River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 315 One mountain is more than one mountain high

Chapter 315 A Mountain Is Even Higher
Jiang Ling's response to him was only six words: "Break Chongyang, cut Kanxun."

Bai Siya went up against the wind, chasing stars with her sword, her wind was sharp.

Feng resolutely evaded the blade, and just about to decide to dodge with [Nongying Qingfengstep], but his mind changed, he took a step staggered, and did not follow the [Nongying Qingfengstep] to step on it.

He crooked his body and almost fell down in embarrassment.

And Bai Siya is here, slashing Kan Xun's direction with a sword.The wind is hunting.

It was from Feng Yi's waist that he stuck to him.

Feng resolutely took a deep breath, secretly thankful that he didn't follow the rules and followed the [Nongying Qingfengstep] step.If so, then at this time, he will be hit by another sword.

And this dodge, he also confirmed one thing - this surname Jiang can indeed predict his position.

To be able to do this, there are only two possibilities, either he is a prophet, or he also knows [Nongyingqingfengbu].

However, if it is a prophet, there must be a process of calculation, and when fighting, the changes are ever-changing, and there is no pattern to be found.

Therefore, it is impossible to come in such a timely manner even if the calculation is performed.

The only thing that can be explained is that this person surnamed Jiang also knows [Nongying Qingfengbu], and because he knows it, he naturally knows how he will dodge it based on his footwork.Thereby predicting his position and killing him in advance by surprise.

"Jiang, speak up."

Feng resolutely shouted, and made a seal with both hands, suddenly the gossip mirrors on all sides emitted a strong light, forming a line.When the southeast and northwest run through each other, an enchantment is formed in the middle.

Bai Siya came after her, and when she touched the barrier, she was shocked back on the spot.

Seeing that Bai Siya was trapped, Feng resolutely leaped forward, stretched out five claws, grabbed it in the air, and grabbed the Jiangling Tianling Gai.

In his opinion, Jiang Ling's cultivation level is still lower than Bai Siya's, and he doesn't have three fires on his head, which shows that he is very weak.

Regardless of whether Jiang Ling is proficient in [Nongyingqingfengbu], as long as he wins Jiangling first, then he can deal with Bai Siya.

"Arhat Tiger Claw!"

Feng resolutely clawed out with great force, and the strong wind was fierce.The entire arm was filled with golden light at this time, it was really like a golden arhat going down to catch a tiger.

Seeing him rushing towards him, Jiang Ling only pointed in the air and shouted, "Kneel down."

Feng resolutely was in mid-air, but he really fell suddenly.

His body weighed ten thousand catties for no reason, and he fell to the ground involuntarily.

He was startled, but quickly jumped up, slapped his left hand on the ground, and used his strength to dive.

The right palm uses the claws to dig out Jiangling's chest.

"Black tiger digs its heart!"

Its move is swift and fierce, and it comes quite fast.

Jiang Ling drew out the iron sword with his backhand, and just as he was about to grab his chest, suddenly the iron sword slashed down on his forehead.

Feng resolutely had no choice but to catch it with one palm, avoiding the sword's force.

The blade of the iron sword hangs out from the jaws of his palm and sparks fly everywhere.

When the iron sword was completely withdrawn, the tiger's mouth of his palm was already split.

After trying this move, Feng resolutely found unexpectedly that Jiang's strength was not low.

What's more, his grasp of timing was far superior to that of Bai Siya.

Jiang Ling suddenly called out, "Feng Yiran?"

Feng resolutely smiled coldly: "Why are you still calling me?"

Jiang Ling listened to his answer, smiled knowingly, threw the iron sword in his hand, and landed in front of him.

Feng Yiran didn't know what the meaning of his move was, he just smiled and said, "I'm afraid I won't be your match with bare hands, so you want to give me a weapon?"

