River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 316 Extraordinarily jealous

Chapter 316 Extraordinarily jealous
Bai Siya looked at the bloody iron sword, and Feng struggled resolutely in the grass behind her, and only halfway out of her body, she collapsed and completely lost her breath.

She didn't see any clues about the Immortal Cable at all, but Jiang Ling seemed to have seen through it from the beginning to the end.

Not only can he predict [Shadow Clearing Wind Walk], but he can also see through [The Art of Nightmare Prayer]. No, to be precise, he also understands [The Art of Nightmare Prayer]!
Bai Siya had seen him perform it with her own eyes.

At this moment, I couldn't help wondering: "Are you also from Shadow Moon Villa?"

If it weren't for the people from Shadow Moon Villa, she really couldn't imagine how an outsider would understand this Shadow Moon secret technique!

Jiang Ling: "That's not what you should ask, go on eastward."

Bai Siya bit her lip, had no choice but to obey the order and set off again.

So, five days to the east.

After Jiang Ling accumulated daily, the first flower sac finally formed on his head.

In the next nine days, the second flower sac will form.

Fifteen days later, the third flower sac was formed.

'This is really more difficult as you go to the back. '

The black cat gave him three months. According to his expectation, according to this progress, three months should not be enough for all three flowers to bloom.

Beside his dantian Yuanchi, three dots were lit up in a row on the Hetu Luoshu this time.

The first one is the black cat, the second one is the flower of Ksitigarbha, and the third one only shows a nine characters.

I don't know if it refers to the Nine-Nine Hades Way or something else, but it's all lit up anyway.

He could so simply agree to the black cat's help, the causal line in Hetu Luoshu also played a big role.

He still wants to know what will happen once Hetu Luoshu is fully lit.

'It's almost there, there are seventeen left. '

Up to now, not everyone can climb the causal line.

For example, Feng Yiran and Bai Siya, even if they are involved, it is not above cause and effect.

Twenty days later,
Three Flowers Juding finally opened its first flower!

On the [-]th day, the second flower will follow suit!
Counting the time, it has been almost March.

One day, the black cat found Jiangling again.

Gave him a bone.

This can be regarded as urging him to leave this place.

The royal family is about to be born, and there cannot be a second person who masters the ninety-nine Hades.

Black Cat: "Take this bone, after three days, it will lead you out of this place."

After leaving this sentence, the black cat jumped into the air and disappeared.

From the beginning to the end, Bai Siya didn't know that the black cat had any communication with Jiang Ling.

She was just like a tool worker, working for nearly three months.

On the day before leaving,

She returns to Gang-neung once again exhausted.

Just as Jiang Ling was about to speak to her, she lay on the ground by herself and said expressionlessly, "I know what you want to do, so you don't have to be bound by me every time."

Jiang Ling wanted to talk about other things, but when he saw her like this, he smiled instead.

In the past three months, he has indeed tied her up forcibly several times, taking her yin and adjusting his own yang.

Although it was done by force every time, afterward, Bai Siya's dry pool would be quickly filled.She will also share two or three percent of the benefits Jiang Ling gets.

Although it is only two or three percent, it is not too little for her.

But it was the first time in the past three months that he was as active as today.

Jiang Ling: "Actually, it doesn't have to be like this."

But Bai Siya said indifferently: "If you don't want it, then forget it."

Jiang Ling: "Over the past few days, I've seen you use swords, Wufengbao's [Thirteen Swords of Chasing Stars], you have indeed only used nine of them, but why?"

Bai Siya: "Although I have the surname Bai, I come from a collateral lineage. Only the direct lineage will be taught the complete [Thirteen Swords of Chasing Stars]. To the collateral lineage, learning the nine swords is too much."

Jiang Ling: "Nowadays, the major forces are all ethnic groups. Since they are all from the Bai family, how can they be divided into direct and collateral lines?"

Bai Siya: "People will have selfishness. Whether they are mortals or cultivators, those who are close to them are those who are close to their own blood. Besides, all resources are limited. If you want to allocate limited resources, then It is impossible for everyone to be the same. Under such circumstances, there will inevitably be differences in rank and distinction."

Hearing what she said, Jiang Ling was right after thinking about it.

Even as parents, it is inevitable that they will be partial to one of their children.What's more, such a big family?
Jiang Ling: "Do you want to learn the last four swords of [Thirteen Swords of Chasing Stars]?"

Bai Siya: "If given the chance, I would naturally want to learn."

Jiang Ling nodded, and then picked up the iron sword: "I only do it once, just watch."

After finishing speaking, he slowed down the speed of the last four moves of [Thirteen Swords of Chasing Stars] and practiced them again.

Bai Siya didn't know what he was going to do at first, but when she realized that this sword move was quite familiar, her face was filled with astonishment.

Although she has never learned the last four moves of [Thirteen Swords of Chasing Stars], she has roughly seen them.

After Jiang Ling slowed down and unleashed it, she saw that it perfectly coincided with the [Thirteen Swords of Chasing Stars] in her memory.

What's more, Jiangling makes it more beautiful and smooth.

Bai Siya: "You..."

Jiang Ling: "Don't ask, you don't need to ask anything. How much you can learn depends on your own luck."

Bai Siya: "Can I use it again?"

Jiang Ling hesitated for a while, but finally agreed and did it again.

The sword was taught, and the formulas and mental methods were also taught.This can be regarded as the reward for her hard work these days.

Bai Siya kept it in mind, and imprinted everything in her memory without missing a word.

until the next day,
The bone given by the black cat was indeed different.

It is like a magnet, as soon as it approaches a certain moment, its magnetic force will increase greatly, and then it will lead Jiang Ling to a certain direction.

Finally, in front of a jungle, they saw a mirage portal.

In the light smoke and transpiration, there are five mountains and rivers outside the gate, and there are also noisy crowds.

Judging by the characteristics, it is undoubtedly the world.

When Bai Siya saw her, she was overjoyed.

Trapped for these days, the hope in her heart was almost dead, and now she suddenly saw the sea market reappeared, and the joy of being lost and found was like a wave, surging and surging.

"A sea market, a sea market in the world, we can go out now."

She was all smiles, pleasantly surprised.

But when her eyes met Jiang Ling's, the smile on her face quickly faded away.

At this moment, she really wanted to share this joy with others.

But definitely not the person in front of him.

When I was young, in the south direction, there were two figures walking slowly.

When they also saw the sea market here, they immediately rushed over.

When they got closer, Jiang Ling and Bai Siya suddenly found that they were exactly Bai Xufeng and Bai Xuwu.

Bai Xufeng was in a mess, with several bloodstains on his face, and his hair was disheveled.

Bai Xuwu had half of his arm broken, and there were still scratches all over his body. Judging from the scars, there was no doubt that it was caused by corpse monsters.

It must be known that when they came, there were five of them in total, now counting Bai Siya, there are only three of them left.

"Siya, why are you here?"

The two were surprised to find Bai Siya.

But when they found that there was Jiang Ling beside Bai Siya, the eyes of the two immediately became unkind.

Especially Bai Xuwu, he fought against Jiang Ling before, but he fled because he was defeated.

Now it can be regarded as meeting enemies here, so naturally I am extremely jealous

Bai Xuwu: "It's you, how dare you appear in front of me!"

Although one of his hands was broken, Bai Xuwu was still full of fighting spirit at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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