River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 340 Concubine

Chapter 340 Concubine
It has been more than half a year since we left the beach outside Jinmen Port.

Meeting this person again, Jiang Ling was also extremely surprised.

This Taoist has a very high level of cultivation, and he can be regarded as a real stranger.

But Jiang Ling didn't like him very much either.

It's just a friendship between gentlemen who meet by chance. The so-called friendship between gentlemen is as light as water, so there can't be any deep entanglements.

"Senior, where do you want to go?"

"Little friend, where are you going?"

Jiang Ling: "It's not just about picking peaches."

The Taoist laughed: "Little friend is not generous enough, remember what happened last time?"Speaking of the Peach Garden in the Longevity Realm, it would be really good to go there this month.It's a pity, a pity, the gate of the sea city can't be opened. "

As he said that, he examined Jiangling carefully from head to toe, and said with a tsk: "In just over half a year, I can't even see the good fortune of my little friend. It can be seen that the blessing is not shallow. This time Qi I want to go to Yunyan Pavilion to watch the ceremony, if you are free, why don't you go with me?"

"Watching the ceremony?"

"Little friend, I don't know that the Yunyan Pavilion is now very beautiful, and there is a great person in the younger generation. This time watching the ceremony, what I'm watching is that he will be promoted to the master of the young pavilion, and it is also his concubine ceremony. Qi After receiving the invitation, I took the time to go. It might be very lively, my friend is also a young man, if you go to see and see, it may be of great benefit to you."

"Could it be Zhong Jin you mean?"

"Oh? Didn't the little friend know each other a long time ago?"

"There was a relationship."

The Taoist smiled and said, "How does my little friend feel about it?"

Jiang Ling: "It is true that we have the resources of heaven."

The Taoist sighed: "Yes, at such a young age, his cultivation is already very important. He was originally an inconspicuous student in the Yunyan Pavilion. But in recent years, an inexplicable force has emerged, like a dark horse. He stands out from the younger generation. Especially this year, tsk tsk, the three flowers gather at the top, and it is said to be a success. With such speed and talent, it is hard to say that young people from other factions will be compared by him."

Jiang Ling: "Senior's surname is Qi, can you recognize a Qi Xiangu from Yunyan Pavilion?"

The Taoist asked unexpectedly: "Little friend, do you recognize Qi Xiangu?"

Jiang Ling: "We also met once."

The Taoist laughed: "To tell you the truth, my friend, then Xiangu Qi is exactly Qi's classmate, and she was also invited this time."

Jiang Ling said in his heart that the world is said to be small, but it really is a bit small.

This Taoist is actually the same blood relative as that Qi Xiangu back then.

"Then Zhong Jin wants to take a concubine, and he has to put on a special ceremony to watch the ceremony. Can he afford such a big show?"

Taoist: "I don't know, my little friend. This Zhong Jin cultivated Yunyan Pavilion's [Yunyan Herong Dao]. In order to cultivate him, Yunyan Pavilion naturally gives whatever they want. And you know, how can a person who cultivates [Yunyan and Rongdao] accept concubines?"

Jiang Ling: "What tricks are there for taking concubines?"

The Taoist said deliberately, "Let's guess the quantity."

Hearing what he said, Jiang Ling immediately knew that there must be more than one or two: "Could it be possible to accept seven or eight at a time?"

The Taoist laughed: "You can guess more."

Jiang Ling frowned: "Could it be more than twenty?"

The Taoist shook his head and said softly, "A total of 72."


Taoist: "It is said that the "Huangdi Benjing", which has been lost for thousands of years, records that the Yellow Emperor had three thousand daughters in the past and was able to ascend to Taoism. Thousands of years of perfection are in a class of their own.

Take 72 concubines, within 30 years, you can cultivate the golden body and Dao fruit.Once it's done, it's amazing. "

Jiang Ling suddenly had a bad feeling,

There are 72 concubines, such a high number, the total number of young women in Yunyan Pavilion is estimated to be similar to this number.

If it is not done well, it is forced to force it, and it is hard to say that Qingshuang and Hexiang are also among them.

In addition, [Yunyan and Rongdao] are also from the "Yellow Emperor's Classic". In this way, it can be regarded as coming out of the same main path with the five-pass god [Jade Heart Sutra], and they are each biased in different directions.

"Actually, Qi is also very greedy for [Yunyan and Rongdao]. It's a pity that this method is too difficult to practice. If you are not a person destined by fate, you can't practice it at all."

"A concubine is 72 at a time, and those 72 women are all voluntary?"

The Taoist laughed: "It's not voluntary or not. It's good for both parties, and each can achieve it."

The oriole flew for a while, then suddenly shuttled down.

The Taoist stepped on the back of the squirrel, and lingered down: "My little friend, if you have something to do, then I will say goodbye, and we will meet later."

Jiang Ling caressed the white crane's neck, the white crane suddenly flapped its wings and slid down, followed the track he was going and chased after him.

The Taoist heard the sound and looked back: "Little friend, have you changed your mind?"

Jiang Ling: "Since my ancestors invited me, how can I refuse it? It's okay to influence me when I'm free. I just went to learn more."

The Taoist smiled: "It's so good, I apologize to make up for the last time, this time, I will treat my little friend as a good student."

Jiang Ling just smiled and said nothing.

It sounds like there is no sincerity in these words. To make up for the apology, it is only right to be the host.

How can anyone borrow flowers to offer Buddha by borrowing other people's host?
The two flew forward and one behind, just like that.

After flying for nearly two hours, I saw a vast ocean suddenly appearing in front of my eyes.

The lake stretches for hundreds of miles, and at first glance, it looks like an inland sea.

The orioles landed on the ground, and the Taoist stepped down with a big belly. With a sweep of his long sleeves, the orioles dispersed one after another.

And Jiang Ling fell down, the light and shadow of the white crane on his mount flashed, and with a wave of the scroll he had spread out, it was collected into the scroll.

The Taoist looked surprised, he thought Jiang Ling was riding a real white crane, but he didn't know it was actually a painting?
"Little friend, this painting treasure is really extraordinary."

Jiang Ling: "How can it be compared to my predecessors, the oriole will come when you call it, and it will go away when you wave it."

The Taoist rubbed his stomach and laughed, "This is a small way."

He came to the lake, raised his foot and stomped three times in succession.

With each stomp, the ground trembled and shook.

Afterwards, he whistled into the lake.

In a short while, far away in the middle of the lake, suddenly there is a black awning, curling up.

There was no one on the black-covered boat, only two cormorants side by side.

As soon as the boat approached, the Taoist laughed and jumped on it.

Seeing that Jiang Ling hadn't moved, he shouted: "Little friend, if you want to go to Yunyan Pavilion, when will you stay if you don't get on the boat?"

Jiang Ling jumped up too.

After picking up the people, the awning boat will drive automatically and return.

Driving on a strange route, when it reached the center of the lake, it went left and right, passed through two fogs, and gradually approached an island.

'There is actually an island in the middle of the lake! '

When he was by the lake, Jiang Ling really didn't notice it.

It has to be said that the level of the Yunyan Pavilion covering the mountain gate is much higher than that of Wufengbao.

'It's also fortunate that I came with him, which saved me a lot of trouble.If I search for it alone, it will take a lot of time just to find this place. '

 Thank you readers 1251097156034940928 for your reward!This National Day is so tiring, a red code harms the whole city, queuing up for nucleic acid...

(End of this chapter)

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