Chapter 356
I didn't do too many inquiries when I left the city, and I didn't encounter any soldiers and bandits all the way south.

It's just that in a place called [Hanzhuang], they encountered a large-scale infectious disease.

When they were close to Hanzhuang Erli, they could smell the smell of decaying corpses in the carriage, and it was everywhere.

And that kind of purple magic dao spot also appeared indistinctly everywhere.

This is exactly the image of chaos in the world and the dancing of demons.

The manifestation of the demonic way can not only make wild beasts go crazy, but if normal people are infected by demonic energy, they will also be dominated by demonic nature.

For example, a person who was originally kind has become cruel and bloodthirsty since then.Whenever there is a little negative emotion in his heart, the magic energy will magnify it ten thousand times.

It is also because of this that there is a saying that someone who has entered the extreme is called a demon.

From Jiang Ling's point of view, this magic path is the same as the god-making bell in the sky, it is a projection extended from a certain heaven.The purpose is to plunder luck and fortune in the human world.

The magic way will not rage for too long, even if you don't care about it, it will be three to five years short, nine to ten years long.Generally, it will not exceed ten years, and it will recede on its own.

The same is true for the gods' dharma notes given by the god-making bell. Whether it is "doing one good thing every day" or "doing one evil every day", when the world is settled for the second time, it will be the moment when the gods return to their thrones.

At that time, the essence was harvesting.

If the god-making clock is regarded as a fairy way, then it corresponds to the magic way that appears in various places.

In addition to these two, in Jiangling at night, many green lights were seen flying towards the East China Sea.

The green light represents the evil spirit, and the green light soaring into the sky is like the aurora in the north, leisurely and endlessly in the sky.

Even Nie Qian felt a faint call and wanted to go east.

It was probably something engraved in the depths of his blood, and he only felt it when he was summoned recently.

This time going south, Jiang Ling didn't intend to go somewhere, but because of Nie Qian's impression, he also temporarily decided that it would be better to go east.

From Runan, it took only half a day to see a river wandering in front of it.

There is a ferry with several boats strewn about.

It is probably sparsely populated, and the Yedu people are lying on the deck of the boat wearing straw hats and resting.

Now that it met the river, the carriage could no longer be used.

Jiang Ling then used the paper figurine to blow a breath of spirit energy, turning it into a human form, and let it drive the carriage back the same way.

In order to pass the gate inspection, he also specially drew a road guide for him.

"This carriage should be returned to Zhao in its entirety, let's go!"

With only one order, the paper figurine drove back in the carriage.

After that, the three of them came to the ferry and called the boatman in their dream.

The boatman was a young man, he heard the shouts, took off his bamboo hat, and saw a man and two women, all of whom looked dignified.

He looked around and smiled: "The guest wants to take a boat?"

Jiang Ling: "Is it convenient?"

The boatman sat up and said, "Of course it's convenient. If you have money, you can go anywhere."

Jiang Ling smiled: "Then if it is possible to go to the East China Sea?"

The boatman also smiled: "Guests, don't be joking. My boat can run down the river. I can't go to the sea. And I can't go to the big river. If I go east, I will go to Xixian County at most. There are more than 100 miles of waterway. If guests want to go to the East China Sea, they can take a boat in Xixian County, where sometimes there are big ships passing by."

Jiang Ling: "If you go to Xi County, how much money will you have to pay?"

The boatman was embarrassed: "Actually, I only run short distances. Xixian County is too far away, so I usually don't run."

There are more than 100 miles of water, and it is not easy to go back and forth.

Most of the ferry boats in small places travel between [-] and [-] li.

Jiang Ling: "If I buy your boat, how much silver would it cost?"

"Boat?" The boatman scratched his head.It was the first time he heard that someone wanted to buy a boat, so he said in a nasty voice, "To build one of these boats, at least two taels of silver..."

Wooden awnings are not expensive to build, but if you walk on water, you should look at the water skills of the sailors.

Jiang Ling took out an ingot of five taels of silver, "I'll buy your boat, can you sell it?"

The boatman saw that he was willing to pay five taels, and immediately stood up: "Your guest, are you serious?"

Jiang Ling: "I want to go east. If you don't want to go, then I have to buy a boat and go."

The boatman smiled honestly and said: "The guests are interesting, but I'll tell you the truth. It's easy to buy a boat, but it's not easy to operate a boat. Besides, boating on water is not as good as riding a horse on the road. Potholes are easy to see on dry roads, and it's hard to avoid them." Problem. But there are many invisible ways in the waterway. If you don’t know how to steer a boat, you can’t go far.”

Jiang Ling: "I probably still have some skill in handling a boat."

Hearing what he said, the boatman didn't refute his face.

It's just a suspicion in my heart, you look like a son, and you can still steer a boat?

"Since customers want to buy, I have no reason not to sell."

Pay with one hand and ship with the other.

The boatman went ashore, and Jiang Ling got off the boat with Qingshuang and Hexiang.

When the three of them went down, Qingshuang and Hexiang instinctively moved towards Jiangling.The little black-covered boat immediately swayed and swayed.

The boatman couldn't help laughing and said: "Those two girls, don't sit like that. You three should sit at the bow and one at the stern. This young man stands in the middle, so that it will be stable."

After hearing this, Qingshuang and He Xiang dispersed a little, one in front and one behind, sitting beside Jiang Ling.

When the boat stabilized, Jiangling let the boat go down the current.

The boatman was also a kind man, seeing that the boat was about to leave, he hurriedly pointed to a penny sticking in the mud on the bank.

This section of the Huaihe River is a slow-water area. If you don't use the pole, it will be extremely slow.

But before he could speak, the boat had already arrived in the middle of the river.

I don't see Jiangling punting either. The boat is stable and brisk.

Two beautiful women, one behind the other, are admiring the scenery along the banks of the river.

Jiang Ling stood in the middle, with his hands behind his back facing the east, just like that, only a dozen or so breaths, and the boat was far away.

Holding the silver ingot, the boatman stood at the ferry crossing blankly, watching the boat go away, and murmured absentmindedly: "Pull...Pull..."

If you don't even take the penny, how does the boat move?
He has been sailing for five or six years, and this is the first time he has seen such a situation.

Can't help scratching the back of his head: "It's's really strange."

The boat traveled forty miles, the weather was different, and it began to rain.

In the heavy rain, in the huge Huaihe River, a large number of giant shadows can be seen under the water layer, and it is also from this point to the east.

There is an old tortoise that crawls very slowly, and it is too expensive to give up.

Jiangling saw it through tens of meters of water.

The staring gaze quickly made the old turtle react, it also looked up, and met Jiangling's eyes across the river.

Jiang Ling could tell that it had become a spirit, but it was too old.In my lifetime, it will probably be difficult to turn into a turtle.

The old tortoise nodded in salute, and swam on all fours at a speed similar to that of a boat.

Jiang Ling was condescending and asked with a sudden smile, "Where are we going in such a hurry?"

A word came from the old turtle water: "This time I went to the East China Sea to return to the ruins. If I go now, I will not return."

(End of this chapter)

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