Chapter 314
Jiang Ling: "Friend Daoist Feng, please tell me clearly how to reciprocate courtesy?"

Feng resolutely: "I see that Fellow Daoist Jiang has absorbed a lot of purple qi. You must know that although this purple qi is wonderful, it is poisonous in large quantities. But Fellow Daoist Jiang has absorbed so much, and there is no sign of poisoning. There should be a solution, yes. no?"

Jiang Ling: "Feng Daoist, you want my solution?"

Feng resolutely: "Entering here, you and I should be in the same boat and help each other. Besides, the purple energy is everywhere, and Jiang Daoyou absorbs it all by himself, so you can't use that much, can you?"

There is no need to talk about the magical effect of purple qi.

If there is no poison, relying on the magic of this purple air, Feng resolutely had the idea of ​​gathering the three flowers here to complete it from the very beginning.

His three flowers gather at the top, and the buds have been formed, but they have not yet bloomed.

If it is in the human world, at least it will take two to thirty years to complete this step.

But here, if Ziqi is not poisonous, he is confident that within half a year, this step will be completed ahead of schedule.

Because this purple qi can be obtained everywhere, the reserves are too high, and it is almost inexhaustible.

Jiang Ling: "Fellow Daoist didn't say that in the beginning. Now that he says that again, it's too shameless."

Feng resolutely laughed, not embarrassed: "Feng is also thinking about it for Jiang Daoyou. After all, if Bai Xufeng finds out about this, it will be Jiang Daoyou who will be in trouble."

Jiang Ling: "So you mean, if I don't teach you the secret method, you will go and tell Bai Xufeng?"

Feng resolutely said, "Don't be so harsh, it should be called what you want. Fairy Bai is indeed beautiful, and her skills are not shallow. If you can get a corner from Bai Xufeng, I have to say that you, Daoist Jiang ability."

Jiang Ling smiled.

Suddenly Bai Siya was called.

Bai Siya killed seven white corpses in a row and turned back.

Jiang Ling pointed at Feng Yiran, and said to her, "It's an eyesore, kill it."

When Bai Siya heard this, she immediately struck without any hesitation, and the green bamboo sword went straight to kill the vital points.

If you really say kill, you will kill.

Feng resolutely stretched out his arms, like an old kite soaring into the wind, his feet stepped on the grass seven times one after another, and instantly retreated five or six feet away.

He frowned, and said coldly, "Jiang Daoyou, what does this mean?"

With his hands behind his back, Jiang Ling looked at the sky and said, "Kill him, I don't want to hear another word from him."

Feng smiled resolutely: "You want to kill me?"

As he said that, four gossip mirrors appeared in his hand: "If you want to kill me, it depends on the two of you, I'm afraid it's a bit overwhelming! I thought you were a sensible person, but since you have no wink, then you The matter of seducing Bai Xufeng's Taoist companion, I can't say, I have to inform him."

When Bai Siya heard this, before Jiang Ling could speak, she was already annoyed.

She had always seen that he was not going well, but now she used this as a threat, adding seven points of hatred for nothing.

With the green bamboo sword in her hand, it was as fast as a shooting star piercing the sky, and as light as the wind blowing leaves.

Feng resolutely stepped forward and dodged it, but phantoms appeared on his feet.

"Fairy Bai's swordsmanship is good. If I'm not mistaken, this set of swordsmanship should be Wufengbao's [Thirteen Star-Chasing Swords]. But Fairy Bai only has nine of them? Why don't you use the last four swords?"

Bai Siya scolded angrily: "I want you to talk nonsense!"

As soon as he drank it, the sword moves became faster.

Feng resolutely said, "Fairy has a strong temper, but this sword technique is not fast enough. It has not caught up to my [Nongying Qingfengstep] in Shadow Moon Villa."

The more Bai Siya listened, the more irritable she became. Although the sword moves were fierce at the beginning, they still had tricks.

But later on, his emotions became chaotic, and his sword moves also became chaotic, becoming disorganized and slashing randomly.

Feng resolutely dodged, seized the opportunity, and hit her on the back with one palm.

Bai Siya choked out a mouthful of blood between her heart and lungs, staggered a few steps, and fell in front of Jiang Ling.

In fact, it's normal that she can't beat Feng Yiran.

First of all, there is a long way between the two in terms of morality and skill, whether it is physical training, soul training, or mental training, Feng is determined to be above her.

Bai Siya fell to the ground and looked up at Jiangling.

But Jiang Ling didn't feel sorry for her, he just asked her: "You still don't get up, do you still want me to help you?"

