Chapter 323
"Hold on."

Mandiarrhea came quickly, grabbed Jiang Ling's sleeve, and touched it a few more times.

But I still couldn't find anything, so I couldn't help but touched the other sleeve, but I still couldn't find anything.

Diarrhea head: "Where did you get this thing?"

Jiang Ling smiled slightly: "Don't you have it yourself?"

Diarrhea head: "On me?"

He looked at himself, he was dressed in linen, with a few chickens and ducks hanging from his waist.

Jiang Ling patted his chest, "Look inside."

Diarrhea immediately felt the icy cold inside the sackcloth, and reached out to take it out, but as soon as he took it out and took a look, he was so frightened that he hurriedly threw the thing away.

The thing fell on the ground, its body was six feet long, its head was flat, raised high, and it kept swallowing bright red letters.

Dysentery head became angry from embarrassment, grabbed a knife, pulled out the scabbard, and wanted to chop Jiangling with a knife: "Dare to tease me."

But the handle of the knife he was grasping suddenly softened, it was obviously a machete, but it turned into a poisonous snake for no reason.

The poisonous snake bared its fangs and bit his wrist.

Diarrhea screamed loudly, waving its arms, trying to shake off the poisonous snake.

But the poisonous snake was wrapped around his arm, and he couldn't get rid of it no matter how he shook it.

Jiang Ling patted the dust on his body, looked around the bandits, and then stared at the leader's mount: "You want my poor horse, and I will give it to you, but now I also like your horse, I wonder if you would like to give it to me?" ?”

The boss was thinking just now, this kid actually knows medical skills at such a young age, if he brought it back to the cottage, it would be of some use.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, this kid actually took what he said before and asked him a question.

The leader chuckled, didn't speak, only gestured, and a rough man rode his horse and ran towards Jiangling.

It is good for young people to have ambition, but sometimes ambition is too much, and that is a sign of lack of lessons.

The rough man rode his horse and galloped towards Jiang Ling. He pulled the rein, and the horse's front kick suddenly rose and fell towards Jiang Ling's head.

But Jiang Ling stood still, just looked at the steed, and suddenly his eyes became fierce.

The steed immediately neighed, trembling with fright, more than reacting to seeing a fierce tiger, it fell down on its side and fell to the ground.

Together with that rough man, he also fell to the ground, and his head was so dazed that he couldn't get up.

This strange scene surprised many people.

The leader frowned, he only blamed the brother for doing it, why did he want to juggle?
He fell off his horse and lost face for nothing.

He didn't let other brothers do anything anymore, he just pulled out a scimitar and pointed at Jiangling from the air: "I didn't catch what you said just now, can you say it again?"

Jiang Ling: "I said, I want your horse, would you like to give it to me?"

As soon as the word "Give" was pronounced, the bandit leader rushed straight towards Jiangling with his legs clamped between his horse's belly.

Swinging the scimitar in his hand obliquely, he pierced the wind with one blow and swung it towards Jiangling's neck.

Jiang Ling smiled slightly, and suddenly stretched out two fingers, pinching into the void.

The scimitar that was slashed so ferociously was caught by his finger, and he held it firmly.

Immediately afterwards, with five fingers of his right hand forming claws, he grabbed the horse's back, recoiled forward, grabbed the bandit leader by the throat, and pushed him off the horse.

Under the impact of inertia, the bandit leader's back was on the ground, and Jiang Ling slid on the ground for more than a foot, before stopping.

The bandit leader only struggled a couple of times before bleeding came from his mouth and nose, and he died with a kick of his limbs.

"Tsk, if you don't pay attention, you will use up your strength."

Jiang Ling shook his head slightly, and wiped off the blood on the back of his hand on the bandit leader.

When the rest of the bandits saw them, some retreated, and some surrounded and attacked in groups.

Jiang Ling just waved his sleeves, and a stream of Ksitigarbha poison turned into light rain and sprayed on the bandits.

After the bandit was exposed to the venom, his eyes immediately lost their light, and he fell off his horse screaming strangely.

Those who survived were terrified, turned their horses, and wanted to leave.

The peasant man who had his wound stitched up before saw this scene, his eyes were full of excitement, his lips were trembling, and his face was full of gratitude.

Those peasant women even knelt down and kowtowed to Jiang Ling, not only thanking him for saving him, but also begging him not to let the fleeing bandits go.

If this bandit ran back to the mountain, he would be very vengeful, and if he came back next time, the whole village would probably be retaliated against.

Jiang Ling only smiled slightly: "Whether they retaliate or not, what does it matter to me?"

The peasant men were stunned for a moment, and the peasant women were also stunned.

Jiang Ling: "I'm not a knight-errant who helps the weak and the strong. If you beg me to do something, you should exchange it with some practicality."

He counted the bandits who were poisoned and rolling on the ground and were about to die, as well as the few bandits who had escaped, a total of 13 people.

He said, "How about thirteen chickens in exchange?"

Without waiting for the farmer's man to answer, the women all nodded and agreed: "Change... change, not to mention thirteen, but thirty. As long as the strong man is willing to keep those bandits, the strong man can take whatever he wants."

Jiang Ling nodded: "This is considered a transaction, not a good deed."

Taking the bow and arrow from a bandit, he pulled out six in a row, drawing the bow in total. When he let go of his fingers, the six arrows moved in unison.


With just a sip, the six bandits who were obviously running scattered were actually shot by arrows. Even if they ran into the woods, they were pierced by the arrow and fell from the horse's back.

After shooting the arrow, Jiang Ling took thirteen chickens from the other bandits, hung them with ropes, and hung them on the leader's horse.

The bandit leader's horse has strong limbs and a strong body. It is a good breed of green horse.

In fact, the first time he saw the horse, he fell in love with it.

At this time, he turned over and jumped, and rode up.That feeling is indeed much better than the rough horse bought in Gutong County.


The farmer's man and the farmer's woman looked at him in awe anyway, and were relieved to see him leave.

The green horse left the village and galloped on the official road for half an hour, covering more than fifty miles.

To the long pavilion on the road, there is a stream flowing by the side.

Jiang Ling stayed here, Qing Congma called to the side to graze, while he slaughtered a native chicken, lit a fire and roasted it.

When the skin of the local chicken was crispy, red and yellow inside, and the crispy oil came out one after another, he took out the seasoning from his sleeve and sprinkled it on one after another.

In this way, the fragrance suddenly multiplied and scattered in all directions.

Just as he was about to eat, a human head suddenly emerged from the soil five feet away from the gazebo.

The man was ashamed, smelling the fragrance, salivating.

When he stared intently at the things baked in front of the fire, he grinned and hooked his hands towards the space.

The roast chicken that was inserted in front of the fire actually obeyed his orders, flew into the air, and was about to pass.

Holding a plate, Jiang Ling only called out [Come here], the roast chicken that flew up into the air suddenly gave up the man's call and landed on Jiang Ling's plate.

The man's eyes were filled with confusion, he took a deep look at Jiang Ling, and then crawled out of the soil.

Respectfully, he cupped his fists and bowed: "After going to Kunlun, academics know Qiu Yiye, and met fellow Taoists."

(End of this chapter)

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