Chapter 313

After six days,
In the upper dantian of Jiangling, three flowers have just formed.

After absorbing a large amount of spiritual energy of the Tibetan dead every day, the three flower buds finally formed.

But the sooner it is about to form, the larger the Ksitigarbha Death Spirit Qi will be needed in the future.

It is conceivable that if one wants to cultivate the Three Flowers Gathering the Top in the human world, the accumulation process alone will take several years, or even decades.

Jiang Ling asked Bai Siya how many years her Taoist companion has practiced.

Bai Siya said: "56 years, almost Jiazi."

Jiang Ling was surprised: "Then how old is he?"

Bai Siya thought briefly, "About eighty."

He is so old, but in appearance, apart from the slight graying of his hair, his appearance is that of a young man.

Jiang Ling: "You are willing to be a Taoist companion for such an old man?"

Bai Siya: "What does it have to do with you? In terms of cultivation, I'm afraid you are an old man at your level."

Jiang Ling smiled and said nothing.

the seventh day,
The two are close to a stone forest.

Here, I meet my old friend again.

It was Feng Yiran, his body was covered in dried blood, and he was in a terrible state of distress.

When they first met, he was being besieged by a group of white corpses.

Bai Siya saw it from a distance, and thought it was someone from Wufengbao. Seeing that Jiang Ling did not stop her, she took advantage of her breath isolation and killed her all the way to rescue him.

Feng resolutely escaped from the siege, he was overjoyed.

Seeing that it was Jiang Ling and Bai Siya who had come, he laughed loudly: "So it's Jiang Daoyou and Bai Xianzi."

Jiang Ling: "Friend Daoist Feng, I haven't seen you for more than ten days, but are you here all right?"

Feng resolutely felt a lot, "It's a long story, this place is not auspicious at all, I thought it was a place full of opportunities, but I didn't expect it to be a crisis everywhere. I have been trembling every day for more than ten days. I thought that the sea market The door will eventually open, but I waited several times, but it didn't reopen. This time, we come here, and I'm afraid there will be no return."

Jiang Ling just chuckled: "Maybe it's really possible."

Feng resolutely said, "How could fellow Daoist Jiang be with Fairy Bai?"

Bai Siya didn't say a word, since she found out that the person she worked so hard to save was not from Wufengbao, but Feng Yiran, her complexion was not good from the beginning.

Jiang Ling didn't explain much, he talked to Bai Siya and left here.

Along the way, as long as there are zombie monsters wandering around, they will go there.

Bai Siya held the green bamboo sword in front, and Jiang Ling followed behind as if walking leisurely.

Feng resolutely watched for a while, but suddenly stopped catching up.

Seeing him following, Jiang Ling asked, "What do you mean, Fellow Daoist Feng?"

Feng resolutely smiled and said: "It's rare to meet, so we should help each other in the same boat."

Jiang Ling said: "I'm afraid of delaying the chance of fellow Daoist Feng."

Feng resolutely smiled awkwardly.He didn't know that Jiang Ling was mocking himself.

The day he first came in, it was exactly what he said, it is better to divide the opportunities evenly than to find opportunities for each.

He was the one who said they were looking for their own opportunities at the beginning, but now it's him who said they are in the same boat.

But he was thick-skinned and didn't take it seriously: "There are a lot of corpses here. I have stayed here for many days and I am quite familiar with the terrain here. It must be a big deal for Fellow Daoist Jiang to have me in the group." There are only advantages, no disadvantages."

Hearing what he said, Jiang Ling asked: "Then fellow Taoist Feng, can you tell me which side has more corpses?"

Feng resolutely looked around and pointed to the east without hesitation: "The east is the most dangerous, we'd better go to the northwest."

Jiang Ling heard this, and said to Bai Siya: "You heard me, since the east is dangerous, let's go to the east."

Bai Siya: "Understood."

She rushed forward and bravely opened the way.