A look of arrogance flashed across Bai Siya's eyes, she gritted her teeth and stood up.As soon as he turned around, he resolutely attacked Feng again.

Feng resolutely clicked his tongue and teased: "This man surnamed Jiang shows no mercy, but why is Fairy Bai blind and willing to be with him?"

Bai Siya was furious. She had been bullied for the past few days, and she had no way to vent it. Now that she was being teased again, she felt that every nerve in her body was jumping angrily: "Shut up, don't say any more."

Feng resolutely took another step to dodge, with ease.

Jiang Ling looked at his footwork, the dodging and dodging was really amazing, sometimes he kicked randomly, but when he stood and twisted, he could easily stagger Bai Siya's sword moves.

'[Nongying Qingfengbu]? '

In the soul sea world, his primordial spirit suddenly picked up a brush to paint, and when the painting was almost complete, [Nongying Qingfengbu] immediately poured into his memory like a tidal wave.

In the end, exercises are just exercises, and the power of his primordial spirit can draw them out of thin air.

If it is Taoism, it may not be possible to use essence and blood to form it.

After [Nongyingqingfengbu] entered his memory, he went to look at Fengyi's footwork again, and it was as if there were traces to follow.

Bai Siya tried her best, and couldn't even touch a single fur of him.

She was completely teased by him in the applause, but if she showed any flaws, she would definitely be hit and defeated.

But Feng resolutely didn't kill him,

It's just teasing on purpose, so that Jiang Ling can retreat in the face of difficulties.

"The two of you are not my opponents. I could forcefully ask for it, as long as I suppress you two. But I, Feng, have always been kind and unwilling to do so. Therefore, if Fellow Daoist Jiang changes his mind, we can still help each other."

Bai Siya couldn't kill her, she was exhausted at this time, and she was hit with three palms, so her body was seriously injured.

Feng resolutely saw that she was struggling with physical strength, and suddenly said: "Jiang Daoyou, if you want to, you can join hands with her. I will fight two with one, and I will not say that you are unruly."

Jiang Ling didn't look at him, and only asked Bai Siya: "Is this what you're capable of?"

Bai Siya looked back at him bitterly, then gritted her teeth, and attacked Feng Yiran again.

Feng resolutely still drifted back and dodged, "Jiang Daoyou, you are really cruel."

But Jiang Ling suddenly said: "Prick the mutton, tease the Xunkan."

Hearing this for the first time, neither Feng Yiran nor Bai Siya could understand what he meant.

After Bai Siya was stunned for a moment, she realized that Jiang Ling was teaching her how to attack?
"Assassin the Cloud Gate, cut Gandui!"

Bai Siya has also been used to listening to his orders in the past ten days, and she doesn't care whether it is effective or not.

Anyway, her own series of attacks were fruitless, and she simply followed orders mindlessly at the moment.

With a choking sound, the green bamboo sword pierced Feng Yiran's [Yunmen acupoint].

Feng resolutely withdrew his steps and stopped to dodge.

And in the next second, Bai Siya made a move of "Zhan Gandui" before she had time to think about it, and the crescent moon sword edge slanted away.Hearing a hiss, Feng Yiran, who just stepped into the dry position, was almost struck by the sword's edge. At the critical moment, he retracted his bone and bent his bow. Although he avoided the vital point, more than half of the clothes on his body were cut off.

His eyes startled, and he quickly backed away.

Looking at the severed clothes, Bai Siya was also extremely surprised at this moment.

He heard Jiangling shout again: "Jianglingxu, Jinduili."

Bai Siya obeyed the order again, stabbing Lingxu acupoint with her sword.

Feng resolutely danced with flowers and made shadows with his footwork, just dodged the sword's edge, but met Bai Siya's sword and plunged into Lidui's position.This position happened to be exactly where he wanted to retreat.

Bai Siya's sword came first, and happened to pierce him on the shoulder blade, causing blood to fly, staining half of his clothes red.

At this time, Jiang Ling said again: "Prick the Yin and Lian, disturb Kun Zhen."

Bai Siya succeeded in two moves, her confidence was boosted for a while, and she drew her sword again, making the move even faster.

Feng resolutely dodged again, but just as the last step landed, he was struck by a sword again, and a deep gash was cut on his left leg.

At this time, he finally realized that something was wrong, and retreated repeatedly, and finally threw the four gossip compasses in his hand, falling in all directions.

He also yelled angrily at Jiang Ling: "Jiang, why can you predict where I will end up?"

(End of this chapter)

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