River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 354 How Many Months Pregnant?

Chapter 354 How Many Months Pregnant?

"Xiaoqian, let's deal with the scene."

Nie Qian floated out of his arms, and the flesh and blood essence of those people belonged to the ginseng essence, and as for the soul, it naturally belonged to her.

"Master, what about Steward Qiu's son, should we also take care of it?"

"up to you."

"In order to save the master's trouble, it's better to solve him together."

Nie Qian's small body was flying in the air, and with just a single inhalation, the soul of Qiu Quan, who was being helped aside by the maid at the door of the backyard, was sucked out of her body.

Qiu Quan's soul flew up uncontrollably. Seeing that it had left his body and was getting farther and farther away, he screamed in the air again and again in horror.

But it's a pity that the maid who took care of him at this time could neither hear nor see.

Nie Qian sucked his soul, and with just one move of her finger, the water splash in the fish pond jumped up, flew like a long snake, rolled outside, and washed all the blood in the yard, and then the water column returned with blood stains into the fish pond.

Nie Qian, who is half of the blood of the demon body, is quite handy with the spells of the water system.

As the water column came and went, the blood in the yard was completely washed away without leaving any traces.There was not even a trace of wetness on the ground.

The servant girl who fainted on the ground was pinched by Jiang Ling on the Renzhong acupoint, and she woke up wobbly.

When she woke up and saw Jiang Ling close in front of her eyes, she couldn't help screaming again and again.

The sound caused the maid outside the courtyard to look inside curiously, but it was too dark after all, and the maid looking after Qiu Quan outside the gate of the backyard couldn't see what was happening inside at all.

It was she who went to report the news just now and called Butler Qiu here.

And the four nursing homes specially raised by Steward Qiu also went in together. She guessed that it was probably Steward Qiu who did something vicious to that young man.

She only sighed softly, who can be blamed for this result, if you want to blame, you can only blame the young man for not listening to persuasion, as a guest, how can you control the affairs of the host's backyard?

Furthermore, no matter what, he shouldn't have hit Young Master Qiu Quan.

Outside the door in the courtyard, Jiang Ling stood in front of the maid: "What? Do I look scary?"

The maid huddled into a ball and kept backing away, "Don't kill me...don't kill me..."

Jiang Ling: "Why should I kill you? I told you to call the doctor. You should go too, right?"


The servant girl looked around, and with the help of the candlelight reflected in the room, none of the four dead people on the ground before had disappeared.

Looking at the blood sprayed on the ground before, he didn't see a trace of it.

Jiang Ling: "What? Is there something wrong?"

The servant girl's face was filled with astonishment, "Where is... where is the person?"

Jiang Ling: "Who?"

The servant girl said timidly, "Master Qiu...they..."

Jiang Ling smiled: "It's just a slave, so in private, you actually call him Master? Is he worthy?"

The maid hung her head and said nothing.

Jiang Ling: "Hurry up and call the doctor. You just fainted for no reason. Now that you have woken up, you should go and return early. Madam is in urgent need of a doctor."


The servant girl stood up in a daze, and looked around again, but she didn't see any trace of it.

She couldn't help but wonder in her heart, could it be that what she saw just now was an illusion?
She couldn't help but asked, "Where are Master Qiu and the four nurses?"

Jiang Ling: "I haven't seen it before, you go first."

"Oh." The servant girl rubbed her temples, thinking that she was really delusional.

"What's your name?"

Maid: "I... My name is Qiuyue."

After saying her name, she hurried out.

When she got outside the door of the backyard, she saw another maid accompanying Qiu Quan, she paused for a while before she could speak, and finally ran out to invite the doctor first.

After half an hour, the doctor was invited.

This doctor is not young, and he has dated seven times, carrying a medicine box and granddaughter.

After being invited to the backyard room, he first took Madam Cai's pulse, and then checked her complexion.

He even asked his granddaughter to check Mrs. Cai's belly and private parts.

