River Tuluo Xian

Chapter 355 Mrs. Cai: Then there will be

Chapter 355 Mrs. Cai: Then there will be

Mrs. Cai is not four months pregnant, but nearly six months.

The words of the old doctor should be true!

Recalling Mrs. Cai's expression of guilt when she said it was four months.Thinking about it now, she should have said that on purpose.

If it was four months, then no matter whose child she was carrying, it would not belong to Jiangling anyway.Because she should have been in the capital at that time, and I had never seen her in Jiangling, the capital.

But if it was six months, counting the time, she should be on the boat at that time.In this way, counting the dewy love that night, maybe that child is his seed.

"Could it be that you hit it once?"

Jiang Ling was suspicious, but he didn't want to ask Mrs. Cai to confirm.

Since Mrs. Cai deliberately wanted to talk about it for four months, it meant that she didn't want to have anything to do with him.

The dewy love that night on the boat can only be regarded as a secret belonging to the two of them.

She has her life to live, it is impossible to revolve around him just because of a child.

Like now, like ordinary friends, there is nothing wrong with greeting each other when we meet, parting, and forgetting each other.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ling felt free and easy, and went back to the wing room, seeing that Qingshuang and Hexiang had already settled down.

He didn't bother, he opened the universe bag and looked at the progress of Yue Wei and Xiao Ke, they were still in hibernation and hadn't woken up.

In terms of talent,

Yue Wei and Xiao Ke are actually not even middle class.

However, the soul sea world of the two of them was taken care of by the god Fatie.

And they are all the righteous law of [doing one good deed every day].

"How does it feel that the god-making clock is deliberately targeting me?"

Also because Yue Wei and Xiao Ke are not very talented, the efficiency of practicing Taoism is relatively slow.

Jiang Ling was afraid that the two of them would not be able to keep up physically, so he asked Nie Qian to go to the pond to pick two roots of ginseng essence and feed them into their mouths.

While resting on the bed, Nie Qian smiled and crawled to his side: "Master, your Qingshuang and Yue Wei don't have time to talk to you."

Jiang Ling knew what she was thinking, and couldn't help poking her on the head: "You goblin."

Nie Qian stuck out her little tongue and licked her lips: "I am a fairy, does the master like it?"

"What do you think?"

The next day.

Early in the morning, Qiuyue's servant girl came to the wing room to look for Jiangling.

Jiang Ling: "What's the matter?"

Qiuyue looked helpless: "Then Young Master Qiu...no...Qiu Quan...since he fainted last night, he hasn't woken up again. This morning, he's even out of breath."

It is said that such things need to be explained to the master.

But last night Jiang Ling gave her too much of a threat, and now that Mrs. Cai is recuperating, she can only come to Jiang Ling.

As for Qiu Quan's death, Jiang Ling had already expected it.

Qiu Quan's soul was swallowed by Nie Qian last night, leaving nothing but his body, and he won't last long.

Originally, he could have thrown his body into the pond to feed ginseng essence,

But Jiang Ling didn't do that in the end, keeping Qiu Quan's body for the servants in Cai's mansion to see, it can be regarded as an example to scare the monkeys and serve as a deterrent.

"It's just a slave. If you die, you will die. You are now the housekeeper. If something like this happens, you should know what to do."

Qiuyue hesitated for a moment, and asked: "Look... find someone to carry it away, have you buried it?"

It is normal for a big family to operate like this.

There is no need to go to the government to report the death of a maidservant or servant, the master's family can directly arrange to find a place to bury it.

Jiang Ling nodded: "Bury it."

When Qiuyue got the letter, she hurried away.

She handled things fairly neatly, and in less than an hour, Qiu Quan's affairs were arranged properly.

After she came back, Jiangling arranged for her to take servants to "ransack" Butler Qiu's house.

In the room of Steward Qiu and his son, they found a lot of money and treasures.

