Chapter 357
"Liezi·Tang Wen" records that there are hundreds of millions of miles east of the Bohai Sea, there is a big ravine, but it is actually a bottomless valley, and there is no bottom below it, which is called Guixu.The waters of the eight corners and the nine fields, the streams of the heaven and the Han, all flow into it, without increasing or decreasing.

In short, all the water in the world converges here and flows into Guixu.

As for Guixu, it was flooded with seawater all the year round, but it couldn't be filled no matter what.

In the scientific exploration of later generations, there is a place called the Mariana Trench, which is very similar to the description of Guixu.And the location is very close to the description of Shan Hai Jing.

It swallows billions of tons of sea water every year, like a bottomless abyss.

All creatures in the water are afraid of this.

Even the exploration machines of later generations did not dare to go deep into it.

But right now, these aquatic creatures who have become spirits are flocking to the East China Sea.

He Xiang looked around and suddenly asked, "Sir, who are you talking to?"

Qingshuang also looked around, but she noticed that Jiang Ling's eyes were on the river water carefully, so she calmed down and burrowed into the water with her spiritual thoughts.

Tens of meters later, she also vaguely felt a huge figure swimming underwater. Although she didn't know what kind of creature it was, she knew that Jiang Ling should be talking to it.

Jiang Ling smiled slightly, and made a gesture with He Xiang, signaling her not to interrupt.

Afterwards, he asked the old tortoise under the water, "Why are you going back to the ruins?"

It stands to reason that it should be a dangerous place.

Old Gui: "If you want to say why, I don't know. It may be the call from the blood. All aquatic creatures, after entering the Guixu, are the fallen leaves returning to their roots. I have heard the elders say that Guixu is the origin of all aquatic tribes. It is difficult for me to be transformed in this life, so if I go to Guixu, there may be a turning point. If not, then I will be buried there, and it will be considered my way back.”

Jiang Ling: "Then why did you only go there recently?"

Old Turtle: "The door to the ruins has opened."

After saying this, a series of young figures under the water scrambled to be the first, flashing past like a streamer.

They all came from the upper reaches and were summoned by the depths of their blood, and they all rushed to the East China Sea.

Seeing that the old tortoise was about to be abandoned by these young aquariums, it suddenly cheered up.

"I'm going, there will be a period later."

After saying that, it paddled on all fours, this time it was as fast as lightning, and disappeared in front of it in a blink of an eye.

Qingshuang said at this time: "Jiang Lang, what is returning to the ruins?"

Jiangling also didn't know much about it, and this place was included in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, which didn't describe much.

"Guixu is a very mysterious place, located in the east of the East China Sea, in the vast and endless ocean, under tens of thousands of meters of sea water. It is like a black abyss, bottomless. What kind of secrets are there, Nobody knows."

Qingshuang: "Is that place really the origin of thousands of aquatic species?"

It turned out that she had heard the conversation with Lao Gui just now.

Jiang Ling brushed aside the hair around her ears in relief: "Maybe."

Qingshuang looked at the vast river, and suddenly felt emotional: "Shuang'er grew up in the capital, and thought that the capital was already big. After following Jiang Lang out of the capital, she knew that there is no reason for the world, and there is no wild in the world. Until now, even more Knowing that you are insignificant, in this world, you are like a grain of sand. Small and numerous.

This world has not changed since ancient times, but human beings are born once in a hundred years.In terms of this universe, Jiang Lang, what kind of role do we humans play? "

Jiang Ling was surprised that she had these feelings so quickly.

It has to be said that among these women, Qingshuang's talent is the highest and the strongest.

As an ancient person, it is extremely difficult to break the cage of cognition and question the universe.

Now that she can ask this question, it can be seen that she has jumped out of the cage of cognition and connected this world with her heart.

The so-called harmony between man and nature is a sign of entry.

"As far as the universe is concerned, we human beings are nothing. Ordinary people who live for a hundred years are just passing by in the blink of an eye. As far as the universe is concerned, we humans are not even dust ... pitifully small."

He Xiang was confused when he heard this: "We human beings, why are we so small?"

Qingshuang looked far away, and murmured: "Jiang Lang, the lives of ordinary people, some are lonely, some are desolate, some are troubled, and some are short-lived. What is the meaning of their coming to this world? "

Jiang Ling thought for a while: "Some people are lonely and desolate, and there are others who are rich and prosperous. This life is basically a karmic cycle. People die and return to the six realms, and the six realms turn into reincarnation. Those who are lonely and desolate may change their luck in the next life, and those who are rich and prosperous The next life may be full of disasters and short lifespan, repeated over and over again. If you want to ask for meaning, there may be no meaning at all.

At least, before jumping out of this reincarnation, I am not qualified to talk about this meaning. "

When the state of mind has reached the level of Qingshuang, if no one can explain it, if you go to find it yourself, if you don't talk about it, you may go astray.

After Jiang Ling said these words, Qingshuang, who was originally confused, suddenly became clear again.

Regardless of whether she understands it or not, at least she has the goal—to jump out of the six realms of reincarnation!
Qingshuang: "Then how can we escape the Six Realms of Reincarnation?"

Jiang Ling stroked her cheek: "Follow my steps, I believe each of you can make it this far."

Qingshuang nodded firmly: "Yeah."

Showing off her face and smiling, tenderness flowed out of her beautiful eyes.

Compared to her, He Xiang is ignorant, but doesn't have so many questions and worries.

The waterway is not as bumpy as the land road,

Under Jiang Ling's control, the awning boat was as secure as flat ground.

In just half an hour, they traveled a hundred miles away.

Xi County is in sight, and it is also a small county.

Judging from the size of the city wall, there are households inside, but only [-] people, so it is considered a small county.

But at the ferry, there are indeed large ships moored.

Although the big boat was far inferior to that of Duan Daguan, it was two stories high and four feet long.

With such a size, it must be safe to cross rivers and rivers.But if it goes to sea, it is still a little smaller.

Arriving here, as soon as I got off the boat, I saw many refugees lying scattered in the open space outside the city gate.

And the gate of Xixian County was closed tightly, and no one was allowed to enter.

Although there was a boat by the ferry, there was no one on board, and it was empty.

There was an [-]-year-old boy lying on the ground with a pale face.His mother cried and hugged her in her arms, but she couldn't wake up no matter how much she called her.

There was an old man beside him, and when he saw this, he brought someone over to drag the young man away.

His mother cried and stopped her, but she never let her child be dragged away.

The old man sighed and said, "Daughter-in-law of the Shen family, why are you bothering? The son of the Yi family is obviously dying. If we don't get dragged away early and infect others, then we won't be able to enter the city even more."

His mother was crying, hugging the boy tightly, and wanted to give him water, "Just drink some water, just drink some water, my son is son is fine..."

But before the water was fed into his mouth, the boy suddenly convulsed, his limbs trembling.

Seeing this, the old man no longer cared about the woman and asked someone to rob her by force.

"Hurry up and take it away, if you don't bury it early, something will happen."

Jiangling happened to pass by this place, and the surrounding smell was incomparable, similar to that of Hanzhuang.

He also glanced at the young man, dehydration, which is not to the point of death, but he is going to be buried?
His mother cried into tears, but she didn't stop her in the end, because there have been many people like her children in the past few days, and in the end it was basically hopeless.

Weeping, she was already in despair, watching the child being carried away, only heart-wrenching pain remained.

"Go, go, go quickly."

The two men picked up the boy and were about to move away.

Jiang Ling suddenly stretched out his hand to stop him, and said, "Why do people have to be buried before they die?"

(End of this chapter)

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