River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 349 Submerge everything

Chapter 349 Drowning Everything

Qi Daoren's bare feet flashed red, he stepped forward and walked towards the sky.

Knowing that he was poisoned, he planned to leave this place.

Jiang Ling glanced at him, pointed at him, and said, "Come down!"

As soon as Qi Daoren's body flew into the air, he fell down involuntarily.

"Little friend, don't do it too badly!"

"Senior Qi's orthodoxy seems to be somewhat related to the ancient barefoot immortal. Today, this junior just wants to see if he can leave this place under his nose. Besides, didn't senior Qi say that I stole Your classics? Is it possible that you don’t want this?”

Qi Daoren's skin turns blue and black, and he is not greedy, but he has mistaken himself.

"In the final analysis, Qi and Xiaoyou have no grievances or grievances. I don't care about the affairs here, and Xiaoyou can do it himself."

After speaking, he took another step towards the sky.

But as soon as he stepped out of one foot, he was called down again by Jiang Ling's words.

"I used to think that I was easy to bully, so I said I couldn't be tolerated; now I know that I am difficult to deal with, so I let me do it myself? How can there be such a cheap thing in the world? When you were in the world of longevity, you deceived me, and I didn't care about you , today you are making progress. If so, how can I keep you?"

With a thought in Jiang Ling, the nine lotus flowers on the ground stretched out towards Qi Taoist at the same time like poisonous snakes.

Qi Daoren stepped out with one big red foot, and stomped nine lotus flowers into the ground on the spot.

But the nine lotus flowers sprayed out smoke at the same time, covering the area of ​​ten feet in a short time.

Qi Daoren was shrouded in it, and after running out of the smog again, the purple lotus imprint on his chest became more obvious and deep.

Jiang Ling made his attitude clear and refused to let him go, his face turned cold, and he suddenly tried his best.

With a cold snort, his left foot stomped heavily on the ground, the ground cracked, and a gully one foot wide and three feet deep burst out in an instant.

The ravine spread rapidly, and buildings collapsed wherever it passed.

The ground where Jiangling stood was divided into two.

Many women behind him screamed and dodged in a hurry.

Qi Daoren also stepped out with his right foot at this time, stomping heavily, it was actually more shocking than the previous one.

The ground shook and moved, and the second crack tore the ground, and the width of the tear was nearly two feet.

The surrounding pavilions collapsed one after another, Jiang Ling stepped into the air with the clear frost and lotus fragrance, one drifted into the air, and landed on a huge boulder.

But Qi Daoren seized the opportunity and suddenly jumped up, with his sleeves waving, and six or seven women were rolled up.

He clasped those women in his hands, knocked them to the ground, and then stepped on their backs on the ground with his big red feet.

"Little friend, don't hurt your peace."

Jiang Ling: "Everyone calls you Elder Immortal and thinks you are highly respected, but after all, you still commit such a despicable deed. It's really embarrassing."

Qi Daoren smiled and said: "I don't care if I lose face. I'm a lot older, why do I care about face? There should be an antidote for this poison, as long as my little friend gives the antidote, I will let them live." If you don't give it to me, then these seven young lives will be wiped out today."

While speaking, he faintly exerted force on his feet, pressing the seven innocent women to vomit blood.

Jiang Ling was not moved, he just said: "Whether they die or not, what does it matter to me? I don't know them. Once they die, the cause and effect is yours, and it has nothing to do with me. If you want to kill, just kill it."

Jiang Ling's indifference made Daoist Qi startled.

'Sure enough, he still has to catch the two women beside him. '

Qi Daoren suddenly lowered his head and said to the seven women: "You have also heard that, if you die, you have to blame him, if he didn't save you, I feel sorry for you."

Jiang Ling smiled and asked: "No matter what means you do today, or what you said before, you may not be able to get out of this place today. It's just that before senior dies, I have a question, can senior answer it?"

Daoist Qi: "Say it."

Jiang Ling: "I don't know what to call senior? I have known you until now, but I still don't know the name of the senior. If I die today, if I don't know the name, wouldn't it be a pity?"

Daoist Qi chuckled, seeing that Jiang Ling was slightly relaxed, he also responded cooperatively: "A certain surname is Qi, and each name is the name of a tomb in a cemetery."

Jiang Ling quietly called out with his mantra: "Qi Tomb!?"

Qi Daoren: "Exactly."

Hearing his answer, Jiang Ling laughed immediately: "I don't know the seven lives under your feet, but to be honest, I really don't want to see one of their fresh lives die under your stinky feet." .”

Qi Daoren also laughed: "So, my friend is willing to reconcile?"

Jiang Ling: "You are wrong." The iron sword in his hand suddenly threw it at Taoist Qi.

It fell in front of Qi Daoren and inserted into the soil.

Qi Daoren looked puzzled, not understanding what he meant.

Jiang Ling suddenly took a step forward,
Qi Daoren's body unexpectedly took a step forward inexplicably.

At first, Qi Daoren thought it was an instinctive reaction, so he didn't care.

It wasn't until Jiang Ling made a move to pick up the sword that he suddenly realized that something was wrong!

——Because he himself is like a mirror image, at the same time as Jiang Ling, doing the same movements as him.

Jiang Ling only made a movement of picking up the sword, but he actually picked up the iron sword in front of him and held it in the palm of his hand.

"Why? What did you do to me?"

Qi Daoren panicked, trying to control his body with his thoughts, but found that his body could not move at all.

Just like a puppet on a string, no matter how many thoughts your puppet has, your actions can only be controlled by the puppet master.

Jiang Ling only said indifferently: "The lineage of the Barefoot Immortal cultivates a pair of bare feet, no wonder senior can step straight up the clouds."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and made a chopping motion towards his feet.

Qi Daoren's eyes were about to burst, and he roared fiercely: "No! Stop it!"

While shouting, his body uncontrollably accepted the mirror image behavior, raised the iron sword and slashed at his legs fiercely.

When the iron sword fell, Qi Daoren's legs were bloodied and split into two.

He fell all over,

Without the support of a pair of bare feet, his mana drained quite quickly.

The signs of poisoning in his body were hard to suppress, purple markings spread from his chest to his whole body, and his face was completely engulfed in purple in just a moment.

Jiang Ling grabbed the iron sword back from the air, and heard the screams from all directions.

Many people knelt down and begged for mercy, wanting to ask him to forgive him.

He didn't even look at it, he just led the group of women towards the outside of the valley.

The island sealing formation looked solid and unbreakable, but when he got there, he only drew a door on it with his fingers, but he opened it as soon as he said it.

Leading the girls, they easily walked out from inside.

When he got outside the formation, he asked the rest of them to leave first.

I waited here for three incense sticks, and then returned to the valley.

At this time, everyone inside was dead.The purple lotus has absorbed the blood of the living, and it blooms everywhere again.

Jiangling reclaimed the dead aura of the earth from the veins of the earth.At the same time, seeing the primordial souls and primordial spirits floating in the sky, he released Nie Qian and devoured them all.

Nie Qian is now in the body of a half-demon, half-demon, and even the primordial spirit can digest it.

After a full meal, she enjoyed it quite a bit, fell into his arms, and then fell into a deep sleep.

Qingshuang and Hexiang waited outside the formation, and when Jiang Ling came out, the two women accompanied him, summoned a black poncho, broke through the water, and sailed to the outside of the island.

(End of this chapter)

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