Jiang Ling asked her to make a list of these things and hand them over to Mrs. Cai for disposal.

After the accident last night, Mrs. Cai became quite lethargic.

On this day, I didn't get up until the sun was three poles.

With Qiuyue's support, she also came to thank her in person.

Regarding the disappearance of Butler Qiu and his son, Jiang Ling asked all the maids and servants in the mansion to keep a consistent statement, saying that they were driven away.

Today's new housekeeper is Qiuyue.

Mrs. Cai didn't know anything, and she had no objection to it. Compared with Steward Qiu and his son, Qiuyue was a woman, so it was more convenient to handle her.

However, she just met Jiang Ling, and Jiang Ling brought Qingshuang and He Xiang to say goodbye.

"Where are you going, sir?" Mrs. Cai didn't expect him to leave so soon.

Jiang Ling: "Wander around, walk around and have a look."

Mrs. Cai: "Why are you in such a hurry? This mansion is empty. You can stay for a few more days, sir. It's fine."

Jiang Ling: "Forget it, I've stayed in one place for a long time, I'm afraid I won't want to move anymore."

While talking, the two looked at each other.

Mrs. Cai was always shy, she hastily averted her gaze, not daring to look directly at him.

There is always a bit of embarrassment between him and her.

Mrs. Cai: "Mr., let's go. Will we see you again in the future?"

In such an era, a farewell to a friend is often a farewell to a friend.The world is so big, especially when troubled times are about to start, in such a big world, with a vast sea of ​​people, how difficult it is to meet again.

Jiang Ling didn't give a letter, but said: "See you next time, your child is probably born."

After thinking for a while, thinking that the child was probably his own, Jiang Ling took out a talisman from his body and handed it to her: "Madam, please accept this as a gift for the unborn child. .”

Mrs. Cai hesitated for a moment, but finally accepted it.

Seeing that Jiangling was about to leave, she quickly asked Qiuyue to give her the carriage she had been riding in as a gift.

"It's inconvenient if you don't have a car or a horse with your family. Now that I'm here, I don't need it anymore, so I will give it to my husband and hope to accept it."

In this regard, Jiang Ling did not refuse, but accepted it.

With the support of Qiuyue, Mrs. Cai took the three of them to the door all the way.

Seeing that Qingshuang and Hexiang boarded the carriage first,

Mrs. Cai hesitated again and again, and finally said something before Jiangling got on the horse: "This time, I would like to thank Mr. for saving my life. Mr. is kind enough to be reborn. Although the child in my womb is not born, it should be destined to be with Mr. How about Please give me a name, sir, how about it?"

Looking at the sincerity in her eyes, Jiang Ling finally confirmed the child's belonging.

If it wasn't his child, she probably wouldn't have entrusted him with the matter of naming her.

Jiang Ling: "Now that troubled times are about to arise, it is not only a blessing or a curse for this child to be born in such a time. I hope he will have smooth sailing in the future and be free from illness and disaster. If so, let's call him [Yifan]."

"Yifan..." Mrs. Cai said the word, but she couldn't help but think of the boat in her mind, and then the night on the boat.The heartstrings couldn't help but move.

Jiang Ling got into the carriage, and before leaving, he turned around and asked her with a smile: "Madam, the doctor said that you have a baby in your womb for more than four months, do you remember the date wrong?"

Mrs. Cai's delicate body trembled, and she felt extremely guilty when she met Jiang Ling's gaze.

But thinking about it, if Jiang Ling didn't help her when she came back this time, she and the baby in her womb would have been dead for a long time.

Gritting his teeth suddenly, he replied, "Actually... it's been six months."

That shy and bewildered expression had already exposed the result without a doubt.

As a woman, only she knows who the child in her belly belongs to.

Jiang Ling waved lightly: "There will be a time later."

With a farewell, the carriage drove away.

Mrs. Cai looked at the back of the carriage and disappeared into the flow of people, into Qingshi Street.

(End of this chapter)

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