After a while, he went outside the room, and said to Jiang Ling: "Mrs. Cai's pregnancy has moved, there is no big problem, as long as she rests peacefully and waits until the full term, the mother and child should be safe."

Presumably, the roots of ginseng essence played a role in stabilizing the fetus.

Jiang Ling: "Mrs. Cai is four months pregnant, what should I pay attention to?"

The old doctor: "Don't go out again. Mrs. Cai came back from the capital and traveled hundreds of miles. It is really a fluke to be able to stabilize the fetal gas this time. In addition, Mrs. Cai is not pregnant for more than four months. Judging from the old man's many years of experience in practicing medicine, it has been at least six months. At this time, the fetus has already formed, and it is absolutely impossible to do tiring and bumpy things."

Jiang Ling asked the old doctor to write down some precautions and dietary suggestions.As for the topic of child support, he said that he had already written it during the day and there was no need to write it again.

After seeing off the old doctor, Jiang Ling called Qiuyue again and asked her what happened tonight.

Although Qiuyue took what she saw before as an illusion, she was still very afraid of Jiangling in her heart.

As soon as he was questioned, he told all the things Qiu Butler arranged for her to do.

By the way, this afternoon, the old doctor did come once. After he saw a doctor, he prescribed a set of fertility medicine for his wife to use six times in a row.

Naturally, the fertility medicine is fine, the key is that when the medicine was being boiled tonight, Qiu Quan came over and added a few oleander leaves to the medicine.

You must know that the leaves of oleander are known to be poisonous. It is also recorded in "Lingnan Herb Collection" that they are mostly used for abortion.

The medicine for nourishing the fetus was added with the medicine for abortion. When Qiuyue boiled the medicine, she panicked.

You know this is a medicine for your wife, how can it be like this?

But Qiu Quan warned her, asking her to do what she was told, otherwise, she would be sold to a brothel.

After all, Qiuyue was afraid of Steward Qiu and his son,
Although Mrs. Cai is the master, but the master has rarely come back for so many years. In the hearts of most of the maids and servants, Steward Qiu and his son are the masters here, and they have a lot of prestige.

Once threatened by him, Qiuyue could only follow orders.

After she boiled the medicine and brought it to her room, she felt uneasy as soon as she came out.

On the one hand, she really wanted to tell Madam that this medicine should not be drunk, on the other hand, she was afraid that she would be sold to the brothel by Steward Qiu and his son after she told her.

She was so upset, it was difficult for her to make a decision.And this is exactly the scene when Jiang Ling came and saw her standing at the door of the room in a daze.

"Although you did not do this matter, you can't get rid of it. If there is something wrong with Madam, you will have to pay for it with your life. Then the Qiu family and his son will just blame you for everything, and you are just a servant girl. , You will never be able to argue. When this kind of thing happened, you should tell Madam immediately. Instead of telling Madam, you listened to Qiu Quan and helped the evildoers. Such actions are considered stupid."

Qiuyue cried and knelt down, begging for forgiveness.

Jiang Ling handed her the precautions given by the doctor: "I'll give you a chance to take the blame and make meritorious service. You will be responsible for Madam's daily life in the future. You are the new housekeeper of the Cai Mansion."

Qiuyue was taken aback for a moment, then quickly shook her head as if frightened again: "Slaves... Slaves can't do it."

Jiang Ling: "If you say you will succeed, you will succeed, and if you don't, you will succeed."

Qiuyue: "If slaves are housekeepers, then Master Qiu and the others..."

It turned out that she didn't want to be, but she didn't dare to be.

Jiang Ling patted her on the shoulder and suddenly smiled: "Master Qiu and the others? Don't you know?"

Qiuyue's expression suddenly became terrified, as if seeing a ghost, she shrank suddenly.

Jiang Ling ignored her surprise, walked past her, and left the backyard. Before leaving, he said: "Remember what I said, from now on, you are the housekeeper here. Take good care of your wife. If you have second thoughts, I will not forgive you." you."

Qiuyue knelt on the ground and crazily kowtowed to him: "This slave will never have two hearts...never..."

(End of this chapter)

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