Chapter 312

Behind the ruins, at the distance from the dividing line of the yellow sand, is a dark tunnel leading to the ground.

The black cat walked ahead, looked back at him before the entrance of the cave, and then hurried into the tunnel.

Jiangling then stepped into the dark tunnel,
But as soon as he entered, it was like stepping through a layer of barriers and entering a humid and cold purple light space.

In the eyes, there are bright purple lights flickering everywhere.

If you look carefully, there is a huge circular space inside.

There is only one aisle in the space, leading to the middle.

On both sides of the aisle, there is a light red liquid, and I don't know how deep it is covered.

In this liquid, a very thick root system, like a horned dragon, circled dozens of times.

Moreover, this strange plant still has dozens of white buds, which have not yet bloomed.

And go to the middle through the middle aisle, and there is a largest flower bud there.

At this moment, the black cat briskly stepped across the aisle and came to the largest flower bud.

Its eyes indicated that Jiang Ling should also pass by.

While examining it, Jiang Ling went over to it and asked, "What is this?"

Black Cat: "The main vein of the Ksitigarbha flower, and all the Ksitigarbha flowers in the entire Ksitigarbha Heaven, are all scattered from this main root. It can also be said that it is the mother of the Ksitigarbha, because the Ksitigarbha Heaven is the mother of the Ksitigarbha. All living beings are also conceived by it."

Jiang Ling was surprised: "It was all conceived by it?"

Black Cat: "When the flower of Ksitigarbha meets wood, it will give birth to ghosts, when it meets metal, it will give birth to corpses, when it meets water, it will give birth to scorpions, and when it meets fire, it will give birth to beasts."

Hearing it this way, the main vein of the Ksitigarbha Flower is really the source of life in the Ksitigarbha Heaven.

Jiang Ling: "Then you?"

The black cat doesn't shy away: "I was also the one who was born when the main vein encountered thunder and fire. All creatures in the Tibetan world have their own missions. Among them, the mission of all beasts is to protect the land. The Lord of Tibet. Unfortunately, the Ksitigarbha Realm has not had a Lord for thousands of years."

Jiang Ling: "Then how do you want me to help you?"

Black Cat: "I want you to return "Nine Nine Ways of Hades" to Dizangtian."

Jiang Ling: "This law is not allowed in the world, I don't mind paying it back, but how do I pay it back?"

Black Cat: "You just need to reborn the Ksitigarbha clan."

Jiang Ling: "Rebirth? Can't the royal family in the Tibetan realm be born by themselves?"

The black cat walked to the pool and pointed to a thick purple rhizome: "Have you seen this rhizome?"

Jiang Ling nodded.

The black cat said: "This root system originally extended into the earth and spread throughout the Ksitigarbha Realm, and the race born from this root system is born to be the royal family of the Ksitigarbha Realm. Both men and women, like the Corpse Clan, will compete with each other. A strong person can become the Lord of Ksitigarbha.

But when the bald donkey came, he deceived the mother of Earth Store and cut off the main root.Since then, no royal family has been born in the Ksitigarbha Realm.

After thousands of years, although the root system is growing again, it will take many years to grow to maturity. "

Jiang Ling: "So how do you want me to help?"

Black Cat: "Since you have mastered the "Nine Nine Ways of Hades", you can be used as a seed to help the Ksitigarbha flower to breed the royal family. Once the royal family appears in the world, the Ksitigarbha world can restore its former vitality."

Jiang Ling: "Use me as a seed, help it to conceive? How to help it?"

The black cat touches the middle bud with its paw,
But as soon as I touched it, the buds bloomed automatically.

The bud is pure white on the outside, but bright red on the inside.

And in the middle of the stamen, there is still a woman sleeping soundly.

Half of her body is human-like, that is, her feet grow among the stamens and are integrated with the root system.

Jiang Ling: "What do you mean?"

Black cat: "Sleep with her, and she will be impregnated by dropping seeds."

Jiang Ling questioned: "So you are sure that you can give birth to the royal family of the Ksitigarbha Realm?"

Black Cat: "The key is not you, but the "Nine Nine Ways of Hades". This method is not allowed in the world, and I know it better than you. But after you leave the seed, this way will be engraved in the innate memory of the gestator. In this way, It can be regarded as returning this way to the Ksitigarbha Realm."

Jiang Ling: "After that?"

Black Cat: "After the matter is completed, you can leave on your own. Within three months, you must also leave the Ksitigarbha Realm, because the royal family is seeded and born in March, and you will not be able to stay here at that time."

The royal family can be born in three months after being seeded.

Compared with the ten-month pregnancy of the human race, it is really much faster.

Jiang Ling: "Can you retreat?"

But the black cat didn't leave: "I have the responsibility to protect you, I can't leave you here alone."

Probably there is a lesson from the past when King Ksitigarbha damaged the main vein,

Therefore, in order to keep the main vein safe, it is impossible for the black cat to let him stay here alone.

Jiang Ling took a close look at the woman inside the flower, and had to say, if one ignores the pair of legs that grow inside the stamen, she is really a pretty woman.

However, the moment he approached the stamens, suddenly those stamens, as slender as hair strands, stretched out like ropes, entangled him completely, and were caught in the stamens unexpectedly.

The woman in the flower opened her eyes, and embraced him with her arms.

Startled, Jiang Ling touched the black ring on his hand, if anything happened, he could always escape from this place.

But the woman hugged each other with incomparable tenderness and no intention of harming him.

Then the petals of the flower also closed one by one...

After a long time,

When the petals opened again, Jiang Ling could already glimpse the blood moon in the sky.

Looking at the surrounding environment, it was no longer in the underground space.

But in the courtyard of the ruins.

Flowers have burst from beneath the soil.It grew up beside the previous mother of Ksitigarbha.

Jiang Ling came to his senses, dressed in a hurry, and looked in the stamen, the woman had disappeared.

The black cat was still squatting beside the stone statue: "Thank you very much."

Jiang Ling: "What about the girl in the flower?"

Black Cat: "When it is conceived, it dies. She is no longer here."

Jiang Ling lamented that he actually had a relationship with a flower.Afterwards, she was still gone.Thinking of it, it can't help but make people feel sad.

Black Cat: "Now, you can go on your own. After you leave, don't come here again."

After saying this, the black cat disappeared before his eyes

Thirty meters away, Bai Siya, whose arm was broken by the shock, finally recovered from that "freezing" posture.

She looked around in panic, and saw Jiang Ling asking, "Where's the cat?"

Jiang Ling: "What cat?"

She said fearfully: "I saw that cat just now, and walked back, why did it suddenly disappear?"

She only remembered the moment when she saw the cat, and she had no memory of what happened afterwards.

Jiang Ling took a deep look at the flower that was about to wither, and sighed slightly.

Then he turned around and left the place: "There are no cats, you are wrong."

Woman: "It's that incomparably huge beast."

Jiang Ling put aside the topic: "Your hand, can you still move it?"

The woman pinched the broken arm, although it hurt, her words were still cold: "It's none of your business."

Jiang Ling: "From your tone, it shouldn't be a problem. Since that's the case, you have to keep doing what you have to do. Don't let me be lazy."

The woman resented her, and reluctantly connected herself to the broken bone. Jiang Ling urged her to leave the place step by step.

(End of this chapter)

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