, but now she couldn't hold it any longer, and asked, "Don't you feel any discomfort after absorbing so much purple energy?"

Jiang Ling looked at her with a smile: "What discomfort do you want from me?"

The woman hurriedly looked away, her expression dodging: "I just asked casually."

But at this moment, Jiang Ling seems to have seen through her thoughts: "No wonder you are so diligent in killing corpses for me. So, you have such a small mind?"

The woman denies: "I haven't."

Jiang Ling: "I haven't even said what's on my mind, yet you are eager to deny it? Does this count as self-inflicted?"

Woman: "No matter what you say, I don't have any other thoughts anyway."

Jiang Ling smiled and said, "I hope so."

This risky question, the woman still didn't hear the result after all, she was extremely annoyed.

After pondering for a while, she said again: "Today, I killed so many corpses for you, should you let me go?"

Jiang Ling: "I told you earlier, before you leave Dizangtian, you have to be my maidservant."

The woman gritted her teeth and stood up, glaring at him: "You will regret it."

Jiang Ling: "Is it up to you?"

Woman: "I have a companion with a high level of cultivation. If he knows about this, he will definitely crush you."

In the past, with the arrogance of a woman, she would definitely not bring out her Taoist companion to intimidate others.

But facing Jiang Ling, she really had no choice.

"Taoist?" Jiang Ling asked, "Could it be the one who came in with you?"

Woman: "It's good that you know, he is Bai Xufeng, the head disciple of Wufengbao's Xu generation, if you don't want to provoke him to blame, you must let me go as soon as possible."

Jiang Ling looked stunned: "No wonder he is close to you, and he took you alone when he came in. The first disciple of Xu's generation, this background is really scary, why didn't you say it earlier?"

Seeing his reaction, the woman thought it was a joke: "He is jealous and ruthless. If you let me go at this time, I don't have to tell him about it."

"Sounds good." Jiang Ling nodded, and then hit her on the buttocks with one hand.

The woman trembled all over, and she was about to dodge and flee.

However, Jiang Ling cast the spell again, and the roots and tentacles of the Ksitigarbha protruded from the ground, entangled her feet.After she tripped, her hands were also entangled in vines.

It was that kneeling posture again, imprisoned on the ground.

"Have you forgotten your identity, a maid, dare to threaten the master, is it plausible?"

As he said that, Jiang Ling shot again, hitting her on the left buttock.

 Thanks for the reward of [Wind Blowing Yellow Sand], it jumped to the second place in the fan list, and there are more this afternoon!

(End of this chapter)

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