He didn't go to pick up the iron sword, he just grabbed it from his body, and a silver short sword was twisted in his hand: "Even if I want to use a weapon, I have my own. I really don't like your iron sword. "

Jiang Ling smiled lightly: "Alright."

After finishing speaking, he silently recited the incantation, then raised his hand and stabbed it in his chest.

Feng resolutely looked at him in bewilderment, but suddenly, following Jiang Ling's movement, he raised his right hand and stabbed it towards his chest.

You must know that Jiang Ling's hand is empty, but he is holding a dagger in his hand.

At this moment, he was terrified and wanted to pull out his left hand to block it, but he suddenly found that he didn't seem to be in control of his body.

The left hand didn't listen at all, and even the strength of the body was being interfered by an external force.

"This... what kind of sorcery is this?"

Feng resolutely screamed in pain, the blade of the broken sword had pierced into his chest, and blood spurted out.

But this trend has not stopped, and it is still advancing inch by inch.

Feng Yiran's eyes were about to crack, his eyes were bleeding, "What kind of sorcery is this?"

Severe pain continued to come, his ribs were broken, his lungs were pierced, and a lot of blood kept gushing out of his mouth.

Jiang Ling: "Have you ever regretted this fate?"

Feng resolutely bit the tip of his tongue suddenly, and an arm exploded on the spot.

He didn't know what method he used, but he broke free from the control of [Power Word].

With a broken arm, his eyes were full of fear, he swayed blood, stepped on the sky, and the magic weapon on his body fell to the ground, and then he cast [The Art of Nightmare Prayer].

At this moment, he is no longer ready to continue the fight, but is ready to use all means to escape from this place and save his life.

The four gossip mirrors that he had arranged just now lost control and fell down one after another.

The barrier that trapped Bai Siya finally disappeared, she ran out in a hurry, looking to the left and right, Feng Yiran was no longer in sight.

Jiangling: "Kun is three feet above the earth!"

Upon hearing this, Bai Siya immediately drew out her sword and stabbed at the soil three feet away from Kun.

But as soon as she moved, the soil burst open ahead of time.

Feng resolutely threw a burst of white ash from his hand, jumped up, but disappeared again.

Jiangling said again: "The exchange position is four feet four, under the stone and on the side!"

As soon as these words were uttered, before Bai Siya could make a move, Feng resolutely took the initiative to appear in advance.

Sure enough, he was hiding on the side of the stone near the four feet four.

He quickly opened the distance, with an expression of disbelief on his face: "My surname is Jiang, why can you predict my nightmare prayer technique?"

Jiang Ling: "Prejudgment? The essence of nightmare prayer is hidden in the heart, and the inner world and the outer world are illusioned by emotion. How much do you grasp the power of illusion?"

Feng resolutely changed his face when he heard that, what Jiang Ling said was the general outline of [The Art of Nightmare Prayer].

But this technique is the secret technique of Shadow Moon Villa, and it is never taught to outsiders.How did he know?

"Who are you. Who are you?"

Feng resolutely twitched his eyelids and began to question Jiang Ling's identity.

Jiang Ling didn't answer, and only said to Bai Siya: "Kill it!"

Bai Siya charged forward with her sword in hand,

Feng resolutely gritted his teeth in disbelief, and suddenly threw a flying shuttle into the sky.

With this throw, Fei Shuo rushed to the top of the blood cloud with the rope.

He jumped up and climbed onto the rope, with the agility of a monkey, he hurried up.

Bai Siya slashed with her sword and cut the rope.But in the end it was a step too late, Feng resolutely rushed ahead and climbed into the clouds.

Bai Siya resented: "This is the Immortal Cable from Shadow Moon Villa, he ran away!"

Jiang Ling sneered: "What kind of magic trick, everything is just a trick."

After all, this time he no longer pointed Bai Siya, but took the iron sword and stabbed it into the grass two feet away behind him.

The iron sword entered with the wind, and when it was pulled out, it was already bright red.

(End of this chapter)

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