River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 348 How can I keep you

Chapter 348 How can I keep you
Qi Daoren also said: "Enemies should be resolved rather than tied, little friend, don't make mistakes."

Jiang Ling looked around and saw that the master of Yunyan Pavilion, Zhong Siyuan, was ready to kill, and everyone else was about to make a move.

He laughed: "Self-mistake? Is this a threat?"

Qi Daoren: "It's just for my little friend's sake. If you insist on going your own way, I'm afraid you won't be able to leave Bibo Island today."

Jiang Ling suddenly pulled out an iron sword in his hand, and with a wave of his hand, Zhong Jin's head was severed.

Hot blood spilled all over the floor,
Zhong Jin's haughty head was split into two from his body in the terrified eyes!
Lives die!

"You..." Yunyan Pavilion Master Zhong Siyuan shouted angrily, "How dare you do that!"

Jiang Ling said coldly: "Unfortunately, what I dislike most is threats. If you don't let me kill, I will kill you. If you say I can't get out of Bibo Island, then I will show you."

The voice fell.

Jiangling said to Qingshuang and Hexiang girls, "Shuang'er, let's go."

Rao Qingshuang had seen the big world before, and she was still in astonishment at this moment, especially He Xiang, when she saw Jiang Ling beheading Zhong Jin, she covered her mouth and almost cried out.

However, if you are shocked, you will be shocked, but they have not given birth to fear.

Jiang Ling came here this time to find them, and these people are arrogant and domineering, and they are too rude.

What surprised them the most was actually that under Jiang Ling's handsome appearance, there was such a tyrannical method hidden.

After being surprised, what remained in their hearts was full of peace of mind.With such leaning on the side, what is there to fear in this world?


Qingshuang took He Xiang's hand and went outside.

Yun Han and Li Zhi'en's daughters also knew that what happened in Yunyan Pavilion today, even if they stayed, it would not be beneficial.Immediately, followed closely, followed by leaving here.

Zhong Siyuan, the owner of the Yunyan Pavilion, screamed angrily: "Is it possible that you can come and leave whenever you want to my Yunyan Pavilion?"

Jiang Linghu was beside Qingshuang, looking back at him: "How are you doing?"

Zhong Siyuan, the owner of Yunyan Pavilion, sacrificed a decree in his hand, and in an instant, a bright light rushed towards the sky.

Afterwards, the entire Bibo Island was shrouded in a blue halo.

Zhong Siyuan: "Leaving such a blood debt, if I don't pay with my life, what will be the face of my Yunyan Pavilion?"

Jiang Ling: "Face? What face do you have in Yunyan Pavilion? In order to help Zhong Jin practice [Yunyan and Rongdao], the women who were forcibly captured by you are at least hundreds or thousands? It's just a place where filth is hidden. What are you talking about with me?"

Zhong Siyuan yelled: "Fellow Taoists, everyone has seen the ferocity of this beast today. It is hard to stop him from being fierce. Today, my Yunyan Pavilion suffered a disaster, so it may not be your turn in the future. Now the island is sealed off. I have activated it, and this beast can't escape. Now, if you don't make a move, when will you wait?"

The surrounding guests have long been ready to go,
This kid Jiang Ling can follow his words, and the skill and morality he showed today made them tremble with fear.

They are both jealous and worried.

If such a person is left alone, he can turn upside down in Yunyan Pavilion today, but in the future, he may not go to their mountain gate to stir up trouble.

In order to prevent this kind of thing from happening, the best choice is to kill it as soon as possible!

Regardless of his background and origin.

Kill it early to avoid future troubles.Once Jiang Ling died, they would be beneficial and harmless.Moreover, there are so many people here today, everyone just needs to make a casual move, and under the combination, it will be easy to kill his life.

A representative of Shadow Moon Villa cupped his hands and said, "I will do justice for the heavens!"

A representative of Wufengbao also cupped his hands and said, "So am I."

A representative from Laoshan also said: "I am poor, and I am willing to contribute a small amount of strength."

