River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 339 It's Over

Chapter 339

Standing proudly, Bai Xufeng suddenly staggered back three steps.

Bai Siqi screamed and wanted to go to help him, but as soon as she got close, she was sprayed with blood, and her white skirt was dyed red.She screamed a second time.

Looking closely at Bai Xufeng, he saw that his chest was cracked and his ribs snapped off.

From the broken ribs, the internal organs were shattered in half, mixed with scorching blood, gushing out.

"Senior Brother Xu Feng..."

Bai Siqi was shocked, and her voice trembled unconsciously.

Bai Xufeng wanted to take back the protruding internal organs, but just grabbed a couple of times, his body twitched non-stop, and his limbs fell backwards uncontrollably.

On Bai Siya's side, she was even more frightened than Bai Siqi at this moment.

Meimou looked at the scene in front of her in disbelief,
She just used the tenth sword in [Thirteen Swords of Chasing Stars].

You must know that she used the No.13 sword in [Thirteen Swords of Chasing Stars] before, but Bai Xufeng easily cracked it.

But with the tenth sword just now, Bai Xufeng not only failed to break it, but was actually killed.

The dignified disciple of Xu's generation was actually killed by her move! ?

——"Scared? Regret it?"

"He died, how could he die like this..."

"With the cultivation base of three flowers gathered at the top, if you call Wufengbao up and down at this time, and heal him in time, you may still save his life."

Bai Siya shook her head, it was impossible to save her!
Bai Xufeng was in such a catastrophe, if he was rescued, it would be even more difficult to tolerate her.

But if she didn't save her, the first member of Xu's generation would die at her hands, and after being found out by the higher-ups, they still couldn't tolerate her.

"I don't want to be like this, it's all you, it's all you...it's all your fault. Once he dies, Wufengbao will be able to accommodate me..."

"Why can't you tolerate it?"

"He is the first apprentice of Xu's generation, and he is the successor of the next castle master, not to mention that the clan law stipulates that the same clan can kill each other..."

"Who said you killed him?"

"He obviously died by my sword..."

"Who knows?"

Bai Siya unconsciously looked at Bai Siqi,

She understood Jiang Ling's implication in an instant!
Bai Siqi was the only one who witnessed it. If she was also silenced, no one would know that Bai Xufeng was killed by her.

"You...you are a devil!"

Bai Siya scratched her head, and wanted to kill her own family? ? ?

If she had killed Bai Siqi in the first place, she felt that she would have no mental burden, but now Bai Xufeng had already died under her sword.

If I kill again...

"Whatever you want, it has nothing to do with me anyway."

At this moment, Bai Siqi saw that something was wrong, so she ran away.

Like a petrel, it strides on the vetch all over the mountains and plains.

"If you don't chase after her, you will be finished when she runs away."

Bai Siya hesitated again and again, seeing that Bai Siqi was about to run away, she gritted her teeth suddenly, and finally chased after her with the green bamboo sword.

When Bai Siqi saw her chasing her, she opened her mouth to yell, and even made a noise, so that her fellow clansmen would know.

But at this very moment, Jiang Ling, who was far away in the depths of the dense forest, pointed at her and said softly, "Fall down!"

In an instant, Bai Siqi tripped over a rock in the grass, fell to the ground, and was overtaken by Bai Siya.

The Green Bamboo Sword move [Sha Ruo Meteor], flying like a tornado, piercing through Bai Siqi's back, killing her with one blow.

After killing two people in a row, Bai Siya suddenly stopped, and she was half paralyzed on the ground as if she had lost her strength.His face was also as if he had lost his soul.

Jiangling, on the other hand, appeared slowly, without any hassle.

Looking at the corpse on the ground, Bai Xufeng's primordial spirit was circulating in his body, and suddenly jumped out to leave.

There was a flash of white light in Jiang Ling's pocket at the right time, Nie Qian shot away like a goshawk pouncing a rabbit, her soft body wrapped Bai Xufeng's primordial spirit, and swallowed it on the spot.

Her eyes were one green and one purple, and her purple pupils were radiant, and she was very happy after devouring the primordial spirit.

When she was born, she was soft and boneless.Now, after a while, I finally have the ability to act.

Just after swallowing Bai Xufeng's primordial spirit, she flew towards Bai Siqi's body again.

Before Bai Siqi's primordial soul could come out of her body, she inhaled it in one gulp.

After swallowing the souls of the two, she flew around and returned to Jiangling's pocket.

Bai Siya looked at him in a daze, and was stunned for a while: "What is that on you?"

Daringly, Nie Qian moved so fast that she couldn't see clearly.

Jiang Ling didn't explain, he took out the hell map from his body, picked up the corpses of Bai Xufeng and Bai Siqi and threw them into it.

The corpse fell into the hell map and disappeared completely.

"Your Wufeng Castle is really big enough, so big that no one around here noticed such a commotion."

Jiang Ling was really a little surprised, he had been hiding before and didn't come out, just to prevent the old monster from Wufengbao from appearing suddenly.

But who knew that Bai Xufeng and Bai Siya had made such a commotion from birth to death, and no one noticed at all.Within a radius of hundreds of meters, not a single human figure set foot in it.

Bai Siya: "At this time, it's time to fast and do meritorious deeds. Basically, everyone is in samadhi on Wufeng Mountain."

If it wasn't for Jiangling's sudden arrival, she would also go to Wufeng Mountain to do kung fu after purifying herself in Yushui Pond.

Jiang Ling: "So that's the case, then this is even better. You can deal with the leftover bloodstains yourself. After the treatment is over, no one will know that you killed the person."

Bai Siya just stared at him: "I only hope that from now on, I will never see you again."

Jiang Ling: "I just helped you, and you say such things, isn't it too heartless?"

Bai Siya turned her head away: "I know I can't help you. If you want to kill me, you can kill me at any time. If you don't kill me, then I hope you will never appear in front of me again."

Jiang Ling chuckled: "Don't talk too much, if you regret it later, it will be a bit embarrassing."

After all, Jiangling moved slowly, each step seemed not far away, but in fact, one step could go three or four zhang away.

In just a few steps, it disappeared without a trace in this sea of ​​purple vetch flowers.

Bai Siya took a few deep breaths, looked at the sky, and looked at the blood on the ground.

If it wasn't for the bloodstains left on the ground, she really couldn't believe what happened just now.

In order to protect herself, she immediately cleaned up the blood on the ground.

After cleaning up the bloodstains, she looked in the direction where Jiang Ling disappeared, and stood there alone in a daze for a long, long time.

After Jiangling left Wufeng Castle, he called out the white crane, and flew into Yuncong with the crane, turned southwest, and went to [Yunyan Pavilion] on Bibo Island.

The white crane fluttered its wings and flew high, going extremely fast.In just one hour, it can reach a distance of four hundred miles.

But when flying over the Qinling Mountains, all the birds in the mountains flew together.

There was a man with a big belly who stepped on a yellow sparrow and rode the wind all the way up to catch up with the clouds.

With a bold voice, he caressed his belly and smiled: "Oh, I know who has such ability, but I didn't expect it to be you, little friend. It's true that we never meet again in life!"

(End of this chapter)

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