Chapter 322

Gutong County is small, and there is also a carriage and horse shop.

It's just that there are no fine horses to sell, only a few poor horses.It's not cheap, asking 20 taels for a horse.

Jiangling bought a horse, rode it and headed east.

The poor horse can't run fast, it's leisurely, but it's also leisurely.

Walking along the bluestone ancient road, facing the early morning breeze.If it is paired with withered vines and old trees, Jiangling feels that it may have the meaning of pure sand and autumn thoughts.

Not far from the city, there are farmers everywhere in the mountains and fields.

Although the sky here is dry, fortunately, the terrain is quite low, which can attract river water for irrigation.The rice in that field will not die from drought.By the looks of it, it's the harvest season.

It's just that compared with the rice fields of later generations, although there are a lot of rice planted in the fields at this time, the number of solid ones in a section of wheat ears can be counted with five fingers.

Perhaps it was because he looked at Jiangling like a stranger, and as he passed by the hills, the working farmers all looked at him.

Feeling uncomfortable being looked at, Jiang Ling had no choice but to drive faster.

After walking for half an hour,
Far away from Gutong County, but passing a village, just approaching here, I heard the sound of hooves.

A group of fierce men, carrying rice bags, chickens and ducks, came out of the village yelling.

When they met on the road, the leader of a man blew a whistle, and four or five riders ran over shouting, holding short knives and iron rods, and circled Jiangling.

Jiang Ling's ragged horse was frightened by this, his limbs trembled and he was quite unstable.

’ No wonder the ancients always said that a poor horse is worthless, and that a poor horse is in love with a stack. As far as this qualification is concerned, it is indeed not much better than a donkey. '

The cowardly behavior of the naive horse made several men laugh out loud.

"Where did it come from?"

The leading man raised his chin and asked a question.

At the same time, in the direction of the village, more people came out one after another.

Some were riding horses, and some were being led away with their hands tied.

Most of the riders are men, sturdy and brave, and the ones who are tied and led away are women.

Seeing Jiang Ling, he probably knew that these people should be mountain bandits.

Before winter came, he plundered everywhere, and hugged a few women to go back to warm the nest.

Those who were led away with their hands tied, none of them had tears in their eyes.

But the arm couldn't twist the thigh, judging from the blood-stained weapons of some of the bandits, they definitely killed someone just now.

Due to the fierceness of the other party, these poor women can only bear the burden and let others slaughter them.

Jiang Ling: "Passing by."

The leading man frowned: "I ask where you came from and where are you going?"

Jiang Ling: "From Gutong County, going to Mingyang City."

As soon as I said this, a man covered in blood suddenly came out from the village.He raised the iron fork used to dry beans during the busy farming season, and rushed towards the bandits, shouting as he rushed, "Give me back my wife...give me back my wife..."

He should have been stabbed in the stomach earlier, and the blood has been bleeding.

Now when he struggled, the blood seemed to be spraying.

The bandit at the end snorted coldly, raised an iron rod, and rushed over on his horse.

With a flick of the iron rod, the man's iron fork was sent flying.

Afterwards, the iron rod hit the man's back even more, knocking him to the ground.

After the man fell to the ground, he couldn't get up again, with blood overflowing from his mouth, and he stared dimly at a woman whose hands were bound.

Farmers, in terms of force, how can they beat the brave and ruthless bandits in the mountains?

The bandit turned his horse's head, and was about to step on the man with his horse and send him on the road.

Among the tied women, his daughter-in-law, crying and screaming, crawled over with the rope, knelt in front of her man, and begged the bandits to spare her man's life.

If the bandits are willing, she is also willing to go up the mountain with the bandits.

The bandit saw that the man could no longer get up, and was stabbed in the abdomen again. Even if he didn't step on his horse, he probably wouldn't live long.

He was happy with the woman's begging for mercy, so he agreed, put his arms around the woman, and put him on his horse.

In this little episode, the other bandits just glanced at him casually, and finally turned their eyes back to Jiang Ling.

A man with a dysentery head rode his horse to his side, without saying a word, he groped his body and searched for his belongings.

The leader narrowed his eyes and said, "We want your horse. Would you like to give it to me?"

The other bandits laughed.

If Jiang Ling dared to say no, they might face each other in the next second.

Lu Litou felt around Jiang Ling's body, but found no property, and was very annoyed: "He's a poor ghost, he doesn't have a penny."

Everything on Jiang Ling's body was in the Qiankun bag, outsiders couldn't open the real Qiankun in the bag, so naturally they couldn't find anything.

A triangular-eyed man smiled and said, "It's no wonder that you have money on you to ride such a broken horse, but the robe on him is nice, maybe it's worth two dollars."

But Li Litou said: "We are bandits, this ragged robe is worth money, should we take it to a pawn shop for money?"

The implication is quite disdainful.

If they can wear it, they can take it off and wear it themselves.The key is their body shape, it seems that they can't wear it.

The triangular eyes said again: "Look at his red lips and white teeth, catch him and give it to the fifth master, maybe he will like it."

As soon as this remark came out, the bandits on the side agreed one after another.

Even the bandit at the head gave a weird laugh, agreed, whistled, and was about to take people back to the mountain.

The poor horse in Jiangling was severely whipped on the horse's buttocks by the scab head,
It stands to reason that no matter how bad this poor horse is, it will definitely go crazy after suffering such pain.

But Jiang Ling gently caressed its neck with his palm, and the nasty horse only flicked its tail, without moving any limbs.

The head suddenly became strange: "Hehe, this is the first time I have seen such a strange horse when I grow up so big. If you beat it like this, you won't take it away?"

Just as he was about to strike again, Jiang Ling suddenly said, "It's okay to want my horse. It's just that you robbed people of food, so you have to save your life."

As he spoke, he dismounted from his horse and walked towards the farmer's man on the ground.

He looked at the world with a cold eye, the life and death of ordinary people, in this world, is just passing by.

But the bloodiness that this man showed for his own woman still touched him after all.

Diarrhea: "What are you doing?"

Raise the whip and beat Jiangling.

But the leader suddenly waved his hand and stopped it.

He stared at Jiang Ling with great interest, as if he also wanted to see what this kid was up to.

I saw Jiang Ling approaching the farmer's man, and took a look at his abdominal injury.

The man had just been hit by an iron rod, and now his limbs were stiff and he couldn't move.Probably hurt the spine.

Jiang Ling touched his spine, and it was true.

Pushing and pulling only with the palm of the hand, the spine reset, and the man was sweating from the pain on his forehead.

Afterwards, Jiang Ling took out a pair of scissors from his sleeve and cut open the clothes on the man's abdomen.

The man wanted to struggle, but he stopped the man with one sentence - "If you want to survive, don't move around."

After simply cleaning the wound, he took out a needle and thread from his sleeve to sew up the man's wound: "Fortunately, no internal organs were injured, but even so, don't make too much trouble."

After the wound was stitched up, he took some anti-inflammatory medicine and stuffed it into the man's hand: "Three times a day, two tablets at a time, the wound should not get wet. If you can survive for seven days, you will probably be fine."

The bandits around looked at his actions in surprise, this kid actually knows medical skills?

The diarrhoea-head even touched his head, looking at the scissors, needles, thread, and medicine Jiang Ling took out from his sleeve, he suddenly wondered, when he searched just now, he obviously found nothing.

But how did the scissors, needle and thread, and medicine come about?

(End of this chapter)

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