A representative of Bailiantang: "This old man can't tolerate such a monstrous evildoer, using Maitreya's Dharma to show off against the world."


Everyone spoke out one after another, all willing to take action.

Even the Daoist of Qi said, "Little friend, you should have stolen someone's merit for your [Speaking the Dharma Sui], right? Someone treated you kindly, but you stole someone's secret code. It's really disappointing." Extremely."

Zhong Siyuan, the owner of Yunyan Pavilion, was surprised when he heard this: "This man can tell the truth, so he stole Elder Qi's secret code?"

Qi Daoren nodded: "A few years ago, I accidentally obtained the secret book in Tianwaitian, but because of the great karma of [Speaking the Fa Sui], I kept it in my body. I never thought that it would be stolen by this son, He has practiced it well. Qi will not be able to escape responsibility for the misfortune of Yunyan Pavilion today."

Zhong Siyuan: "This dog is abominable, actually stealing things. In this case, Mr. Qi Xian will join us to kill this dog, so that the secret code may be retrieved."

Qi Daoren sighed, reluctantly said: "I don't want to take action, but you have committed such crimes, so I can't tolerate you."

Between the words, a red light emerged from Qi Daoren's body, his hands were on his back, and his bare feet suddenly condensed thousands of lights.With just a slight movement, the earth was shaking, as if the earth dragon raised its head and was about to collapse.

At this moment, Jiang Ling looked up to the sky and laughed.

All the guests want to kill him, but they are all afraid of him!

Daoist Qi wanted to kill him because he was greedy for classics!
All kinds of faces are fully revealed, but it is true that there are all kinds of faces in the world, each with its own endlessness.

Jiang Ling suddenly asked Taoist Qi: "Senior Qi has been to Tianwaitian, I wonder if he has been to Dizangtian?"

Daoist Qi: "Ksitigarbha is located under the underworld, it is a dark and dirty place, why should I go?"

Such a place, even if there is a way to go, no one wants to go.

Jiang Ling looked around the crowd again, and said faintly: "Since you haven't been there, today, I will let you all see what is called Dizang!"

As soon as he said these words, he stretched out his two hands, and [Jiujiu Hades Way] was running wildly in his body.

The pool of dead spiritual energy that he had accumulated in the Ksitigarbha Heaven turned into purple lotus flowers at this moment, following his feet and spreading the seven-foot veins.

"When a flower blooms, there will be no future, and when it falls, there will be no one to return to!"


Countless purple lotus flowers suddenly grew from the ground of Yunyan Pavilion.

Whether it's a pond, a meadow, or a pavilion, as long as the ground is covered, the purple lotus at this time will cover it.

They grow savagely, as soon as they show their heads, Jiang Ling chokes them off, and they bloom on the spot.

The flowers bloomed with a strange fragrance, and a scent similar to Datura permeated the entire Bibo Island in an instant.

At the beginning, no one realized what this phenomenon was.

It wasn't until someone suddenly grabbed his throat, causing more air intake and less air output, that the vigilant people realized that the fragrance of this flower was poisonous.

Jiang Ling stood within the sea of ​​flowers, beckoning to everyone: "If you want to fight, then fight, if you have the guts, come!"

No matter the people in Shadow Moon Villa or Wufeng Castle, they were all poisoned unconsciously.

Although the severity of poisoning is different, the toxin attack is uncomfortable.

They wanted to leave, but also suffered from the fact that the island sealing formation had already been activated. This formation was originally created to trap Jiangling.But now they have become their own shackles and cages. They are really tying themselves in a cocoon, harming others and themselves.

Qi Daoren raised his big red feet, and was about to stomp them down, but he also felt a sudden pain in his chest, and when he looked at his ribs, a purple lotus flower had already bloomed in his heart.

'Oops! '

He realized that he was also poisoned, so he quickly stopped his movements and used the spiritual power in his body to force him.

But the more his spiritual power was running, the more intense his chest pain became.

He knew that this poison was really not simple.If it doesn't work out today, even he will be planted here!
(End of this chapter)

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