No matter if they were ordinary corpses, white corpses or red corpses, they were not three-in-one enemies under her sword.

At first Feng Yiran thought that her cultivation was high, but after looking at Xu for a while, he also sensed that this woman's cultivation was not very high.

But the strange thing is that this is not a high level of cultivation, but in the siege of the corpse clan, she was able to enter seven times and exit seven times, killing heartily.

You know, if it's a group of ordinary corpses, that's all.

He Feng resolutely can also do such bravery.

But when he encountered a group of white corpses, even red corpses, this woman was still able to enter and leave the uninhabited land, which shocked him.

Leaving aside the red corpses, as long as there are more than three white corpses, he is at his peak state, and he dare not face the enemy directly.

But this woman, one against seven, is nothing to worry about.

Traveling back and forth, like a butterfly flying through flowers, it is easy to do.

After a while, the woman came to Jiang Ling's side without saying a word.Jiang Ling actually understood, so he covered her head with his palm, releasing a layer of purple spiritual power to surround her.

Surrounded by this layer of purple aura, the woman once again went out to fight bravely.

Feng resolutely looked surprised,
After careful observation, gradually, he finally saw the clues.

'I see! '

He smiled in his heart: "It turns out that this woman is relying on the layer of purple qi on her body, and with the protection of purple qi, those corpses seem to become slow in reaction in front of her."No, to be precise, she should not be able to sense her existence.It is also because of this that she can appear so calm, entering and exiting the land of no one among the corpses. '

the other side,
He suddenly looked at Jiang Ling, and saw Jiang Ling walking towards every dead body that was killed, taking all the floating purple energy into his body.

When this purple qi was first inhaled, it was so miraculous that it could make people drunk in the clouds.

But now Feng resolutely found out that these purple qi are poisonous and cannot be absorbed in excess, once in excess it will be life-threatening.

He watched Jiang Ling absorb all the way, and in the blink of an eye, he absorbed the purple energy of more than a dozen white corpses.

You must know that when he first came to this world, he only inhaled the purple qi diffused from nine monsters in a row that day, and then he suffered from numb limbs and the sequelae of insufficient reaction.

As for Jiang Ling, instead of showing any signs of poisoning, his condition seems to be getting better and better.

'Could it be that he has some secret method to control this purple energy? '

Guessing in his heart, he suddenly laughed, cupped his hands and said, "Jiang Daoyou, you are very capable."

"I don't know what Taoist Jiang Daoyou is doing?"

Jiang Ling didn't answer.

He acquiesced to Feng resolutely following, because Feng resolutely showed him the way just now.

This way to the east, there are indeed a lot of corpses.

Because of this, he didn't care about it.

As for Feng Yiran's curiosity at the moment, he is naturally not interested in responding.

But Feng resolutely saw that he didn't answer, so he felt quite emotional: "That Fairy Bai, seems to be the Taoist partner of Bai Xufeng, the chief of Wufengbao, and fellow Daoist Jiang is also very powerful, and now he can control her. It can be seen Fellow Daoist has a very close relationship with her."

Jiang Ling showed displeasure, and glanced at him, but remained silent.

Seeing that he still dared to ignore him, Feng resolutely shouted: "If you let Bai Xufeng know about Jiang Daoyou and Fairy Bai, I don't know what the consequences will be?"

Jiang Ling walked a few steps, stopped suddenly, and finally replied: "Feng Daoist, what do you think will happen?"

Feng resolutely laughed inwardly, and thought that this man surnamed Jiang was afraid of Bai Xufeng after all.

"Then Bai Xufeng is the chief disciple of Wufengbao's Xu generation, and his strength is even higher than mine. If he finds out, I'm afraid Fellow Daoist Jiang will have a hard time."

Jiang Ling: "In the opinion of fellow Taoist Feng, what should I do?"

Feng resolutely said: "I can keep the secret for Jiang Daoyou, but Jiang Daoyou should also know that courtesy is the right thing to do."

(End of this chapter)

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