River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 311 Despicable next work

Chapter 311 Despicable next work
The woman fell to the side, closed her eyes, and saw the giant beast flying towards her, thinking it was about to attack her, she couldn't help trembling with fear.

Jiang Ling chuckled: "It's already gone."

Hearing this, she slowly opened her eyes, only to see that the giant beast was no longer there.

Panicked slightly: "What was that just now?"

Jiang Ling: "If you ask me, I don't know. But according to my guess, there was a divine beast listening to King Dizang in the past, or this beast is similar to it."

When I entered the ruins, I saw the cracks in the wall, which seemed to have happened recently.

And in the center of the collapse, there is a huge object, covered by sundries, about two feet high and one foot wide.

Jiang Ling slapped his palm across the air, and the force of the strong wind in his hand shook the giant body, causing all the debris on its body to scatter.

At the same time, there was a "dang" sound, which spread in all directions.

Due to the close distance,

The sudden ringing of the bell made both Jiang Ling and the woman's eardrums buzz and their brains dizzy.

Especially the woman, felt dizzy for a while, staggered and fell.

Although she was embarrassed, her eyes were full of brilliance: "Bell! I remember the sound of this bell. I heard it a few days ago."

Jiang Ling steadied his mind and dispelled the humming in his ears: "Have you heard it?"

Woman: "A few days ago, we were besieged by the corpse tribe. It was the three inexplicable bells that frightened the corpse tribe away, and we were able to escape."

Although she still hated Jiang Ling immensely in her heart, she had changed a little today, and she was no longer so resistant to normal communication.

Jiang Ling nodded his head, others don't know why the three bells rang a few days ago, but he understood it quite well.

On that day, he failed to draw "Nine Nine Ways of Hades", and every time "Nine Nine Ways of Hades" appeared, there would be frequent visions between the heaven and the earth.The bell rang loudly.

It can be said that he was the one who scared away the zombie monsters that day.

'It's just that the clock on that day was really the clock in front of me? '

That day "Nine Nine Ways of Hades" was published, and the bell rang in response to the occasion, which indicated that there should be some special connection between the bell and "Nine Nine Ways of Hades".

'Let me try it out. '

Immediately, Jiang Ling approached the ancient clock again, stretched out his hand lightly, and stuck it on the ancient clock.

However, as soon as he touched Gu Zhong, Gu Zhong immediately gushed out a strong aura, which made Jiang Ling's arms go numb, and his whole body moved seven or eight feet away from his face.

The woman was amazed, thinking that the ancient clock might be some kind of treasure, but suddenly she approached it and reached out to touch it.

Jiang Ling shouted, "Don't touch it!"

The woman didn't listen, her slender palm was already touching the ancient clock.


The second burst of stellar energy really struck instantly,

The woman cried out in pain, "Ah", the delicate catkin was broken on the spot, and the whole person flew out across the air, landing more than [-] meters away.

Jiang Ling glanced at her without showing any concern.

Then he approached the ancient clock again. This time, he first ran the "Nine Nine Ways of Hades", and then covered his hands with the aura of Ksitigarbha spiritual energy.

touch it again,

The ancient clock buzzed again.

Only this time, it didn't regenerate the stellar energy to shake Jiangling back. Instead, it shrunk in an instant, becoming as big as a palm, suspended in the air, and kept spinning.

'It really is a treasure. '

After the ancient clock became familiar with Jiangling's breath, it finally fell into his hands.

Just as the ancient clock was put away, Jiang Ling suddenly saw a stone statue standing in the place covered by the ancient clock.

It looks like it's a woman.

It's just that the body of the stone statue is covered with moss, and the face can no longer be seen clearly.

Jiang Ling walked over, just about to touch the stone statue.

Suddenly, a voice from behind suddenly stopped him: "Stop."

This voice did not come from a woman, but a strange, hoarse and dry voice.

Jiang Ling looked back, but he saw the black cat came back at some time and sat behind him.

The woman seemed to have seen it a long time ago, and she squatted aside in fright, not daring to move.

The black cat raised its head, and in its eyes glowing with green light, there were actually nine hooks spinning: "Who are you?"

Jiang Ling knew that it was extraordinary, once its dharma form was revealed, it would be huge, it was definitely not the cute and small one in front of it.

Immediately, he didn't dare to be too arrogant, and bowed to the black cat: "Liuyutian, mortal, Jiangling."

The black cat snorted coldly: "Humans are not a good thing, and bald donkeys are not a good thing."

Seeing that it had such prejudice against humans, Jiang Ling was about to say something when the black cat asked again: "Are you a descendant of that bald donkey?"

"Bald donkey? I don't know who he is referring to?" Jiang Ling asked.

Black Cat: "Who else is there, the so-called Ksitigarbha King and Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva."

Jiang Ling denied: "King Ksitigarbha is an ancient man, I have nothing to do with him, let alone his descendants."

The black cat squinted his eyes: "It's true, that bald donkey has no offspring at all, but why did you get his Taoism? Have you mastered the ninety-nine Hades?"

Jiang Ling couldn't explain it well, so he just said, "I don't know why, but after entering the Ksitigarbha Heaven, I felt something occasionally, and I got it by accident."

The black cat stared at him for a long time.

"Nine Nine Ways of the Underworld King" has disappeared since the Ksitigarbha King ascended to heaven.

No one in the future will master this way.

Today, after thousands of years, this way has reappeared.Jiang Ling answered like this, and it was difficult for the black cat to tell the truth from the fake.

The black cat walked up to the stone statue, "Do you know who this is?"

Jiang Ling: "I'm going to ask for advice."

The black cat looked up at the face of the stone statue: "She is the mother of this earth treasure."

Mother of Ksitigarbha?

The black cat continued: "Back then, the bald donkey accidentally broke into the sky of Earth Tibet and got to know the mother of Earth Tibet. He lied to her feelings and robbed her of her good fortune. In the end, he fulfilled his wish and flew away by himself. But the mother of Earth Tibet herself It ended up like this."

Jiang Ling was startled.

Ksitigarbha was able to fly away back then, but did such a thing?
"Jiujiu Hades way is originally the method of Ksitigarbha, and it is only transmitted to the line of Ksitigarbha. The bald donkey has sinister intentions, despicable deeds, cheated the way, and cut off the inheritance. So that in Ksitigarbha, there has been no new one for thousands of years. Lord, you were able to obtain this Tao unexpectedly by chance, or it may mean that it was destined by fate, and it was up to you to break the shackles and let Earth Store Heaven glow with new life."

What the black cat said was true or not, Jiang Ling didn't question it for now.But Ksitigarbha King, as a human being, was able to thrive in this Ksitigarbha Heaven, so there must be some disgraceful methods in the process.

Jiang Ling: "What shackles?"

The black cat didn't explain, but stared at him coldly, and only asked, "Would you like to help?"

Jiang Ling laughed heartily, in such a situation, I'm afraid it's hard to say he doesn't want to.

"If you can help, you will be generous."

The black cat walked forward: "Follow me."

Jiang Ling looked back at the woman, but suddenly found that she seemed to be frozen, and she still maintained the original expression and posture, motionless.

The black cat said to itself: "Don't worry about her, she can't hear you and me talking, and she won't know what's going on right now."

Jiang Ling secretly exclaimed, the black cat can have such a means, it's good that he didn't say no to it just now.

(End of this chapter)

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